October 27, 2010
They don't say you need to be a New English blogger, but I bet that would help. They're kinda parochial around those pahts.
Not sure if anybody here is interested but there it is. You send them your best political post (not poat, I'll explain later) and they'll do stuff after that and then you win a temporary job they claim is worth $5k, you'll have to pay taxes on it.
Why no poats?
Contest rules
Entries must not contain any indecency, profanity, or obscenity as determined by Station in its sole discretion....
eddiebear should probably just root for someone else too.
Via Jay G at Marooned.
Don't tell him I told you. He's trying to win and he's at least as well armed as I am and maybe even a little better armed.
Eh, I have high-cap mags, I'll get him while he's reloading.
Posted by: Veeshir at
08:44 PM
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Post contains 163 words, total size 1 kb.
October 26, 2010
Pelosi’s already entered some sort of Queeg-ian fugue state of denial.
Posted by: Moron Pundit at
03:33 PM
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Post contains 31 words, total size 1 kb.
October 24, 2010
Poor Chuck, he obviously needs a Mr. Paul Anka to put some integrity up Keith's ass.
H/T Mr. Tim Blair
Posted by: Veeshir at
10:14 AM
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Post contains 23 words, total size 1 kb.
October 20, 2010
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
01:22 PM
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Post contains 35 words, total size 1 kb.
October 15, 2010
Shit! We were so close to my ideal way for this end of civilization to actually finish. A 20 ft asteroid missed the Earth by 28,000 miles on Tuesday. If it had hit just right, that wouldn't have totally screwed things up, just made them more....fluid for a year or two. Sort of an interplanetary "reset" button.
Marines sending good shit to Afghanistan for Christmas need your help.
DNC chairman Tim Kaine is full of shit.
That's some funny Shit.
How to fill a hole.
No, not that hole.
No, not that one either.
Just shut your pie hole and make with the clicky.
Posted by: Veeshir at
11:44 AM
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Post contains 187 words, total size 2 kb.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
08:24 AM
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Post contains 36 words, total size 1 kb.
October 14, 2010
Posted by: Moron Pundit at
03:38 PM
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Post contains 12 words, total size 1 kb.
Apparently Penny's being turned into a bartender for a while to hide her cast. I thought they'd written it in to the script during the virtual presence episode. I almost wish they'd gone the How I Met Your Mother route, where they hid two characters' pregnancies without really hiding them by giving them ridiculously oversized purses that fooled nobody.
Posted by: Alice H at
02:22 PM
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Post contains 90 words, total size 1 kb.
Jeff Goldstein has been dealing with this leftist, deranged stalker for years now, she's been arrested at least twice, there is at least one restraining order and yet, she still goes after him with apparent impunity. I had figured the story was over, it's not. She's still just as vile and deranged.
After reading that you'll understand why she's named SWWNBN.
She's like Candyman except you don't have to say her name three times to get her to show up.
Posted by: Veeshir at
07:52 AM
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Post contains 111 words, total size 1 kb.
October 09, 2010
A Tennessee man watched in horror last week as flames consumed his house. Also watching? The local subscription-based fire department. The man had not paid his $75 firefighting fee, so the firemen would not lift a finger or a hose.I'm loving the sense of entitlement, both from the idiot who's all "Oh, I'll pay your $75 now that my house is actually ON FUCKING FIRE," and from the commenters over at Consumerist that are all "Grow some compassion and be human, you privatizing Rethuglickans!" It's almost as if we should expect services we aren't actually willing to pay for.Only after the fire spread to his neighbor's field would the firemen even respond to his 911 calls. Once there, they only put out the field fire as his house continued to burn to a crisp. His neighbor had paid his firefighting fee.
"I thought they'd come out and put it out, even if you hadn't paid your $75, but I was wrong," the hapless homeowner told reporters.
The man offered to pay them the fee right then and there, or however much it took to get them to put out the fire, but was refused. The man lives in a county that has no fire protection. The nearby town offers fire protection to non-residents on a per-contract basis.
Posted by: Alice H at
09:48 AM
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Post contains 253 words, total size 2 kb.
October 08, 2010
27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="1931099" height="295" width="464">
October 07, 2010
quote (from a WSJ article Jonathan Adler at Volokh links)
Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Gov. David Paterson have asked the federal government to bar New York City food-stamp recipients from using the benefit to buy sugary drinks,
He asks the question
So is this an example of over-weening paternalism? Or is it a responsible limitation on government assistance?
I say the first, considering who are asking, but that doesn't mean it's wrong.
I have a different question.
My opinion is that gov't needs to keep people from killing me, hurting me or taking my stuff. That's about it.
So welfare benefits are none of those three. However, we've decided that we should help poor people.
As a pragmatic person, I can accept that. I think we've gone too far and it should be temporary, difficult and annoying, but I can see it as a necessity.
So, as a libertarianish person, should I be in favor of restricting their free drink rights or against?
On the one hand, it's none of the govt's business what I eat or drink.
On the other hand, they're paying for it, shouldn't they be able to attach conditions?
As I said, I think it's not the govt's job to take care of you when you can't (except that we've decided it is, extra-Constitutionally IMO), but I've also said that I think if we're going to do welfare, it should be difficult and annoying, this makes it both.
The only reason I'm not totally for it is the nagging feeling that I'm arguing over how to do something instead of whether we should do it.
That is a trap I try to avoid.
Post delayed because my favorite scene from Pteradactly was on. The hot bleach-blonde going swimming in her undies, almost being eaten by a pteradactyl and then leered at by the guy she runs screaming to. Full of silicon, peroxide, bad special effects, bad acting and hilarious. What makes Sci-fi movies so great.
Posted by: Veeshir at
02:32 PM
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Post contains 336 words, total size 2 kb.
October 05, 2010

Posted by: chad98036 at
08:28 PM
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Post contains 60 words, total size 1 kb.
Finally, somebody at the company decided that it was time to tell the world about Porter. Are you porter-worthy?
Dark Brewed Yuengling Porter is a special tribute for those who have carried a heavy load, picked up extra work or gone out of their way to help.
That could be you, or someone you know. Each month, we'll select a different "Porter Worthy Person of the Month" based on the nominations you send us. Those selected will have their story told here on PorterWorthy.com and will win a limited edition Yuengling Porter hand-signed by Dick Yuengling.
A recent "porter-worthy" winner:
Now that all the major US breweries have been merged with or been bought out by foreign companies (Miller --> SABMiller, Coors --> MolsonCoors, Anheuser-Busch --> AB/Inbev), I'm pretty sure Boston Beer (aka Sam Adams) is the largest domestic brewer. And right after that, (I'm pretty sure) is Yuengling. If they can ramp up Porter sales a little bit they'll overtake Sam Adams in no time despite being a regional brand.
Posted by: JoeCollins at
02:44 PM
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Post contains 210 words, total size 2 kb.

Posted by: Moron Pundit at
08:54 AM
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Post contains 13 words, total size 1 kb.
October 03, 2010
The Falcons/49ers game looks like the best and I couldn't care less.
So here's some steampunk.

Something else that doesn't really thrill me, but that's a pretty cool mouse and I know some of the people who look at the pictures here like that stuff.
The USB thumb drive is pretty cool too.
Here's the guy's site. I think he's in Zagreb, Croatia.
Via SondraK
Posted by: Veeshir at
02:25 PM
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Post contains 106 words, total size 1 kb.
September 30, 2010
A woman in Australia was so enraged by her husband cheating on her that she believed setting fire to his penis would make him mend his ways.Yeah, because nothing makes a guy say, "Hey, baby, I was wrong to have cheated on you. We should stay together forever," like setting his junk on fire.
Oh, and I should probably mention that there were also some other kind of serious consequences to her actions.
Posted by: Sean M. at
04:34 AM
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Post contains 77 words, total size 1 kb.
September 28, 2010
(2) OpenOffice wasn't faring well under its new corporate overlords at Oracle (which acquired Sun Microsystems, and got OOo in the package). So it's attempting to break free, going with the almost universally despised name of LibreOffice. Let's hope whatever organ Larry Ellison has in place of a heart allows him to donate the "OpenOffice.org" name back to the project.
I'm sticking with OOo 3.2.1 until somebody (either Oracle or Libre) puts out a stable version.
(3) Looks like the Democrats have made a pretty explicit decision to lie like dogs and hope that something sticks.
(4) Former SEIU boss Andy Stern is under investigation. It's about dang time.
(5) New Borg-like neural re-wiring tech for victims of traumatic brain injury. All your neurons are belong to us.
(6) UK docs improvised a sandwich bag insulator for a 26 wk preemie. Of course, this was almost a major Fail Britannia for telling a preggo woman with abdominal pain to not bother coming in to the hospital.
Miss Rowberry and her partner Lee Lacey, 24, feared she was having a miscarriage when she suffered agonising stomach pains when she was 26 weeks pregnant on the evening of June 26.She rang the maternity suite at Worcestershire Royal Hospital in Worcester but was told it was nothing to worry about and to go back to sleep.
Later her mother Gillian called an ambulance and she was rushed to the hospital.
Who said socialized medicine would stifle innovation?! Just MacGyver yourself up some sammich bag insulation...
Posted by: JoeCollins at
01:04 PM
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Post contains 296 words, total size 3 kb.
1 | 261 | 27-21 | |
2 | SockPuppetSteve | 254 | 29-19 |
3 | Tard Ninja's | 250 | 31-17 |
4 | MoronPundit | 250 | 26-22 |
5 | ConservativeintheCity | 168 | 17-31 |
Posted by: Moron Pundit at
08:21 AM
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Post contains 52 words, total size 1 kb.
September 27, 2010
Some process server tried serving divorce papers to a lady who had successfully avoided at least one other process server.
She was stuck in traffic so he pounced.
The videotape shows Bantley behind the wheel of her car. As Bellizzi stands near the front of her car, he can be heard saying, "Oksana Bantley ... Superior Court …" Bantley shields her face with her hands. But before Bellizzi finishes speaking, she can be seen apparently turning the wheel of her car toward Bellizzi and the car accelerates. The video shows Bellizzi on the hood of the speeding car for a few seconds before the tape cuts off.
So she tried to run him down. She hit him with her car and went at least a couple hundred feet with him hanging onto a windshield wiper.*
"Well that's not confusing" you say.
You should wait until I finish. Jeez, some people are so impatient.
A Denver process server has been charged with misdemeanor criminal mischief after he was run over and badly injured...
Weird. That's about a clear cut a case of adding insult to injury as you'll see outside a State dept SUV vs. Treacher.
I wonder, is she related or affiliated in some way with local police or politicians? Conversely, did he piss off the local police or politician?
That's the only thing that would make sense of this story.
Via Boortz
*Pro-tip: If this happens to you, grab the edge of the hood by the windshield with both hands spread wide and lay spread eagle on the hood while using the tops of your feet on the front of the hood to stay stable.
Trust me, I avoided serious injury once in just that manner after not avoiding minor injury a previous time. It's nearly impossible to be dislodged if you do that.
Posted by: Veeshir at
08:15 PM
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Post contains 318 words, total size 2 kb.
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