June 21, 2007
This game is a very wild sidescroller, you play a tubby redneck with a shotgun and one hell of a jump, with grindcore blasting in the background. You may hate grindcore, but it seems entirely fitting to the game, but what makes it particularly interesting is that the speed of the scrolling and your guys speed and abilities are affected by the music. Slow parts in a song cause the game to move in slow motion, which is neat because when you kill zombies, chunks of them fly everywhere in slow motion.
Its a fun game, very fast paced, the only complaint I have is that you have to use the arrow keys and WASD cannot be used alternately, so its awkward on a laptop. the other issue you may have is that the zombies won't display, so you may have to refresh, and if that doesn't work, just google Zombie Grinder, alternate sites will come up and those should work.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
11:11 PM
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Voters should condition themselves to constantly look for better candidates, and be ready to boot anyone that has been sitting in DC long enough that they're growing roots and getting sloppy.
Lindsey Graham and a lack of a clear successor is a textbook example of this. There should be two or three good potential candidates ready to step in at all times. Trent Lott is another good example, people have gotten too comfortable with that tool, and it would be near impossible to dislodge him. That's not a good position to be in, and a bad mindset to have.
Something is definitely fishy with this amnesty nonsense. The fact that there are not only people who are defiant to the people they elected, but there are people who realize they are essentially giving up their political careers, they recognize that its political poison, and probably are personally opposed to it, yet are going to play along.
I started thinking about this a bit ago, I wonder how many of these people have been promised lobbying jobs should they get kicked out of office. If that is the case and their internal motivator, then they truly have no reason to change their vote other than the humiliation of losing their seat.
Of course, if this is the case, than essentially they are being bribed, and if they are being bribed, then the American people are truly being betrayed in a profound way.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
10:12 PM
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My guess is plenty. If you catch a group of ricers ripping through the streets illegally, hell yeah, make a law to confiscate and annihilate their car, they're dangerous and stupid, but you can't just punish retards for having poor taste and wasting money. And believe me, they aren't that hard to catch in the act, I can hear them ripping through the streets at night where I live all the time.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
04:16 PM
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I despise the RIAA, as do all people with souls. So it was nice to see this bit of snark. The link has the letter, suggesting the RIAA bastards go after the Bush twins like they have others for copyright infringement for $150K a song. Of course, knowing the RIAA, those assholes might take him up on it.
*Changed to Mix-CD, yeah OK, I used the term Mix-tape, sue me!
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
04:01 PM
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That said, I'm getting real tired of seeing retarded staffers, politicos and religious leaders attack the guy for his religious beliefs. Its obnoxious, wrongheaded and I'm real fucking tired of seeing it. Criticize his political views and his record (and I assure you, there's plenty there, as with most candidates), but this sort of attack is shady as hell, and its gotta stop, particularly given how reliably conservative the average Mormon is.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
03:52 PM
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Gutfeld pretty much nails it in this piece, so read it, then hear and watch it on RedEye.
Gut compares Truthers to Holocaust Deniers, which is a comparison I've long held to be true. They are essentially cut from the same cloth. Honestly, other than pointing that out, I have little to add, Greg really has a good piece here. Samantha Judge is going to be a bit surprised though, I think.
*UPDATE* Greg Decides that Truthers Should Die
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
03:25 PM
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Via Ace.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
03:12 PM
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This is dangerous behaviour (see, I did a British spelling for a British story). Terrorists and insurgents undoubtedly monitor the media, and while it is unlikely to give them any immediate tactical edge, it may give them general information like regular routes or certain activities to watch for, which could help them down the road. Perhaps a sensitive bit of info did pass through their filters, terrorists are dumb, but I imagine they know how to screencap.
Then there is the leftist BBC itself. How can we trust this media outlet itself? We can't be sure that there are no terrorist sympathetics or leftists who wouldn't mind nudging the Iraq War closer to its end.
I think the US and Coalition forces need to at least temporarily toss out any BBC affiliated reporters, both as punishment and as a security precaution. The BBC has proven itself either untrustworthy or too incompetent to be alongside the Armed Forces, and should be thrown out for the sake and safety of those on the field.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
03:04 PM
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"Journalists" give to Democrats on a 9 to 1 ratio compared to Republicans. That in itself is pretty damning. Some media companies are beginning to bar donations. Its fair to assume its because they don't want to have irrefutable evidence of their biased agenda.
The point is again made clear that the left does indeed control the message of the mainstream media. There's a quote from Command&Conquer :Tiberian Sun that sums the problem with this nicely "Control the Media, Control the Mind." The left has significant control over the mind of the Nation right now.
Until the Conservative movement begins taking aggressive steps to build its own MSM, we will continue to struggle to achieve our vision for the future. Talk Radio and the conservative Blogosphere are not enough, but they can be the beginning.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
12:48 PM
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Post contains 188 words, total size 1 kb.
This guy was out on a family camping trip with his young kids. A bear went after their cooler, but when his son panicked and ran, the bear started to pursue him. The Old Man chucked some rocks to distract it, but that didn't work, so he grabbed a log and pwn3d the bear in the face!
The kicker, he felt bad for killing the bear even after it tried to eat his kid.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
12:07 PM
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Post contains 87 words, total size 1 kb.
June 20, 2007
The guy got his underage stepdaughter pregnant, and was busted by cops while he was trying to lure people in to a cell phone store.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
11:55 PM
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Post contains 35 words, total size 1 kb.
But, are you fucking serious? How the hell does it get that low? I realize that this poll probably takes people who are against amnesty and open borders people and lumps them together, but holy shit! Maybe, hopefully, the incompetent fucksticks in DC will finally get that this bill is a disaster and it needs to be killed, now.
Its amazing, they have to know by now that this bill is unpopular, but how is it that it can be this unpopular, and yet there's this inexorable grind to see it passed? Something is rotten in DC. I can't accept that this is simple campaign payoffs, because if its polling as sour as it is, no amount of PAC money will save your ass anyway come election time.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
11:08 PM
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Post contains 161 words, total size 1 kb.
Ya'know, this guy must be like a Lorena Bobbitt from Hell in the seal world.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
09:39 PM
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Posted by: doubleplusundead at
04:42 PM
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Posted by: doubleplusundead at
03:27 PM
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Post contains 11 words, total size 1 kb.
He fucked that Bobcat's shit up! The thing was rabid, so he had to get rabies treatments. I hear they aren't the giant stomach needles anymore, but even if they were, this guy could handle it, I'm sure.
He said he was glad he could take care of it, cuz it would have really harmed a kid. No doubt, so here's my kudos to you, and lets hope the rabies don't take hold.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
03:23 PM
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A big chunk of media is now solely devoted to writing the legacy of the Boomers in a way they wished it had existed. Its sickening, particularly the hippie crap.
Every time I see another stupid clip of hippies of yesteryear, marching or sitting around and listening to music getting stoned, I picture myself running through it with a Sherman or Patton tank, grinding up hippies under the treads as they hopelessly try and stick daisies in the cannon. That would be so awesome.
Oh, and fuck you ahead of time for leaving us the crushing Social Security and Medicare tab, I hope you burn in Hell forever for that.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
03:13 PM
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Post contains 139 words, total size 1 kb.
The woman who was living with him was tired of him wantonly jacking off wherever he so chose in her house and apparently around her kids, so instead of booting the creep, she stabbed him. He ran outside after calling the cops, but then went into the garage to finish flogging the bishop.
The guys a sicko creep, but you gotta admit, he's focused.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
01:45 PM
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Post contains 80 words, total size 1 kb.
June 19, 2007
Green has become the new X-TREME. Nearly every car commercial now focuses on fuel efficiency. I can deal with a handful of commercials that mention good gas mileage in passing, but when it begins to be an echo chamber, it starts to piss you off.
Subaru is the worst offender, with a series of sappy commercials that must make Alvengelical Envirocultists and smug self righteous Limosine Liberals tight in the pants. If I or one of you morons pityclicking my blog can find an online clip of this liberal morality porn, I'll post it, but till then you'll have to turn on a TV and watch the fucking thing yourself, but here's an article on it.
The commercial has a young guy in cheesy looking clothes only a college professor would find to be in good taste, and a caring, compassionate look on his face, with a lush forest background and a deer in the foreground. He goes on to explain just how much Subaru cares about the environment, and they built a plant that's super eco friendly, and they don't use any landfill space, and all sorts of vapid platitudes about their environmental efforts. Vomit inducing, its such sappy bullshit, I'm tired of hearing it, and I hope the people who decided this ad campaign was a brilliant idea refer back to one of Maddox's other articles so maybe they can redeem themselves for unleashing this feelgood hippie crap on the American populace.
But here's the thing, even shit that is obviously NOT eco-friendly or has no relevence to the environment are being pimped as eco-friendly. It literally means nothing to be eco-friendly. So why even say it? Is this just a trend, or is it more?
I hope to God that we have not reached a point where businesses are literally cowering at the Gilded Lily Alvengelicals, and are doing this out of fear. Though it could be, even Big Oil is playing along with this bilge, and that ought to be telling.
There was a point in American history where these EnviroCultists would have been too embarrassed to publicly talk about this Global Warming crap outside of a few hangouts for asshole hipsters and the back rooms of academia.
There was also a point when cars didn't suck, they were big shiny roaring beasts covered in chrome, rolling works of art. How far we've fallen. Need proof, look at the Prius, if that car were food, it would be stale marshmallow circus peanuts, without food coloring. Its a plastic peanut, built for people who had their nuts removed ages ago.
The Prius drivers are almost as bad, living up to every stereotype that is cast upon them. I once saw a Prius with a plate begging you to ask for his MPGs. I was begging for an RPG, but it didn't materialize. Which is bullshit, I wanna RPG one fucking hippie douche in his Smugmobile and I'm not allowed, yet God gets to annihilate how many people in the Old Testament?
I can't wait till the backlash against the Alvengelicals is recognized, and every pound of carbon that wasn't belched forth into the atmosphere because of this hippie shakedown is sent up in the massive bonfire of Priuses, windmills and solar panels in mere hours.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
10:56 PM
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Posted by: doubleplusundead at
04:00 PM
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