September 22, 2010

Democrat Rep. Loretta Sanchez race-baiting Vietnamese immigrants on Univision

She's running against Van Tran, who is Vietnamese and her Republican challenger, and apparently she's nervous enough about Tran to say stupid race-baiting shit like this,

Last polling I'm finding shows that Sanchez is up by a few, but clearly she's getting antsy if she's race-baiting on Univision to try and bolster Hispanic support.

BTW, Van Tran's site is here, if you're so inclined.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 07:11 PM | Comments (83) | Add Comment
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Don't we need that?

Cool story about a test flight of a B-52H back in '64.

So the flight got kind of rough and they couldn't figure out what was wrong when someone noticed the vertical tail fin was gone (I think it was William Shatner).
RTWT, it's pretty interesting.


Via Donald Sensing
Both of those blogs are interesting if for different reasons. The first one is math kind of guy, I've never seen that one before, Sensing is interesting.
The first guy had a link to the "Particle Physics Song". It's geeky cool (i.e. not cool at all), you'll have to click "more" to see it.

Posted by: Veeshir at 04:30 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 107 words, total size 1 kb.

Skewl r gud

Let the "I want that sort of education!" jokes commence.

Posted by: Alice H at 01:05 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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They're eating their own

Even though he's doing it in a nice way, Walter Mondale takes President Teleprompter down a peg.  And he's only the first in line to lob tomatoes at Obumble.

I liked the 'secret insider' article last week, but I have to take it with a grain of salt.  In a way, this article is more fun for me - Obama's trying so hard to avoid comparisons to Carter that we can only hope that he'll decide being President is too much of a similarity.

Posted by: Alice H at 10:32 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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September 21, 2010

Teh fuck?

Skip ahead to around 1:12 if you're not actually interested in watching a clip of the NCIS season premiere...

Um, what the hell kind of commie bullshit is that?

Posted by: Sean M. at 11:50 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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So Jesse Walker at Reason appears to be having a sort of "conversation" with Andrew Sullivan.
Eh, that's not the interesting part, or even an interesting part, the interesting part is his take on the Tea Party and tea partiers.
The issue isn't whether "the" Tea Party will do those things. The Tea Party isn't an actual party; it's an extremely decentralized movement with room for several different points of view. It is not libertarian in itself, but it has opened a space for libertarian ideas;

Exactly. There are all manner of different people trying to be "Tea Party Leaders" and all manner of people trying to make others into Tea Party Leaders, but there aren't any.
There are only tea partiers. In different places they're doing different things.
It's not a coalition or a grouping in anything except that people are pissed off at the gov't.
Politicians are supposed to at least pretend to kiss our asses and only hate America secretly and not screw us too hard and we ignore them because Snookie is going to the gynecologist/plastic surgeon.

So all over the country people just got fed up and got sick of people telling them to "quit whining and do something". They want the gov't to not do as much as it's doing. There's no real consensus on where to draw the line, but there is an angry consensus that that line has not only been crossed but they pissed on it as they tramped on by.
He goes on
I'm more interested in building movements that can pressure elected officials who don't agree with me than I am in electing officials who do agree with me.

I don't agree with myself all the time, how could I agree with someone else even close to all the time?
I vastly prefer to vote "against" than "for", you have a much greater chance of being correct.
I wasn't so much in favor of O'Donnell as I was really against Castle.

I could note that this guy appears to be trying to be a Tea Party Leader even as he says there really aren't any, but that would just be being a jerk for its own sake and I'm above that.

Posted by: Veeshir at 06:20 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Your papers please

In Florida, this park service cop demands papers, we see that, the reporter said he says you need to have a press pass to film a public park.
We also see him and some other official looking dude claim it's illegal to dig in the sand.

So it's illegal to film and dig. I'm gonna have to destroy my family vacation videos, there are crimes galore in there what with the digging and the filming and the GLAVIN!

There's so much wrong in that video.
We also see that BP can only dig down 6 inches for oil and there is oil below 6 inches. The guy seemed to just pick a random spot and he found oil before Il douche and Il deuce show up.
Okay, that law doesn't make any sense at all. What's so magical about 6 inches? Some bureaucrat pulled it out of his ass to show he could seems to be the best explanation.

100% turnover in ever race in every jurisdiction. We need to totally clean house so low level tools like this will think twice before being petty, thuggish, tyrants.
Personally I think they both should lose their jobs and face prosecution.
Unless they were so ordered, then they should only face prosecution but whoever told them to do it loses their job(s) and faces prosecution.

Via Robb at Say Anything (he really will say anything, it's the truth).
Hmmm, I see he's now "Rob" at Say Anything, I never noticed a change. Am I misremembering him being Robb? Maybe he made an announcement and nobody told me.

Random musings on blog stuff below the fold, ignore it, you won't miss anything.

Posted by: Veeshir at 04:57 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Those stupid hippies

There's an additional fire insurance policy that can be purchased to have a company come in and spray your house down with fire-retardant chemicals and take some other fire-preventive measures if your house is in danger of being consumed by a wildfire. The company (Chubb Wildfire Defense) that provides this service has a written understanding with local firefighting services regarding what they will and won't do.  Chubb's work possibly was responsible for saving ten houses that were within the burn zone and were covered by their policies.

So what's the reaction from a local Boulderite?

"When you don't have that policy and someone else does, it sets up a have and have-nots kind of feeling," she said.
I'm not going to provide links here, but this poor have-not's two-bedroom, one-bath house was valued at over $400,000 prior to the fire, and prior to the housing crash is was valued at almost $600,000.  So I'm going to make a wild-assed guess that she might have been financially able to purchase a policy that included this protection.  She had Allstate insurance, there's no reason she couldn't have purchased from Chubb instead. 

So I'm curious...Is it better to have ALL your neighbors' houses burn down than to allow a few of them to buy extra protection for their houses to protect their investments?  Or would it be better to just raise everyone's rates so they can all have this sort of protection? 

It's this same sort of stupidity that's creating a lot of the health care debate.  People buy low-end policies and then are surprised when they don't get high-end treatment.  And there's no way we can give low rates to everyone and expect everyone to get high-end treatment; math just doesn't work like that.

Posted by: Alice H at 03:26 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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Way to take a stand, McLame

Of all the 'conservative' issues you could have chosen to take a stand on, you're really going to decide that DADT is the hill you're going to die on?  I thought that Huckabee had the corner on the "I'm going to be socially conservative but fuck all that the other important conservative principles" market.

Posted by: Alice H at 11:47 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Where to begin?


Okay, let's break this down...

1. Songs that a bunch of people get together to record for a cause are almost always awful, but schlock like "We Are The World" at least featured pop stars.  This features, um...

2. The song sucks.

3. It was inspired by soccer.

4. This is the most important thing that the peacemongers didn't mention: North Korea is a fucking nightmare state where famine isn't just common, it's state policy. Terror is an official government program, but that's not mentioned in the nice little song about "peace." Sing all you want, but the monsters who run North Korea don't give a shit. In fact, you're helping them.

Peace doesn't come from a fucking soccer game.

It comes from Kim Jong Il realizing that his Stalinist government is killing his own people. Peace is guaranteed by the Korean-born American army officer whose proud father lives across the street from me, worrying about whether or not his son is going to have to face a nuclear war or a screaming suicide charge from the only people who get to eat to his north.

Peace comes from freedom.  They don't say that things can be "bought for a song" for nothing.

Posted by: Sean M. at 03:43 AM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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September 20, 2010

Need Any More Motivation To Vote Come November?

Avenge this shit!

The Florida Democratic Party sent out a mailer last week detailing Republican congressional challenger Allen West’s 2005 tax lien and court orders to pay delinquent credit card bills. West is challenging Democratic U.S. Rep. Ron Klein.

The mailer includes a reproduction of the $11,081 tax lien filed against West in Marion County, Indiana, and paid off four months later. The document, pulled from public records, includes a column titled “Identifying Number” that shows West’s nine-digit Social Security number. Although the number isn’t specifically identified as a Social Security number, West campaign manager Josh Grodin said there is no mistaking what the number is.

West called the mailer “an unprecedented new low in American politics.”

Agreed, Sir. And fuck the left for how they are acting over this. If they want to act like this, then seeing them get kebabfucked with a side of fucksauce by the electorate will only be sweeter.

So get prepared, lefties. Get prepared to be kecklefucked by the fuckrope of fury until you learn to like it in revenge for this shit. And then be prepared for me to piss all over your supine carcasses after we glorypound you.

Posted by: eddiebear at 09:16 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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I feel insulted

I don't know who this is or if he's a moron, but I know most of the commenters he quotes. Possibly he hates Morons and thinks he's making fun of them. I'm a little insulted none of my bon mots have made the grade.

Nazi Surf Kittens Must Die
A blog dedicated to intellesting comments by intellesting people on the intertubes.
“Assholey cats are the best. Nobody want a cat that’s a pussy.
- MCPO Airdale -

Via the Lemur King, that's like a lizard king but with less hallucinogens and more neck problems.

Posted by: Veeshir at 06:24 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 97 words, total size 1 kb.

Too good not to link

Even though you've all seen it at Ace's anyway, AndrewR's hilarious roundtable discussion with Christine O'Donnell and Coons.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 10:40 AM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
Post contains 23 words, total size 1 kb.


Outta the way Megashark vs Giant Octopus, there's a new mouth on the block.
Saturday at 8pm, all our worst nightmares are about to be ignored, but hey, at least we get some new schlocky peroxide/silicon fest.
And that ain't bad.

Yes, Sharktopus is on the way, and , from watching the trailer, I think it eats bikinis.
The only disappointment? It only has one mouth. Oh well.

Posted by: Veeshir at 09:10 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 69 words, total size 1 kb.

It was thirty years ago today

Jimmah Carter didn't teach the Dems how to play...

“And yet, as I say, there's the sense that you were a failed President.”
They've been going in and (lately) out of style...

But they still make the MFM smile,

And now they've got a new Dem logo brand.

So let me introduce to you...

If you remember all these years...

The Jimmah Carter Fucking Tribute Baaaand!

Biiiiiiiilllllly Beer!

Posted by: Sean M. at 05:20 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Chris Coons, and fun with historic housing

This is...I wanna say this is shocking, but honestly, if you've lived in a Northeastern city with a lot of historic homes and buildings, you've seen this game before.  Southerners, you might have seen these kind of things play out too, but I could be wrong, sound off in comments if you do or don't. 

When Chris Coons was County Exec in Delware, he often butted heads with Alan Muller, who is a hard left activist, especially with environmental stuff.  Muller's that guy that's always at the local and county meetings, letting his opinion be heard on different issues and engaging elected officials.  So, probably a bit of a pain in the ass for local and county officials, but no way deserving of the abuse he (I believe legitimately) is complaining he received for riding the local yokel politicos asses about different things.

So what happened to Muller?  Well, Muller owns property with a historic home on it that was under threat of being condemned and demolished.  Muller's trying to get the house back in order, bought as a fixer upper.  Muller was charged with "making unpermitted repairs on his roof", and the county codes department fined him for all sorts of shit every month on a historical home he's trying to save from looking like it belongs in Detroit for months.  He's now got a mile long rap sheet and a pile of fines as a result, which rolled in even after he made all the repairs. 

Muller believes fully that he's taken this abuse because he's pissed in Coons and others' Cheerios one too many times in council meetings.  Beyond that, Coons put it out there as county exec he was gonna be a hardass on codes.  Muller started making a stink about the fines and abuse he was receiving, and the fines finally stopped flowing soon after.

A city, or I guess in this case county obviously has its housing codes, which are usually used to get people who are letting their house go to shit working on fixing said home up, or to clear out a home being used for crime (think codes coming in and condemning a dilapidated crack house), but on occasion, it can and has been used to fuck with a property owner, for a host of reasons. 

When you have a historic home, then things can get really fun.  Here's the deal, when you have a historic home in need of repair, especially major repair, you don't just go to Lowe's or Home Depot and buy planks of plywood or caulk and fix what needs fixed.  Oh, no.  You have to develop a plan as far as what you're doing, you have to demonstrate that you're using materials that are reasonably historically accurate, and using building techniques that are historically accurate, and then approved by whatever historical housing authority oversees things in that city/county/whatever.  In some cases, they'll only allow specialty contractors do the work, and you know that ain't gonna be cheap, and there may be a wait before get them for the work.  If the board or someone within the board or someone influencing the board wants to fuck with you, they can really make your life hell.

So you have Codes Enforcement, which can be abused, and then answering to what amounts to a bureaucratic HOA board that dictates the way and materials you can use to fix your own home.  You can use this one/two punch to really mess with someone, slow down their repairs with red tape from the historical authority, and pound them with codes violations.

Lotta times, you'll see these sort of shenanigans go on when someone with money or a special interest, private or public who wants the house or property.  So yeah, I can believe Muller when he says he was targeted for harassment by Coons and the County Codes authorities.

In any case, there's been absolutely zero coverage of Muller and the abuse he received by Codes while Coons was County exec.  None.  You'd think it'd at least be mentioned by local news, shit like this usually gets some attention, especially when stacks of fines are piling up like that and you're dealing with a piece of work like Muller.  Nada, Patterico and his readers found nothing thus far, they are the first to cover it far as I can tell.  So I wanna know, why hasn't this been reported on...why is it that only now has anyone heard this, or damn near anything about Coons and his time as County Exec?

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 02:25 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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September 19, 2010

Just a reminder, Chuck Adkins is still a scumbag

...and Stace McCain's a good guy.  Some of you guys remember this shitheel Adkins, he's been trying to pick a fight with the Moron-in-Chief and some of the newer right-o-sphere figures

McCain, being typically generous with linking people who link him (which I think is a highly admirable quality of his, we all know what it's like to start out in this blogging thing), was pretty generous in linking Adkins and included him in his blogroll, as Adkins was linking McCain.  Adkins, being Adkins, couldn't pretend he was sane forever, and started getting more insane, vicious, conspiratorial, and also more open about his anti-Semitism and racist views.  Understand, Adkins has no coherent belief system, he lacks the intellectual capacity to create one for himself, he's mostly just a crazy fuck who gloms onto whatever political ideology that'll have him, whether through acceptance of him or ignorance of what he is.

I'd emailed Stace a few times, and I think maybe noted once on Twitter that Adkins was not a guy he wanted to be affiliated with, but never heard or saw anything from McCain.  After about three or four tries contacting Stace, I decided, okay fuck it, I'm getting blown off, and it kinda sat in the back of my mind and would sorta grate on me now and then.  Between that and Chuck beginning his perennial self-destruct cycle again, I kinda said to myself, "Is Stace still linking this twat?"  Looked, and sure enough, and I thought, nah, now's the perfect time to push Adkins out of McCain's circle and take away some of Adkins' traffic. 

I had no interest in doing harm to McCain, only in denying Adkins traffic and legitimacy being linked by mainstream sites like Stace's. I got to know Mike Hendrix over at Cold Fury during his fight with Adkins (not so much a fight as Adkins talking shit and then getting rhetorically curbstomped, really), so I've kinda tried to warn people about Chuck as I see them interact with him, especially if he's trying to snooker them into promoting him or giving him money.

And me being me, if I feel I need to get your attention, and I've tried to get your attention and feel I'm being ignored...I'll get your attention, even if it requires throwing a few grenades (rhetorically speaking, though I can be pretty harsh when dealing with idjit GOP officials), so I called out Stace on Twitter.  Which in retrospect, I did in a very sloppy, hasty manner and shouldn't have done it that way, which is not typically my style, and I should have probably tried to contact Stace through email or private message again first, so that I do apologize for, both to Stace, Stace's readers and my own. 

McCain did then quickly private message me on Twitter, gave me his phone number to call him, which was a gracious thing of him to do, I was kinda caught off guard by it, actually.  We as bloggers can be a bit paranoid (me doubly so, though I'm starting to mellow a bit), hell, Allah's half of the biggest blog on the right side and still uses a pseudonym, having someone send their number out like that is in my experience unusual.

Talking to Stace McCain?  Well, you know how Southerners think that us damnyankees think that they're all slow, especially when speaking?  Yeah, well,

...kinda like the first 30 seconds of the clip, though more quiet and polite, though certainly not with the same type of accent as ol' Foghorn, heh.  Stace is one of the few people I know of that can speak three paragraphs in one sentence and in about 30 seconds.  Dude talks fast, and as the morons that have met me in Real LifeTM can assure you, I can be a bit quieter in person, or at least not real assertive about getting my word in.  Heh. 

In any case, he explained himself well, and I was totally cool with it all, was a bit late getting to where I needed to go, but only because I wanted to at least put up a quick note on Twitter that Stace and I were cool with things.  And we are, I'm glad I got a chance to speak with Stace McCain personally, he explained himself well and his post here on the whole thing reflects what he said to me over the phone, he's a good guy and a good soldier for the conservative cause, and recommend you read his site and follow him on Twitter.

Stace, we suck at this blog feud thing.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 07:13 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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Yes, The Contrast Is Telling

This article describing the difference between how leftists and conservatives view the voters.

This is yet another confirmation that the right and left look at America – and Americans – quite differently. The leftists view their countrymen as in dire need of supervision — by elites like them, of course. Americans are not competent to make decisions on their own, and left to their own devices,  will run amok. Wall Streeters are greedy, New Yorkers are xenophobes, and the rest of us are Bible- and gun-huggers. And here we go again — acting out and acting up. Obama, the poor dear, just can’t talk sense to us.

When things go wrong for the left, it blames the people; when things go wrong for the right, it blames the governing elites. It is not in the nature of conservatives to demean and attack fellow citizens. To the contrary, conservatives’ vision is grounded in the belief that Americans are competent, decent, and hardworking, and it is the heavy hand of government that threatens to squelch American virtues.

Yes, and that is why I fucking hate the left. Fuck them for thinking they know better when every fucking program they start only makes things worse for the people they purport to help. Fuck them for telling us we are the bad guys for trying to stop their destruction of this country. And fuck them so hard that the earth's rotation gets knocked out of whack as a result for ignoring that the American people, not a buck of fistfuckingly fistfucked fuckwobblers are the ones who make things work.

And that is why the left hates us. They hate us because we refuse to give in to them and their ways. They hate us because they know, deep down, that their ways have failed and will fail again, and we are the only ones in the way of that disaster befalling us. They hate us because we put our faith in the Constitution, not the cult of personality that is the state. And they hate us because we are unwilling to be led like sheep and drones.

Well, jigglefuck them like a whore who thinks she is being charged an overdraft fee. I will not stand idly by and let the future be one giant shitpile topped with fuckspray. I will not allow my daughter to grow up in a day worse than today. And I will not allow the Last Great Hope for Man become a fucking weakened fuckvictim to the rest of the world because we did it to ourselves.

Take heart, though. Take heart, because the hate the left heaps upon the electorate reveals their fear. It reveals them to be afraid of what will happen to them this November for their disregard for us. And it reveals that they fear us and what our votes will do to them when we send them to the goatseheap of electoral history for their insults and arrogance.

Posted by: eddiebear at 01:03 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 499 words, total size 3 kb.

September 18, 2010

Shiver Me Timbers, It's Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Well, it's Talk Like a Pirate Day here on the coast, be a few hours before midnight for ye landlubbers in the flatlands, ARRRRHARHARRR!!!!!

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 11:15 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 33 words, total size 1 kb.

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