August 27, 2008
"It's finally dawned on him that he might win this thing," said one McCain campaign aid. "That's why he's been going into overdrive on this vice-presidential thing. If he can find a democrat to agree to be his running mate, and then announce it on the final day of the Democratic convention, he'll make sure that the few people that hear about it will be die-hard conservatives, thus driving them away permanently. And without them, he'll easily drop a good 20% in the polls."
"He's not called 'Maverick' because he killed a goose through pilot error," said another staffer. "Obama's incompetent choice of Biden really raised the stakes for John, because it makes the GOP road to the presidency easier. Make no mistake: this is McCain's race to lose now, and lose it he will, even if it means promising to nuke Lichtenstein in order to drive voters away."
One source close to both the McCain and Clinton camps said that the phone lines have been "scorching" between the two since she became available for the VP nod, but that she is concerned about his unwillingness to see things through.
"Listen, Hillary's not in this to lose to Obama a second time," said the long-time Clinton loyalist. "While McCain only seems to be worried about keeping his maverick, drive-away-the-base reputation alive at all costs. Hillary's got her own 'Harpy of the Beltway' reputation to safeguard, you know. Plus, these Machiavellian schemes she runs aren't cheap; she's gotta pay back the benefactors somehow."
Posted by: plebian at
04:21 PM
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Republican Rep. Don Young — whose three and a half decade hold on Alaska’s sole House seat was imperiled by political ethics controversies — holds a razor-thin lead over Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell who ran a strong primary challenge against the embattled congressman.Hopefully Sean Parnell will seek a recount.
With 98 percent of the state’s precincts reporting in the House contest, Young led Parnell by a margin of just 145 votes. At one point late in the count, Parnell had held a small lead over Young. That tiny gap, if it holds up in the final results, could permit the trailing candidate to call for a recount. Republican state Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux received the remaining 9 percent of the vote.
I would like to go ahead and congratulate Gabrielle LeDoux for getting our attention by staying in a race she had no chance of winning. I'd hope that she'd feel some shame for (possibly) allowing Rep. Don Young to eek out a primary victory, but with her being a politician I know there's no way that will happen.
So when Democrat Ethan Berkowitz gets sworn in as Alaska's sole House member this January, you can thank Ms. LeDoux.
Posted by: It's Vintage, Duh at
11:34 AM
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WITH one of the highest rates of binge drinking among teenagers, Scotland already has an unenviable reputation with alcohol.I'm pretty sure if I saw that in person I'd laugh hysterically thinking about this:
But now experts are warning about a new trend among young people that is aimed at speeding up the process of getting drunk – pouring shots of alcohol directly into their eyes.
Known as "one-in-the-eye", it involves using shot glasses in a manner similar to that of eye-wash.
Despite the risk of blindness, users hope that by absorbing the alcohol via the membranes of the eye, it will enter the bloodstream more quickly and have a stronger effect when it reaches the brain.
Once again, remember: The children are our future:
Charlotte Greene, 23, said she drank a shot of vodka through her eye.I hope she has 500 babies.
The former Strathclyde University student said: "It's the kind of daft thing more and more students are tempted to do. You're young and you're messing around.
"I took it like an eye-wash and then just waited to see what happened.
"It was very messy, most of it ran down my face and ruined my make-up.
"But it did start to sting almost straightaway and my eye went bright red and bloodshot.
"I'm not sure how much actually went in my eye. I had quite a lot to drink already but I think it did tip me over the edge.
"My eye was red and sore until the following evening. I was a bit worried I had damaged something. So I just drank the normal way after that.
"It was all a bit silly and a bit of an experiment, but it was fun at the time."
Posted by: Moron Pundit at
10:03 AM
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Part XIII (Ninjas, skaters, tagging and the beginning of the riot-y things)
Part XIV (messages, hippies, mosques, secessionists, and yet another waterboarding)
Part XV (Code Pinkos, holy rollers and an inflatable Liberty)
Part XVI (Costumes, Bull Shit and Code Pinkos)
Part XVII (I'll add moar cute titles later, someone called off at work, dammit)
Part XIV
Part XX
More later, and check out her youtube channel too.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
07:56 AM
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While the 2004 platform did not mention global warming, the draft document Republican delegates took up today in committee includes a one-page section "addressing climate change responsibly." For the first time, the platform acknowledges that human activity has contributed to global warming: "The same human activity that has brought freedom and opportunity to billions has also increased the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. Increased atmospheric carbon has a warming effect on the earth."So, let's do something about that, huh? After all, the science is "settled," right? I mean, what the fuck is the GOP doing here? Sure, let's acknowledge that industrialization has led to global prosperity...and then yank the rug out from under that statement and talk like Democrats about AGW horseshit. Great.
The article goes on to say that the platform doesn't endorse the Cap and Trade schemes that McCain seems to favor. Thank God for small mercies.
But, of course, even this bone thrown toward the left isn't achieving much of anything, if the reaction of League of Conservation Voters president Gene Karpinski is any indication:
"This sounds like more of the Bush White House plan: acknowledge the problem as real, but propose no serious solutions to deal with it," Karpinski said in a phone interview, as he attended the Democratic National Convention in Denver.Gee, a little socialism isn't enough to convince a Barack supporter like Gene? Too bad. Well, I'm sure it won't piss off conservatives suspicious of government schemes to curtail a problem that seems to be based on shaky "science" and MSM hysteria enough to keep them from turning out to vote, right? Right?
I've been one of those foax who have been saying that a bite of the turd sandwich would at least be better than at least four years of Jimmah Carter redux, but Zombie Reagan and Cthulhu are looking like better and better write-in votes every day. How's about you don't help elect the most liberal candidate evah, GOP? Is that too much to ask for?
Posted by: Sean M. at
04:38 AM
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I would prefer that Invisible Monsters, Lullaby, or Diary: A Novel been made into movies first since...umm...those are the ones I've read. This is a good start, though, I'm sure.
Posted by: It's Vintage, Duh at
02:49 AM
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Posted by: Sean M. at
02:19 AM
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August 26, 2008
Folks, this is why you should not do drugs.
Posted by: eddiebear at
11:29 PM
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Posted by: doubleplusundead at
10:35 PM
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Part XIV (lots and lots of great pics)
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
09:11 PM
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Uh-huh. Sure. Whatever you say.
Posted by: Sean M. at
08:51 PM
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Consider this an open thread on tonight's Democratic convention, in case the ones on HotAir and at Ace's aren't enough to fulfill your sick, sick needs.
Posted by: It's Vintage, Duh at
08:41 PM
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I think there's so much poignancy. And what you begin to realize though is what he has accomplished during the course of his lifetime, in many ways dwarves the actual legacy of his two martyred brothers, three martyred brothers. At the same time, they're fixed. And so we endow them with the immortality that they so clearly deserve. And yet here is the youngest brother, the little engine that could that keeps going every single day, adding something to our agenda, adding something to this country. This isn't just a Democrat or Republican thing, this is for all of us. He's an amazing, amazing man to get to know.A certain young woman who got to know Teddy back in the late sixties was unavailable for comment.
But, seriously, the fact that a grown man could have such an obvious schoolgirl crush on someone like Ted Kennedy is just creepy. Perhaps the fact that he made such mawkish remarks in the presence of Chris "Giggles" Matthews and Keith "Biggest Douche in the Universe" Olbermann explains why Burns felt inclined to let his hair down and emote all over Teddy. "The little engine that could?" That's just weird.
Posted by: Sean M. at
06:58 PM
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As you may have heard, Sen. McCain may be changing the timing of his vice presidential selection announcement.
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain may announce his choice for a running mate earlier than expected, sources told FOX News on Monday.McCain had previously said he would announce his vice presidential pick on Friday and would appear with that individual at a rally in Dayton, Ohio, following the announcement. Friday is McCain’s 72nd birthday.
But sources close to McCain’s campaign told FOX News that his decision may come sooner than that — possibly on Thursday, when Barack Obama accepts the Democratic nomination at Invesco field in Denver, Colo.
I think this is a huge mistake. There is no way--no way--that any news agency is going to turn attention away from the Sermon on the Mount to see who is going to be at the bottom of the GOP ticket.
That being said, if he does choose to do this, I think we can rule out any typical old, boring, Republican white guys.
Posted by: It's Vintage, Duh at
06:45 PM
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"Her speech was fantastic," said independent journalist Keith Olbermann. "Simply the greatest oratory delivered within the last hundred and fifty years. All of the passion, courage, and political conviction that you can possibly imagine was wrapped up in that speech. I cried so hard my glasses fogged up."
Even opponents were amazed at her political acumen. "Who would ever have thought to use children and touching anecdotes of a candidate's personal life to connect with voters and earn their sympathy?" asked conservative columnist Andrew Sullivan. "She's like the cool of JFK meets the political wizardry of FDR! Continuing to keep Michelle under wraps would be a morally outrageous equivalent to putting a tarp over the Statue of Liberty or waterboarding Bozo the Clown."
Not all Democrats were pleased. Former president Bill Clinton told reporters that the speech didn't do enough to heal the wounds from a bruising primary. "I didn't hear enough about Hillary or about my legacy," he said. "This convention should be about how the Clinton legacy has been tarnished by eight years of Bush and the Republicans, and what we're going to do about restoring it. And the first step of restoring the Clinton legacy is to have a Clinton at the helm."
Posted by: plebian at
04:13 PM
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Speaker Nancy Pelosi encountered some of the proletariat at the DNC Convention in Denver who demanded action on energy. It didn't exactly go well:
House Democratic leaders and protesters waving McCain signs had a war of words Tuesday at a press event outside an old train station. The demonstrators interrupted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with chants of “Drill here! Drill now!â€
Pelosi paused and asked the group, “Right here?â€
Seeming to enjoy the back and forth, she followed with another question: “Can we drill your brains?â€
She went on to refer to the protestors, who continued to chant sporadically, as “handmaidens of Big Oil.†Arguing that increased offshore drilling would only reduce gas prices two cents in 10 years, she referred to the demonstrators as the “two-cents-in-ten-years-crowd.â€
I laughed when I heard that she said she was from the streets, but I have been proven wrong, my friends. I imagine Ice-T in his day would have reacted in a similar fashion.
Posted by: It's Vintage, Duh at
04:11 PM
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"Change We Can Believe In" carried an implicit contrast with Clinton, who had a trust problem. But it's a basically abstract message as the campaign moves to add flesh to Obama's notion of change.Gee, I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that people are finding out that they don't believe in his change. Or maybe they realize that people won't "believe" a message of change coming form someone who has been in the U.S. Senate more than half his adult life.And so Obama has made a rare tweak, changing the description of the change he's offering.
The new line: "The Change We Need."
Posted by: It's Vintage, Duh at
02:24 PM
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Money quote:
How old is Amy Sullivan — three?Popcorn wins. Fatality.
Posted by: Sean M. at
02:09 PM
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Remember,college students are our future:
The Mankato Free Press is reporting today that police said they observed 18-year-old James Carroll and decided to give him a preliminary breath test. Carroll scored a .063 percent reading, the Free Press said.
Carroll's excuse, according to the newspaper, was, "I just made out with a drunk girl."
Was she, by chance, from St. Paul? If not, exactly how drunk was this imaginarly woman? Did she know you were making out with her?
Anyway, I hope this guy is majoring in Political Science because I think we've found his calling.
Update: The link is fucked up so you can find the story here maybe.
Posted by: Moron Pundit at
01:24 PM
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Maybe just set it on the table just out of arm's reach:
Fewer Americans went without health insurance in 2007 than in the prior year, while there was a gain in median household income adjusted for inflation, the Census Bureau reported Tuesday. The number of people without health insurance fell to 45.7 million in 2007 from 47 million in 2006, the government said in its annual snapshot. Median household income adjusted for inflation rose 1.3% to $50,233. The poverty rate hit 12.5% in 2007, compared with 12.3% in the prior year - not statistically different, according to Census.
This can't be possible. We're in the worst depression since the FDR was in office and there is absolutely no way that people can get health insurance without being blessed by The One.
I call bullshit.
Posted by: Moron Pundit at
01:19 PM
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