April 06, 2008

a followup

A few weeks ago I noted the upcoming film Zombie Strippers.  Rosetta at The Hostages posted the trailer.  I can't say I disagree with his title, though I may caution that it could be Jenna Jameson experiencing Jacko-esque flesh rot due to too much plastic surgery.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 07:03 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 48 words, total size 1 kb.

April 05, 2008

new international space station supply capsule a success

The European Space Agency successfully docked and got supplies to the International Space Station with their Jules Verne Automated Transfer Vehicle.  The Automated Transfer Vehicle capsules give the space station another means to gets supplies, before they relied on our Space Shuttles and Russian Progress spacecraft.  These new craft can carry three times the amount of supplies as the Russian Progress craft.

The Jules Verne is the first of these European capsules supplying the crew with air, food, clothes, fuel and parts for the station.  The capsule will stay attached to the station for a while, then it will be filled with trash, detach and burn up in the atmosphere over the Pacific. 

Here's the wiki, the Jules Verne  is carrying two Jules Verne manuscripts, as well as copies of From the Earth to the Moon and Around the Moon

The space station really is amazing, and we've done great work on it, but I really hope we get ambitious after we complete it.  I hope we make a new push to get back to the moon, then start pushing towards Mars.  Let's just hope we don't run into these when we get there,


Posted by: doubleplusundead at 04:41 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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April 04, 2008

rickroll the mets!

The Mets have a poll asking for people to vote for the song to play during the eighth inning singalong at their last season at Shea Stadium, and they have an Other option that you can fill out.  I hope the Mets don't reject it as an option,  and just because,

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 02:06 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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more from the soviet of illinois

There is a push by Illinois lawmakers to double state income taxes on people who make $250,000+ in the state, the money would be used given to everyone else as a tax break.  They want to hold a referendum on it in the fall.  Illinois has basically been taken over by Bolsheviks, a sample,

Colleagues have already dubbed downstate Democrat Rep. Mike Smith's plan the "Robin Hood referendum." State tax data shows 107,000 people in the state made more than $250,000. That's roughly 5 percent of all tax filers.

I can't wait until they raise the new state flag...


Says another glorious revolutionary,

"Let's take from the rich and give to the poor," said state Rep. Joseph Lyons, a Chicago Democrat.

Comrade, you make me smile!

Of course, there is a reason for this,

Supporters hope the other 95 percent -- who'd pay nothing more and could see upward of $300 in state tax breaks -- would swamp polling places to vote for this.

While I'm guessing they know the Democrat Presidential race is a lock there. They're probably hoping to pick up some seats in Congress with this, and make the capitalists and kulaks pay for their crimes against the Soviet, of course.

"I'm not sure who would campaign against this other than those 107,000," Smith said.

Only capitalist pigs who understand basic economics, comrade.

Sen. Kirk Dillard, a Hinsdale Republican, said the low, flat income tax is "one of the last good economic tools" in Illinois.

"We should not get sucked into class warfare," said Dillard, who estimated his own income would fall short of the $250,000 threshold.

You think class warfare is bad, just wait for the show trial and gulag, my friend.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 11:41 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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around the moronosphere in 80 iq points, 4/4

Some links today!

Cuffy on the NATO approval for building missile defense systems in Europe.  These systems aren't just to protect the Europeans, that's just a bonus.  Cuffy's involved with the missile defense program, so he's got an insider's perspective.

Stash on China's promise to clean up their human rights record in exchange for hosting the Olympics.  I sorta hope some nation gets the ball rolling and threatens to boycott, no it probably wouldn't be us.

Nice little arsenal he had going, too bad they'll probably get confiscated.

Best bra evah!

A little FAIL for you.

Mugabe's thugs are raiding the offices of his political opposition.

Wounded vets going to Gitmo for therapy?  An interesting story.


Let's hope the electorate recognizes how dangerously reckless and radical Obama is, now that even the nutroots have learned what a sociopath Hillary is.  More on Obama's reckless and dangerous policy positions.

New Kids on the Block are doing a reunion tour,


Karl on Michael Barone's piece on demographic breakdown in Democrat primary voters.

Okay, that would be pretty friggin scary.

You've got to be kidding me, are we sure this isn't some April Fool's leftover?

No cheesesteak for Obama?  Maybe this is a once-bitten twice-shy thing for Democrats?  I mean really, I know you clowns are out of touch with the plebes, but it ain't that hard to order one, just don't try and order one with swiss like Kerry.

I guess I'm not to be trusted as an analyst either, because I agree, bad idea.  Look, Romney's a decent guy, but I just think there are much better choices to be had.

Something I'd also point out about the piece linked by IVD,  Ponnuru says he thinks McCain hated Bush more back then he hates Romney now.  He also that McCain got over the grudge with Bush, so he could get over it with Romney.  He got over Bush?  No he didn't, you stupid jackass!  He's never gotten over it, and he's been antagonizing conservatives because of it for years. 

I guess it beats Water on the Knee or a Broken Heart...

There seems to be an growing trend in college athletes getting in legal trouble for flogging the bishop in public.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 09:29 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 380 words, total size 4 kb.

April 03, 2008

student creates mini-panzer

He's an engineering student in Flint, Michigan, so it should provide some basic protection in that hellhole.  The tank is a half scale model, runs on an old three cylinder diesel generator, and has a big air cannon on it.  He came up with the idea after going to a paintball range, where they had golf carts with paintball cannons.  It goes about 20 MPH.  Awesome.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 07:31 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 69 words, total size 1 kb.

even more reason for democrats to panic

I had forgotten about the role of Florida and Michigan play in all this, but that ought to really cause some chaos.  Screamin' Dean stated that the Florida and Michigan delegates would be seated, but he'd leave it up to the candidates to has out how the Florida and Michigan delegates would be counted. 

Camp Clinton is waiting to see if an appeal gets approved by the DNC to give FL and MI half of their delegates.  I love this, this is Robert Wexler (D-FL),

...Wexler said he's optimistic after the tone improved so much Wednesday from previous meetings between Dean and the delegation, in which "everyone was staking out their positions."

"The bickering is over, the posturing is over, the blaming is over, and now we're at the resolution stage," he said.

Funniest part, here are the lines that came before that statement from Wexler.  Doesn't look like the bickering, posturing and blaming are quite over yet to me, Robert,

While Thurman and Dean were able to display unity, the campaigns for the two candidates continued posturing.

"The trick is going to be getting the Obama people to respect the process in place," Clinton spokesman Phil Singer said. "It's not as simple as getting the two campaigns to agree."

Obama supporters said they have attempted to negotiate, but the Clinton campaign responded with "essentially crickets chirping."

"Unlike the Clinton campaign, we have actively reached out to party leaders in Florida and Michigan in an effort to find a fair and workable solution," Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor said.

This could be glorious, if they give Hillary the full FL and MI delegate count, it'll give her a huge boost, and encourage her to keep fighting, ideally, it'll make for a big fight in the Convention.  If they refuse to give them the seats, it'll piss off Florida voters, and the Democrats can ill afford to do that.  This just keeps getting better and better. 

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 06:56 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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panic mode

Oh, you'll love this.  As bad as things are with the GOP, there's always time for the latest schadenfreudelicious chaos coming out of the left, and this one is quite tasty.  Our Boston Globe columnist is in full panic mode because huge numbers of Democrats on both sides of the Obama/Clinton war are threatening to stay home or vote for McCain.  Let's look at a few of these talking points,

Look before you jump. Democrats thinking of voting for John McCain should ask themselves if they want a hot-tempered, right-wing Republican in the White House - keeping his foot on the gas in Iraq, sentencing women to illegal abortions, and pouring cement around President Bush's tax cuts for the rich.

Too bad McCain didn't let Bush pour said cement...dumbass.  Just had to take a few swipes at Bush for beating you in the primary, didn't you?

A Republican in Republican's clothing. McCain is, my friends, a Republican, a self-described "foot soldier in the Reagan Revolution." He voted against expanding the children's health insurance program and against an assault rifle ban.

First off, if he was a footsoldier in Reagan's revolution, Reagan probably would have thrown his ass in the brig, Reagan didn't have the luxury of having the House, Senate and White House.  We did, and McCain was a major impediment to several major accomplishments, but I digress.  He deserves credit for not going along with the demagoguery that some GOPers caved to on the CHIP program. 

Also, awwww...someone's apparently upset that the plebes are allowed to arm themselves.  Hey buddy, I can go out and buy a few of these right now if I wanted...

No, you can't take our away Second Amendment rights, NOT YOURS!

...and that must drive you patrician leftist vermin fucking crazy.  God I love America.  And before anyone says "That's a damn commie piece, put up a proper American gun," I picked the AK for its unrivaled antisocial reputation, give me that, or I'll do the unspeakable and post a pistol that isn't a 1911 variant.  McCain also deserves some credit for not going along with the demagoguery on spooky lookin' weapons.

He's the eighth-most conservative senator in Congress, after being the second-most conservative senator the preceding session.

The Washington Post found that he has voted with a majority of his Republican colleagues 88 percent of the time this session. Some maverick.

According to what?  The dude has always been a moderate, he only got a bit more conservative because he was making a run for the White House, not to mention the fact that Congress passed nothing but RINO bilge and big fat spending bills when they were running it, so there hasn't been much for conservatives to vote for.  Of course, there's been nothing but Democrat bilge since they've ran it,.  Not much for him to vote on, outside of the occasional slapfight over Iraq or S-CHIP, and a few funding issues.

He then goes to the tedious "McCain can't tell the difference between Sunni and Shi'ite", from a few weeks ago when McCain said Iran had some involvement in training al-Qaida. Is anyone else as tired of this stupid distortion/lie as I am?  I'm not a McCain fan, but there's no reason to use lies or distortions to criticize McCain, he hands out plenty reasons not to support him already that are all true already, show some sportsmanship, dumbass.

Roll over, Darwin. On teaching "intelligent design," he said: "I think that there has to be all points of view presented. . . . There's nothing wrong with teaching different schools of thought."

*GASP*  You mean, he supports letting local taxpayers and voters decide how their own schools should be run?  BLASPHEMY!  Of course, if we went to a more privatized system or vouchers, we could bypass this problem altogether.  Honestly, I don't believe in ID or Creation, but the shrieking opposition to them is so belligerent and obnoxious, I kinda hope the ID/Creation people stomp their asses someday.

Our columnist also flogs the weak Hagee-McCain/Wright-Obama equivocation.  Which is such a pathetic line of attack, I don't even hear many lefties using it at this point.  However, this was interesting,

Et tu, Hillary? Clinton has been active in The Fellowship, a secretive, conservative Bible study and prayer group on Capitol Hill, Mother Jones reported last year. This explains her working with right-wing zealots like Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas and former senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania. OK, I have now officially had it up to here with religion and politics. Can I get an amen?

Ah, so this isn't so much a "c'mon Democrats, let's all get around each other's candidate" as it is, "don't you Hillary supporters fucking think of screwing us out of our Hope'nChange!"  He also talks about the Supreme Court, and McCain's connections to lobbyists, but I'm already bored with kicking this tedious douchebag around, you can do it if you want.

Between this opinion piece, the HuffPo piece yeserday, the NYMag piece before that, and this latest bit from the nutroots, they're desperately trying to turn the Democratic away from the iceberg.  Even with McCain, this could well be the best election ever.  It is definitely the most entertaining.


Posted by: doubleplusundead at 01:36 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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around the moronosphere in 80 iq points, 4/3

The links, let me show you them.

Stash notes a bad trend.

Karl says Google it!

This is an interesting story, some guy with emo hair had his Powerbook, XBOX and TV stolen, and uses the power of the intarwebs to try and get them back.

Some more on the "South American Marxist tool can't keep things functioning so it's time to engage in some sabre-rattling and act aggressive" front, and the latest in the media's "military people are hapless victims/ soulless monsters/cogs in the machine" narrative.


Slublog on the lack of progress in rebuilding the World Trade Center.

McCain loses in 2008, how do I know this?  I saw the first sign of the S-bomb dropped.  The second someone compares you to Socrates, you're screwed.  Remember how we were told in the 2004 elections, "Kerry isn't an indecisive dumbass, he's Socratic"?  Nah, Joe makes a good point in his post, but after Kerry, when I hear Socrates dropped, I cringe. 

The GOP is full of dumbasses...

Damn, I remember this widget!  I used to rate middle school reading level, I think.  Anyway, one of you morons decided to punch in a bunch of the Moronosphere sites in, and has the results.


Rifftrax has some fun with political campaign ads.


On the Non-Marxist South American leader front, Columbia's president is criticizing Obama for his opposition to a US/Colombia trade deal.

To borrow a line from Allah...Dude.

Nice Deb lets us know that Zombie is finally starting a blog.  Speaking of zombies, could this have been an attack?  And Ted Turner seems to be predicting a Zombie Apocalypse.

Also Funneh.

Uh, no, those those Asian characters you have tattooed on your arm don't mean what you think they mean...more fun with misused or mistranslated Asian writing.  Not that that doesn't work the other way around too, but that's also funneh.

God I hate PETA...

IVD on why he's going along with McCain, which I respect, and I understand the "perfect can be the enemy of the good" mantra, but I look at tools like this, and the story from Wyatt I linked in today's links, and find myself asking, "are they good in the first place?"

Kids not allowed to play outside, obesity epidemic story sure to follow.

Brea Canyon has the latest in Thai tranny news.

And last, but not least, another round of Name! That! Party!

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 10:53 AM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
Post contains 408 words, total size 5 kb.

April 02, 2008

from body to mind to mindless

Bunch of slack-jawed neocon faggots around here.  This movie will make you a goddamned stupid Truthersaurus, just like me.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 10:51 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 26 words, total size 1 kb.

more fun with pork fiend politicians

Another year, another bunch of unkosher politicians.  Sadly, ALL THREE of the top three porkers on the CAGW list were GOP.  Their names, and how much did they take from the public trough, you ask?  Well, here you go,

For the first time, the names of members of Congress were added to the projects. The top three spenders were Sen. Thad Cochran, R-Miss., with $892 million; Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska with $469 million; and Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., with $465 million.

Murtha! Byrd! You're gonna let these GOP bastards challenge your rightful places in the Porker Top Three?  Get your heads in the game, ladies, you have funds to waste and voters to buy, dammit!

I can't tell you how aggravating it is that our side has the top three pork fiends, needless to say, none of these sellouts should get a penny of support, and why I favor giving to individual candidates that are worth your support instead of to the GOP itself, which will hand your donation to these tools. 

The leadership needs to reign these guys in or the voters and leadership need to find replacements, now.  Seriously, does the GOP leadership know how to do anything but fuck up these days?

That report has links to the CAGW's Congressional/Senate Waste Lists in .PDF on the sidebar to that link, you can check those out if it isn't too depressing for you. 

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 02:42 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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leftie activists seeking to name san francisco sewage facility after bush, and nutroots whining about media coverage

Yeah, this is a HuffPo link, but whaddya do?  If I could find a regular media report on this tedious attention whoring, I'd post that.

Also on the HuffPo front (link goes to a Yahoo crosspost), some of the nutroots are whining and lamenting the media's current love affair! with John McCain.   I'd like to rip this thing apart, but it's such a clusterfuck of indecipherable leftist ranting and otherwise stupid crap, I don't even know where to begin to untangle it.  I'll just say, I've never heard any media lackey declare that McCain causes them a tingle in their leg.

Of course, we know why the nutroots are freaking out about media coverage and issuing Important Action Alerts and Vicious Rants.  They're as nervous about the damage being done to the Democrats as NYMag is in the article I have linked in this post.  The nutroots know this could have easily been their year, but the infighting amongst the left is tearing the party apart.  They're trying to get the media refocused on ripping apart McCain instead of the current feeding frenzy in the Democrat primary.  It ain't gonna happen guys, there is only one thing that can divert the media from their leftist agenda, and that's a trainwreck...the Democrats happen to be that trainrwreck this time.

Something else I should note, this primary ought to show a strong difference between the nutroots and ourselves.  Ever since the Clintons have been national figures, we've known what they are.  Much of the nutroots still seem stunned to see that the Clintons are willing to annihilate the party if it means they get elected.  Only in the past month or two have they come around to that truth.  McCain is our candidate, but unlike the nutroots, we understand what McCain is. 

There are a few people in the Dextrosphere who are willing to engage in cognitive dissonance and pretend McCain's the greatest thing to happen to conservatism since William F. Buckley, Reagan or Zombie Reagan.  Overall though, most have either grudgingly picked up the pom-poms, are holding out to see if they can score some condiments, or are flatout refusing to be a part of it.  But where we are unlike the nutroots is that most of us recognize that McCain is in this for one person, McCain.  It took the Clintons acting in a way that may literally rip the Democrat Party apart to make the left see what they are.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 12:54 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
Post contains 428 words, total size 3 kb.

around the moronosphere in 80 iq points, 4/2

Here we go!

Let's start off with a little dose of FAIL at IB.

See-Dub has some games for you, and ambulance chasers doing what they do.


Speaking of links...Link rather, please, please tell me this isn't real?


bmac gets a bonus for goofing on the perpetually annoying Rachel Ray, better known as the Antichrist, and lifts a radio over his head...before swinging it downward onto John Cusack's.

Creepy, and I'd say most schools are, if not in Lord of the Flies mode, teetering toward it.

Jihadis:  Yeah, feel free to kill and rape infidels, s'cool.  Apparently, stating that raping and murdering infidels is cool in the UK, but this guy gets interrogated and harassed by police there.  Farewell Britain, you had a decent run.

One of the best April Fool's pranks in the dextrosphere...wish I had thought of it.

Nothing like having a day trip to the beach turn into an episode of Dexter.

John at This Ain't Hell handily dismantles the latest media efforts to try and demoralize people and sour their view on the economy.

Stash on the latest "ZOMG THEY TORTURE PEOPLE AT GITMO!!!!!1!1eleventy!11" hysteria, for those that don't know, Stash was a psych nurse at Guantanamo, so he's got a insider perspective. 

I can't really say I'm surprised by this.

Wisconsin Morons may want to drop by the Eggman's place for local election coverage.


Over a million?

A happy Brady Campaign cockroach is never, ever a good thing. I'm guessing Pizza Hut is happy too, I'll be avoiding Pizza Hut, and anything else produced by Yum! products like the plague from here on out.  Here, watch some of these to flush that Brady bullshit out of your head, you'll feel better after reading the article linked.

I'd probably break this widget.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 11:30 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 307 words, total size 4 kb.

April 01, 2008

nasa releases picture of liquid water on mars


Posted by: doubleplusundead at 11:49 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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around the moronosphere in 80 iq points, april fool's edition

Today's links!  Thanks as always to the Moron-in-Chief for the headline.  Let's get to it!

Your blood pressure, let me raise it.

Sockless Joe says Obama has a chance in PA.  I'll be honest, I don't think he does, I can possibly see him doing a little better than people expected.  I still think he'll tank in PA.  While he is right that Democrats outside of The Portal to Hell Philly and Pittsburgh are less bound by machinery, I just don't think Obama has much appeal beyond the demographics he already holds.

The answer is of course yes, because most of what Hollywood produces is utter crap, and no one wants to pay $8-12 to watch a crappy movie. 


See-Dub on our sloppy security operations.

Some interesting archaeological stories at IB.

Man gets thrown out of gym for excess sweating, "The 42-year-old psychiatric nurse..."  Stash, you smelly mofo!  Nah, the guy in the story is in the UK.  And since we're at Stash's, he asks a good question, what will Raul Castro do?  What's his game?

No, media douchebags, you can't have a new "America is losing in Iraq" Narrative, Not Yours!

Arguing against universal health care?  I'd just tell horror stories from the British health care system, and note how they're now refusing care to smokers and overweight people...so much for universal health care that is universal.

My eyes are bleeding.

Hey, what the?

Formula One president gets his freak on.


Cuffy embraces Hope'n'Change.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 10:04 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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ric flair retires, woooooooooooo!

*sob* Say it ain't so, Ric! *sob*

(h/t HA Headlines  yes, this is a glorified excuse to post "its still real to me" guy)

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 08:20 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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let's see if we can draw pinto out of hiding

Why yes, that means I have a LEGO related post.  Cuffy sends these interpretations of classic photos in LEGO.  So wrong, but something about the smile on this one makes me laugh.  Here's some more LEGO related awesomeness.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 07:53 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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