May 15, 2008
bmac says let Rome burn. So does Moronpundit.
More fun with environmentalists.
I'm conflicted here, on one hand, I think its great the Chicago finally reversed the stupid nanny foie gras ban, on the other, I do think Daley abused his power here. I'll call it a wash. No, I've never eaten foie gras, and no real interest in doing so, but as a general rule, I hate being told I can't do something because one of my "betters" decided I wasn't allowed because they don't like it. On the flipside, here's a mayor who can basically do what he wants, which is a double-edged sword. Said sword has likely been used in authoritarian manners in the past. The malevolent authoritarian just happened to work in liberty's favor this time.
The petition to free that Yemeni journalist continues, details here.
Six steps for the GOP to get back in the game. It'll take more than these, but a decent start.
I can't say I'm surprised, but this has to be depressing for Canadians.
Okay, this pic made me laugh.
Its a nice day, I may engage in the official Maryland state exercise later.
I didn't even try to get it then, and I probably won't now.
Gross, furries in advertising. This was in France, and it better fucking stay there.
I have no idea what you're talking about, so here's a bunny with an Oreo on its head.
Well this ought to be interesting.
Meat water!
Find out if your congresscritter helped shut down the latest attempt to increase oil supply in a high demand market.
Much as I can't stand McCain, the New York Times effort to try to diminish his military service is vile. Get fucked, NYT.
One Americas, Two Americas, Ah Ah Ah!
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
09:54 AM
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May 14, 2008
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
02:26 PM
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Okay, I had some tiny glimmer hope that the GOP elite was starting to get it, then I saw this and realized,
The GOP totally doesn't get it.
The money quote, from MSNBC, "He" would be referring to Rep. Tom Cole, who is chair of the NRCC, and held the NRCC conference,
He then spoke of the need to "re-brand" the party in the likeness of McCain, which may be a tall order, since many rank-and-file conservatives have reviled McCain for years for his transgressions against party orthodoxy.
Okay, how pitiful is it that MSNBC of all places has a better understanding of what the problem is than the NRCC?
Let Rome burn.
Slublog piles on.
HA has the MSNBC piece linked in Headlines with a quote from one of our braindead GOPers,
This is the floor. We're below the floor.
Yeah, and you guys are grabbing shovels. Worthless.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
01:49 PM
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Posted by: doubleplusundead at
12:21 PM
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Still, when you're trying to get people in the door with gimmicks like this, you've got problems. Shouldn't the church community, worship and good works be enough?
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
12:09 PM
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Post contains 124 words, total size 1 kb.
Horses being abandoned, turned loose in the wild or left to starve because of spiking grain prices.
The Isaiah manuscript is on public display in Israel.
Yeah, we really are screwed this year.
Maybe not?
Oh, this ought to be entertaining, Gov. Janet Napolitano just cut off funds that Joe Arpaio was using for his immigration enforcement measures.
Yale plays hardball.
Get out the vote, Jihadi style.
Hey, why not have schools go to a four day week, most schools don't even fill that with worthy lessons.
Must protect the beer in case I'm in a wreck.
Be sure to read Slublog's open letter to the GOP.
The Moronosphere delivers!
Typical, working class and rural voters aren't drinking the Obamassiah Kool-Aid, so the WaPo takes a few isolated incidents and declares rural America a bunch of inbred racist hicks. This is pretty typical behavior from the Nutroots and left at large, and really one of the best things we have going for us. They hate rural America because they aren't willing to just jump on the left's bandwagon, and instead of trying to compromise, learn respect for or convince rural voters to support them, they immediately trash and alienate them. Works for me.
On a related note, Obama goes starts visiting blue collar whitey neighborhoods. Bet he loves that...
God help us.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
08:56 AM
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May 13, 2008
Is it losing three House seats in traditionally GOP districts that has me declaring Game Over? That has Allah looking for glue to huff like a blogging Patrick Tribett, but no, that isn't it. What has me declaring its all over? The GOP released its official campaign clothing line. Now, you're going, okay, its just t-shirts, hats, pins, and maybe hoodies, right? Wrong. How do I know we're doomed?
Here's why, the official GOP clothing line has, I regret to inform you, revived one of the most regrettable fashion trends in world history, the bane of good taste itself, the dreaded Zubaz pants.
*** Thanks for the link, Michelle!
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
10:18 PM
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Post contains 159 words, total size 2 kb.
Fast Eddie and the assorted vermin of the Soviet of Philly's political class are going to resort to any lie, any distortion, any bending or breaking of the law they can in order to undermine Pennsylvania's current gun laws. Philly has been trying for years to try and undermine our gun rights on a state level, they want PA to be a fascist hellhole with no 2nd Amendment rights like New York, DC, California or Massachusetts.
The Philly area hates and resents that the rest of PA refuses to allow their Second Amendment rights to be undermined. That is what is going on here, let it be known to Rendell, Nutter, the Philly PD chief, and the Brady/VPC jackboots, those of us who live here in non-Philly PA aren't going to submit to your fascist machinations. Give up or secede to New Jersey.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
01:10 PM
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Post contains 271 words, total size 2 kb.
Some filthy baseball parks...maybe check if the one you visit is on there.
I agree, this is fucking awesome.
Shoebox at the Eggman's smacks down the "Hey, Europe pays like $7-$8 for a gallon of gas, we totally can do that too!" rationalization for our poor energy policy.
Government seems pull the in the dumbest among us like a magnet.
I'm curious to see what happens with Jewish voters and supporters on the Democrat side, if they worry about Obama's crazy Anti-Semite, Anti-Israel church.
Slublog seems pretty impressed with the Evangelical Manifesto, which is an attempt by various evangelicals to separate themselves from politics. Catholics had to do this a few decades ago, in large part because of Marxist populist priests and sisters in Latin America and to a lesser extent, Africa. The church is still trying to reign some of them in, but overall its been successful.
A good question about bumper stickers, what do you do if your car breaks down, and you have to borrow a leftie family members car with a ZOMG!! CHIMPEACH NAO!!1!eleventy!1 bumper sticker on it? I'd say painter's tape, throw it on when you have to drive the thing, then remove it later so not to hurt any leftie feelings. Back into where you park to hide it until your pimpmobile is repaired.
Dear God let Hillary throw the convention into chaos.
Congress remains worthless, film at 11.
British judges ditching the powdered wigs? Lame.
The Fourth Fleet has South American Marxist thugs a bit nervous.
Ah, someone else has a plagiarist. Hey, did you come out of retirement, Barrett?
Afghans ditching poppies for wheat to cash in on grain price spikes?
Giant bull!
Where there's a movie, there's the Wilhelm scream.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
09:36 AM
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May 12, 2008
Baldi has a good post on why Obama is succeeding with flaws that would sink most others.
Yeah, this election is gonna suck, nothing to do but try and entertain yourself.
Demagoguery of GTA:IV reaches DC, new regulations being considered for video game retailers.
Fast Eddie Rendell is an embarrassment too, but this is pretty bad.
I really hope Hillary throws the Democrats into chaos.
GTFO: Obama's church has a loooooong history of "anti-Zionism", or as people who don't hate Jews know it, Anti-Semitism.
Sully continues to be clueless.
Slublog is as excited about McCain/Huck as I am.
Stash looks at a MSM piece on disabled vets.
Fast Eddie Rendell, Soviet of Philly Mayor Nutter, and the Philly PD chief try and use the murder of a Philly police officer to undermine our strong Second Amendment tradition in PA, but we can see that all three of the vermin who killed the officer have long criminal records.
Okay, this is funneh.
I think I remember this, I doubt this'll go anywhere, but we'll see. Democrats declared a motion failed when it had passed or something, the sponsor of the motion tried to argue it, and the Dems ignored him.
Nanny Bloomberg to judges: Tell your jurors to disregard the Second Amendment.
Every branch of the Armed Forces meets their recruitment goals, except the Marines, who didn't just meet their goal, they far exceeded it.
Iran may be shooting itself in the foot here.
Perennially shitty candidates seem to be a GOP hallmark.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
09:20 PM
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I know I've been harsh on McCain of late, I do want to make it clear that I understand and respect those that are gonna get behind him, or even actively support him. As long as they can respect my choice, I'm fine with it. I just can't bring myself to support McCain.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
07:07 PM
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The federal government threw $16.6 billion in subsidies and grants at energy producers in 2007, which was double the amount handed out eight years ago. The WSJ has an editorial up on the absolute mind-numbing idiocy of these green energy proposals. Here's a comparison of how much money goes to different energy sources, done by the independent US Energy Information Administration,
For electricity generation, the EIA concludes that solar energy is subsidized to the tune of $24.34 per megawatt hour, wind $23.37 and "clean coal" $29.81. By contrast, normal coal receives 44 cents, natural gas a mere quarter, hydroelectric about 67 cents and nuclear power $1.59.
And don't think they forgot the ethanol,
The same study also looked at federal subsidies for non-electrical energy production, such as for fuel. It found that ethanol and biofuels receive $5.72 per British thermal unit of energy produced. That compares to $2.82 for solar and $1.35 for refined coal, but only three cents per BTU for natural gas and other petroleum liquids.
And of course, the amount of tax dollars the green energy money sinks are going to take in is going to increase as politicians jump on the bandwagon and start pounding the podium demanding more funds for green energy before The Global Warming Destroys Us AllTM. I guarantee they won't even go for the good, sensible choice like the nuclear reactors, they'll go for the stupid choices like solar panels and windmills, which are the ditch digging tasks of the New WPA.
All the new green energy jobs that Obama, Hillary and to a lesser extent McCain are promising to create are frauds, meant to convince the masses that increased demands for energy are being met, and done so in an environmentally clean fashion. The green energy madness isn't confined to Washington DC either, you can probably find it in your own state capital too.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
01:43 PM
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If you haven't already, do drop by PJM's and offer your condolences and prayers.
Jane from the Jawas has a post up at her personal site with a note sent by that Yemeni journalist that the Yemeni government is going after. Take a look, and you can go here to sign the petition.
Francase is looking for suggestions for cheap airfare.
Actually, this is true. I know there are artists who probably have gone beyond around eight years and still done great original work, but there's always exceptions to the rule.
Interesting, the kid that played the young Forrest Gump enlisted with the Army, and is finished with his service this summer.
This is just too damn funneh.
This is still the early stages of the media campaigning for Obama, just wait till the actual election gets underway.
More from the dumbass We Are Change Truthers, this time with the Secret Service and the NYPD.
Hillary's game and maybe some helpful things for McCain. Rush might be coming around to McCain, I'm not there yet, not even close at this point.
Good news, Patti Bader-Patton won $250K in the America's Favorite Mom special, and that'll be going to Soldiers' Angels.
The Hamptons cup count.
Brian at Snapped Shot has found his new hook, drop in every once in a while to check out the Daily Dictator series.
Yep, not only is the right not going to serve the GOP, it already isn't, look how bad off McCain is in funds and volunteers. I really hope this Next Right project takes off.
Sacrilicious toast.
Making lemonade.
Spencer Tunick still talking hippies and hipster retards into undressing for his stupid photos.
So where will Obama get his gravitas VP choice, if at all? I'm guessing if he goes the gravitas route, he'll go with Richardson(who I guess the media would argue has gravitas) to try and take out any chance of McCain courting the Hispanic vote.
Bumper stickers, and what they say about you.
geoff says Take THAT Malor! Story not safe for alexthechick.
Scandi Commandoes gone commando?
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
10:35 AM
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May 11, 2008
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
10:06 AM
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May 09, 2008
Yes, I know Hefner said when she turns 18, but seriously, asking her that is just creepy as hell.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
09:39 PM
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Now a U.S. attorney is investigating Mr. Sharpton's nonprofit group, a probe that an undeterred Mr. Sharpton brushes off as the kind of annoyance that civil rights figures have come to expect from the government.Jackass."Whatever retaliation they do on me, we never stop," he told the AP. "I think that that is why they try to intimidate us."
Sharpton has been delinquent in paying both state taxes to New York and his federal taxes. This is some serious change,
Mr. Sharpton's own debts include $365,558 owed in New York City income tax and $931,397 in unpaid federal income tax, according to a lien filed by the Internal Revenue Service last spring. His for-profit company, Rev. Al Communications, owes the state another $175,962 in delinquent taxes.
Keep that in mind next time Sharpton or one of his National Action Network tools calls for tax increases, soaking the rich and government programs like socialist medicine.
This ought to be interesting, if Sharpton really does owe one and a half million and is delinquent in paying his taxes, he's got to be prosecuted, but are they going to to do it as aggressively they should? Sharpton has been defiant in the face of these debts, and has largely gotten a pass. Let's hope they finally hold him accountable for his tax evasion.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
09:06 PM
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Posted by: doubleplusundead at
07:17 PM
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McCain still better be careful, he's already going to face shortages in funds and volunteers. Most people are going to cave and vote for the ratbastard, but every time he does this, he loses small donors and volunteers. While I think he's got this in a walk, shit happens and he might need base support, and he might discover that it isn't there for him when he needs it.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
06:53 PM
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Post contains 130 words, total size 1 kb.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
03:53 PM
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(H/T Hotair)
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
03:36 PM
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