November 13, 2007
If the guy actually doesn't use roids, they really do owe an apology. My guess is it was just a glorified excuse for Anderson Cooper to hang around with large muscular men(not that there's anything wrong with that, and no, I don't know if Cooper did the special).
Speaking of glorified excuses, why am I even writing about pro-wrestling, I don't watch this crap. Oh yeah, so I can post "its still real to me dammit" guy,

*sob*You owe John Cena an apology right now, CNN!*sob*
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
07:44 PM
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As for actually doing it, good luck Silky, unless you plan on declaring martial law over it and making yourself Glorious Leader, Congress has control of the federal coffers.
I'm not even gonna waste my time explaining why socialist medicine won't work. If you can look at how corrupt our DC elite are, on both sides, the fact that we can't keep Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid paid for already, the massive bloated mess our gov't is already, the crumbling of our energy grid, the crumbling of our infrastructure, the intel failures that led us into Iraq, the failure of FEMA to adequitely respond to Katrina(not to mention the abysmal job of state and locals, the collapse of our public school systems, the inability to secure our borders and ports, the failure to improve our airport system and security for it, the Trillions in debt we have, and still believe our goverment is capable of doing this, you're beyond help.
I don't even want to hear about Socialist Medicine until we get to where the government is capable of doing of the basic tasks its required to do in some kind of effective manner.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
05:16 PM
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Posted by: doubleplusundead at
03:36 PM
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Eeek!!!! Squirt gun!!!
Okay, now that I'm done goofing on this pathetic display, let's get down to the actual story. A local youth group activist and others working with him to enact a boycott of any store that sells icky, icky toy guns. Stupid, but well within their rights. Says one,
"This is very, very important," Mackey said. "Philadelphia's streets are a bloodbath."
Philly's streets are a bloodbath because your city government can't get your gangs under control, its so bad that those Philly-based gangs have taken root and are comfortable enough to start spreading and recruiting in other cities. Philly police can't control them. Beyond that, the school system is a total disaster, no matter how much money gets thrown at it.
The economy sucks there because taxes are too high, regulations too much, and what the city offers isn't enough to entice people there despite it, businesses are leaving, and they aren't being replaced. Worst of all, your city government, bureaucracies and government unions are corrupt as hell and crippling any attempts at making Philly a decent city.
The piece then goes on to a report by a local newscaster. After a few blurbs from parents about how eeeevil toy guns were, they note Toys'R'Us don't carry anything remotely realistic, just a few Nerf type things, and give them the Official Nanny State Pat On the Head (ONSPOTH), for all the good doggies who lay down and roll over when their Nanny Overlords order them to.
Norris spoke to NBC 10's Tim Furlong as she and her young son headed into a city Toys 'R' Us store -- a good move for parents who want to avoid toy guns that look like the real thing. Toys 'R' Us, along with stores like Target and Wal-Mart, sell Nerf and laser-tag-type guns, but none that look like replica machine guns or Glocks.
Toy Glocks? I've never seen one, I've never seen anything that looks vaguely like a Glock or similar 9mm pistols. And it looks like you didn't either, it wasn't on your news report.
From their report, looks like everybody with the exception of evil, evil KB Toys gets an ONSPOTH for getting rid of their toy guns.
Still, despite a September resolution from City Council asking stores to remove the guns from their shelves, some stores like KB Toys in the Franklin Mills Mall sell guns in all colors, shapes and sizes, including a realistic-looking machine gun and handgun purchased by Furlong.
Yeah, why won't you listen to our Nanny Overlords in City Council, KB Toys? And look at that description, you'd think they were going to some black market arms dealer who had a big pile of AKs, PKMs and RPG-7s.
These young people are brainwashed at such a young age with toy guns," Mackey said. "We must remove them.
Yeah, its the toy guns doing it. Couldn't be the strong root gangs have in your city and the glorification of said gangs and their violent lifestyle in pop culture, could it?
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
02:59 PM
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Beer production costs to face large scale price spikes, which will hurt smaller brewers. The major reason for this? Environmentalists and their fixation on using ethanol to find an alternate energy source. Many farmers are bailing on wheat and barley to grow corn for the government subsidized ethanol money sink, which means supply for small brewers gets smaller, and prices for raw supplies goes through the roof, wheat and barley already have had a 10-12% spike. God damn you green cultists.
Beyond that, prices in fuel, aluminum and glass have gone up, and hops production has dropped significantly after years of having excessive crops, which means choices and supply of hops breeds has dropped, beyond that, prices for hops will go up a lot too.
So where does that leave us? Well, its gonna be harder for small brewers to succeed, as they have thinner margins than the cheap swill big brewers. Beyond that, lower crop diversity, which means less innovation, and supply shortages. Excellent.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
12:42 PM
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Posted by: doubleplusundead at
12:18 PM
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And yes, I think its silly that the police waste their time with this, focus on the pimps, gang run rings and preventing minors from getting into that life, law enforcement will never break prostitution, most of them go back to it the second they get out of jail. Focus on rehabilitation with them, send the pimps and gang members away for a long time.
That said, the doctor is a moron, you got caught, just own it, you probably woulda been able to keep it quiet had you not made an excuse that practically writes the newspaper headline itself.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
11:53 AM
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I mean, even if I try and be objective and think "what would make a leftist laugh?" there's nothing there. Maybe it'll get better, but I doubt it. The one advantage they have is unlike HHNH is that the cost of doing stuff online is tiny compared to on film for a cable channel.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
11:20 AM
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November 12, 2007
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
03:19 PM
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I don't want to overstate this endorsement, but Fred needs to try and make this a trend, its not huge, but is is a significant endorsement, much larger than some televangelist or dropout candidate.
Rudy and Mitt have either not reached out to some major voting blocs, have done poor jobs at reaching out because of their records, or are hostile to said group. Most notably the pro-life voting bloc and the 2nd Amendment voters. Fred can exploit this opening, but he'll have to show some energy if he's to stand a prayer. Candidate cannot live on endorsement alone.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
02:41 PM
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Post contains 154 words, total size 1 kb.

They were jumping in front of trucks hauling gear and machinery that came back from Iraq.
Protesters on foot blocked traffic downtown about noon Saturday by jumping in front of large trucks towing cargo containers carrying military equipment.
At least they aren't chickendoves. Cops came in and quickly rounded them up so the trucks could move.
Later, they tried linking hands in front of the gate, with PVC covering their arms. Cops sawed open the PVC, maced 'em and hauled them away.
Then this...
On Friday, protesters, including several small children, were able to keep two trucks from leaving the port. Olympia police said the department did not have enough officers available to remove the protesters Friday, and that they were not prepared to physically remove children.
Nice...way to use young children as human shields, guys. If you're going to engage in civil disobedience, fine, but don't bring children into a function that has to potential to turn into riot or violence, its unnecessary, and reckless.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
12:35 PM
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This all stems from a Senate investigation into megachurches. No, I don't know why they're wasting their time with this instead of trying to find a solution to the major problems we face.
Dollar is a guy who preaches the "prosperity gospel," where if you follow the church's teachings, you'll be rewarded with material wealth. While I appreciate that they're trying to make the free market a virtue, it seems to lack modesty somehow.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
11:10 AM
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Post contains 151 words, total size 1 kb.
November 11, 2007
Four out of ten crimes are written off as unsolvable just a few hours after they are reported.What do you even say to that?
The two million offences are simply "screened out" - and their victims have little or no chance of seeing the culprit brought to justice.
No officer visits the scene of the crime, and no attempt is made to find a suspect.
In some areas, up to two-thirds of burglaries aren't even investigated.
Even violent crimes and robberies sometimes get ignored.
Among the 12 English and Scottish forces which released figures under Freedom of Information laws, 788,000 crimes were screened out last year.What the hell happened to the UK?
From a total of 2,029,000 recorded offences, this means 39 per cent are written off in this way.
The findings suggest that out of 6million offences reported to forces in the UK last year, around 2.3million were not investigated.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
10:35 PM
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Post contains 219 words, total size 2 kb.
Know what? Here you go, I'll post the text of what you wrote, so people know that you're a run of the mill, tedious lefty bitch.
Since you've got such a hard-on for all things military, I know you're gonna run right down to your local recruiter to sign up for the real thing, right?
Anyway, on to your tired-ass Chickenhawk Lefty talking point. Going by your assumed definition of chickenhawk, lemme reverse it and ask you, are you a chickendove? Have you withheld tax money for Bush's evil wars? Do you go to protests? Have you gone over to Iraq or Afghanistan to try to convince the jihadis to lay down their weapons, act as human shields, tried to engage in civil disobedience to stop or slow our own guys deployment? I doubt it, so by your definition, you're probably a chickendove.
But you know what, I reject your implied definition of chickenhawk. I'll use one of your lefty allies definition of chickenhawk, its from the ever tedious and wordy sockpuppetmaster Glenn Ellers Ellensburg Greenwald, you probably know what his dick tastes like, so I assume you approve of his definition,
Something more than mere support for a war without fighting in it is required to earn the "chicken hawk" label. Chicken-hawkism is the belief that advocating a war from afar is a sign of personal courage and strength, and that opposing a war from afar is a sign of personal cowardice and weakness. A "chicken hawk" is someone who not merely advocates a war, but believes that their advocacy is proof of the courage which those who will actually fight the war in combat require.
I've never claimed supporting a military action was proof that I had enough courage to go into combat. I've never equated any support of military action I've had with actual combat or military service. You'll never hear me try to claim myself as their equal, unless I should join the Armed Forces myself and see action. So using Glenn Greenwald's definition...troll, you are full of

Look, it replied!
I like this, somehow, it argues that posting of action shots of the Armed Forces in action as a tribute, I've equated myself to the courage of our military, and it points to the bit in quotation. So, Rightwingsnarkle, for the stupidest non-sequitir ever, you getActually, you made your point quite well - "I've never claimed supporting a military action was proof that I had enough courage to go into combat."
As you say, you've got a hard-on for snazzy pictures that show equipment and action (thought nothing that depicts the messy parts of war), but you're basically chickenshit.
It's a common story. Most wingnuts are chickenshits.

a new helmet,

and some pudding cups, YAAAAAAY!
You seriously need to do better, or I'm gonna ban your ass, you're already beginning to bore me.
Ah, it responds by claiming I just wanna focus on the cliche stuff and not the grisly element of war. Uh, no shit, its a fucking Veterans Day post? You know, a day set aside to honor Veterans? My guess is they don't wanna revisit the grisly side of war on Veterans Day, so I posted action shots.
Snarkle, since you have such a hard-on for showing the grisly side of war on Veterans Day, why don't you do it on your shitty blog?
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
10:37 AM
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November 10, 2007

You may have seen this statue or a similar version of it, it became a popular design for WWI memorial statues, and many copies were made of it. Its called The Spirit of the American Doughboy, doughboy of course later replaced by G.I. as the slang term for servicemen.
So now that we've done our quickie history lesson and remembered the origins of Veterans Day, let us remember all the others who have served their nation, and most importantly, those who are serving now, in particular those who are in combat as I write this, God bless you guys, you are the best of the best.

Today, and particularly on Veterans Day, we salute you!
Hmmm...needs something extra, Oh! I know! Great pictures!
For our Navy,

Sure, the SEALs are awesome, and nuclear subs and aircraft carriers are pretty damn cool, but there anything more better than a battleship firing those off those main guns? This is a pic the USS Iowa, a bigger pic, you ask? Sure, right here. And to think, those fools in San Francisco actually gave up the opportunity to have this great ship docked and turned into a museum there. Wish we could have it, but in North Central PA, it ain't happening, Susquehanna's too shallow in spots for small riverboats!
For our Army,

Because what Army guy doesn't love a huge fucking tank? They rule, and the Abrams easily is the most badass tank in existence. I also love the shiteating grin on Saddam's face in that pic as our guys roll past.
For the Marines,

Sometimes, you just have to go with the classics, I doubt there's a retired Marine anywhere that doesn't get that tingle when they see this pic. Gives me that feeling, anyway, and I haven't served. There's so little to say, the picture is the perfect representation of what the Marines are.
For the Air Force,

I coulda gone with a fighter, and I'm sure some Air Force guys would prefer that, but this is just badass. Its a time-exposed picture of either an AC-130 or an AC-47 gunship laying down what is called "The Cone of Fire", where the plane circles in the air, laying down massive amounts of fire from 20mm gatling guns, and sometimes a bigger 105 mm cannon. Those streaks you see? Tracer rounds, four normal rounds from the gunships cannons preceded each one of those. Not something you want to be on the receiving end of. I'm sure a few jihadis have learned that the hard way lately.
For the Coast Guard,

You guys make some of the craziest rescues. This is a Coast Guard crew practicing rescues in Alaska. Anybody else would say forget it, and assume the crew of a ship was a loss. Not you guys. Beyond that, the Coast Guard has taken on more importance now that we have to watch our ports for attempts at terrorist attack.
So that's my extra tribute to our Armed Forces. Again, God Bless you guys, my prayers are with you, particularly anyone in theater or heading to theater, those who are out do to injury or the recently retired, thank God we have you, and God Bless America.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
02:02 PM
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Thankfully, the idiot mayor was pretty much smacked down universally, and the British Army will be able to carry their rifles in their march.
Here is the sniveling Mayor,
"I would prefer for there not be any guns at the parade - and raised it because it is an issue I personally feel very strongly about.
"I am very much against guns and think they are awful things. Killing in any war is awful and I am against this violence.
"But I want to make it clear that I hold Remembrance Day as extremely important and it is vital that members of the Armed Forces are in attendance.
"I have always thought about Remembrance Day as a time for peace and to remember those who have lost their lives in combat. However, I think this could be done better without any guns.
"Everybody is worried about the rise in gun crime and violence in this country at the moment, and the destruction these weapons cause is terrible."
Absolutely vile. No respect for what these soldiers do and have done for her.
Says one of the local councilmen,
I really, REALLY hope there's a big backlash against the Nanny Statism in Britain, for their sake. But she isn't the only dirtbag in this story, nah, not with the British government, the leftist Nannying fun never ends!Phylip Hobson, a fellow councillor, added: "The war veterans have brought guns to the cenotaph since 1918 - guns have always played a part in Remembrance Day.
"We are all very excited about seeing the Rifles in full dress and giving them a warm welcome."
A Remembrance Sunday cannon salute at the start and end of the twominute 11am silence has been banned.Unbelievable. And yet, there's more, the Nanny State has Banned the laying of poppy wreaths on the top of Great Gable, arguing the poppy wreaths leave a mess as they age that they don't want to clean. Protesters plan to go anyway, they say they'll clean up what's left. Says one protester,
The cannon, known as a maroon, used to be fired by the Parks Police service in Sutton, Surrey. But its replacement by a "Safer Parks Team" - a sergeant, two constables and three police community support officers - has led to is being banned because of health and safety fears.
"People laid down their lives in order to protect our freedom from precisely this kind of interference. We intend to lay our wreaths and remember their sacrifices."
Remembrance Day is celebrated on November 11, and started after WWI to pay respects to the sacrifices made by British servicemen and civilians to fight the war.
This is the same day we celebrate Veterans Day(which used to be Armistice Day, to mark the end of WWI), but in function, Remembrance Day is more like our Memorial Day. You may notice that certain British sites have a poppy flower posted somewhere if you're looking for it, I also noticed Kevin Godlington was wearing one on his lapel on RedEye recently. The poppies are used as a symbol of remembrance in many colonies of the former British Empire as well.
Those who have served the British military deserve better than the disrespect they've received from their own government. God bless you guys.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at
11:51 AM
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November 09, 2007
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
05:33 PM
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Posted by: doubleplusundead at
02:35 PM
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Thanks to the Best. Lightman. Evah.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
11:29 AM
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Post contains 80 words, total size 1 kb.
He was found guilty of assault and racial aggravated assault for attacking his ex-wife's Sri Lankan boyfriend while he was shit-faced, he drank fifteen pints before attacking him! He was ordered to do 150 community service hours and to go to counciling for his alcohol abuse.
However, his probation officers decided he might violate the EU's 48-hour work regulation, as in, you can't work for over 48 hours a week in the EU. His probation officers brought it to the court, arguing that because he drove for a living, he can't be burdened with doing service hours as well. The court agreed, and he gets out of doing service. It sounds like they're catching enough heat that they won't do it again.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
11:09 AM
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