September 30, 2008

At least one person on The Corner has some sense

The brain trust over at National Review decided to throw principled fiscal conservatism under the bus and endorse the Paulson bailout plan in an editorial today.  Their argument?  The House GOP needs to fall in line and stop whining about this being socialism.  It's not socialism, because National Review says it's not.

Mark Levin, who is quickly becoming my favorite conservative, has signed on to The Corner today to respectfully disagree:

Count me among those few here who want to thank the House Republicans for taking a bold stand against what had been a stampede on a scale I have never before witnessed on matters of huge consequence. Conservatism is more than a quaint belief-system to be embraced and debated over donuts at Starbucks. It is more than a list of talking points. It is the foundation of the civil society. The liberal uses crises, real or manufactured, to expand the power of government at the expense of the individual and private property. He has spent, in earnest, 70 years evading the Constitution's limits on governmental power. If conservatives don't stand up to this, who will? If they don't offer serious alternatives that address the current circumstances AND defend the founding principles, who will? The House Republicans have done both.  And I, for one, thank them.
I realize the markets are bad, but I would rather have years of economic turmoil than have a bill passed that gives the Treasury Secretary the right to "ensure the economic well-being of Americans."  That's a bridge too far. 

Update: As I was writing this I saw that another Cornerite, John Hood, also opposed the National Review editorial.  Good for him.

Posted by: It's Vintage, Duh at 01:08 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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