January 25, 2010

Presented without context

"I'm good…now," he says. "Now my penis is fantastic! One hundred percent recovered. Put me back in the game, Coach."
Um, what kind of game are you playing that involves your peen?

On second thought, I'd rather not know.

Posted by: Sean M. at 08:48 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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How YOU can save the environment!

And, no, not by anything like recycling, using environmentally friendly lights or appliance, solar panels, or switching to a lower-emission vehicle. 

You see, in case you hadn't heard, you're Killing The Planetâ„¢ by, well, existing.  However, even you can help to save the planet - and, no, not by ceasing to exist (although that would be super helpful).  If you condemn yourself and your government to poverty and continuing economic backsliding, you can be part of the solution!

Continuing global economic growth "is not possible" if nations are to tackle climate change, a report by an environmental think-tank has warned.

The New Economics Foundation (Nef) said "unprecedented and probably impossible" carbon reductions would be needed to hold temperature rises below 2C (3.6F).

Scientists say exceeding this limit could lead to dangerous global warming.

"We urgently need to change our economy to live within its environmental budget," said Nef's policy director.

Andrew Simms added: "There is no global, environmental central bank to bail us out if we become ecologically bankrupt."

None of the existing models or policies could "square the circle" of economic growth with climate safety, Nef added.

Burried at the end of the article is, however, a true gem from the Tom Clougherty, director of what appears to be a not-lame think tank, the Adam Smith Institute:

"There's only one good thing I can say for the Nef's report, and that's that it is honest. Its authors admit that they want us to be poorer and to lead more restricted lives for the sake of their faddish beliefs."


Posted by: Ember at 07:25 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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It's official then

Pres. Obama hates brown people.

Look, I'm just applying the standards that the Left decrees must be used when evaluating a President's response to a natural disaster.

Posted by: alexthechick at 03:14 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Pretty Pretty Princess preening


Posted by: doubleplusundead at 01:01 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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Random thought

I was going to put together a SOTU drinking game but I'm afraid even we Morons would get alcohol poisoning within 5 minutes.

Posted by: alexthechick at 12:12 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Priceless Quote of the Day

In October 2007, after invoking Martin Luther King Jr. in a campaign speech, Mr. [John] Edwards said: "There are much more important things in life than winning elections at the cost of selling your soul. Especially right now, when our country . . . needs to hear the truth from its leaders."

Posted by: conservativebelle at 11:01 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Definition: Trichinosis


-noun.  A political malady caused by the excessive consumption of pork-barrel spending.  Symptoms include low poll numbers, fever, diarrhea, and the emergence of serious electoral challengers.  Potentially fatal to one's political career.

(See also: Cornhusker Kickback, Louisiana Purchase, Porkulus)

Posted by: JoeCollins at 08:22 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Our Congressbetters At Work

Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH).

Posted by: eddiebear at 01:20 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Glaciergate, Volume Whatever Is After "Metric Assload"

Fuck these guys. Fuck them with their robust procedures. Fuck them with defective discount grade ass bleach. Fuck them for what they have done to real science because of their actions. And fuck the glaciers and polar bears, because I am a crabby old bastard, and because of shit like this from the "scientists":

“We thought that if we can highlight it, it will impact policy-makers and politicians and encourage them to take some concrete action.”

SOOOOO.... let me get this straight: lying and fraud is OK, so long as it helps spur an agenda and policy position with which you agree, results and evidence be damned? Good to know. So I guess the next time I want a policy advanced, I should just randomly draw some fancy squares on a piece of toilet paper and publish it, and it'll all be kosher, right?

You know, I no longer am ashamed to admit that while I had a hunch that a lot of the glaciergoatse grabassing that the AGW crowd was pushing was bullshit, I never had proof. Now I do. So thank you, Green Goofs. Thankfucking you from the bottom of my cold, money grubbing, gas guzzling heart.

Oh, and here is the thank you card I made just for the Green Goofs


Posted by: eddiebear at 12:58 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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January 24, 2010

Barack Obama, world unifier

Maybe this guy's just the crazy brother of the heads of parliament and the judiciary, I dunno. 

"When Barack Obama was sworn into office he talked of verbally engaging Iran," the U.C. Berkeley graduate was quoted as saying. "What has changed is that today this [the equivalent of the N-word in Farsi] talks of regime change in Iran."
Update: definitely evidence that "what we've seen is a dramatic difference in terms of how the United States is perceived around the world," according to Valerie Jarrett.

Posted by: Alice H at 06:29 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Dip dip!

Stoaty has a new shirt for the morons who are in on the joke.

Posted by: Alice H at 05:50 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Crooks and Liars is living up to their name

David Neiwert attempted to cover his libelous ways by changing the title of his post referring to ass-scab Charles Dyer as a Tea Party Leader sometime between yesterday and today. 

The Digg cache of the article, showing the headline, is available here.  (Broken link fixed.) You can also see the original title of the article in the URL: http://crooksandliars.com/david-neiwert/tea-party-leader-arrested-rape.

I posted this comment hoping Niewert would have the good sense to at least issue a retraction.


Instead of trying to correct the record, Crooks and Liars deleted my comment for a TOS violation.  Apparently Crooks and Liars is taking a page from Charles Johnson in deleting any points of view that disagree with their skewed rhetoric.

Posted by: Alice H at 02:55 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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Gay V Teh Ghey

Holy Return Volley Batman!
The other day a blog I don't really read too much had a link to a Hillbuzz post about being attacked for not being all Hopey Changey.
Turned out, they're 2 gay guys, but they're obviously not teh ghey. As you will soon see.
Coupla high points, but then you have to go read the whole thing.
Seriously, you might as well just click and not read what I'm about to quote.
But I'll quote anyway.
Many thanks to everyone who has been helping to track down the identities of the Leftist thugs who have been defaming, threatening, harassing, and libeling us.  It feels like we’re making real progress, and are close to zeroing in on the IDs of these people.  Expect a full update soon, once we have time to pull everything together, and piece together all the clues you’ve been uncovering....

Someone told us to be very careful with digging too deep into this, because if our hunch is right and this does lead back to the DNC and Organizing for America themselves, there are many people who will do us physical harm to keep us from exposing them.

And that's not just rhetorical. Another reason this needs to be highly publicized. Cockroaches don't like the light.
And my favorite part.
Listen, we grew up gay in the Midwest, where we were abused, threatened, maligned, harassed, and blackmailed before…by people much more creative than the Hope and Change Gang…people who covered their tracks better.  What these Obama-supporting thugs don’t realize is that when you launch Alinsky attacks against people who have been subjected to Alinksy attacks their whole lives, like us, we aren’t going to just turn tail and run.

Bring it on.
I can't believe I'm giving money to Hillbuzz.

Seriously, it's kind of long and you'll feel a little gay dipping your balls into gay pudding, but just dip,
Like a Viking!

Posted by: Veeshir at 02:22 PM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
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So I Guess Bob Herbert Is Racist Now As Well

Yeah, Herbert's latest column attacks the O-bots from the left, and tries to lump the completely out of power opposition into this mess, but it is indeed interesting when one of the most partisan (and stupidly so, I might add) hacks in the Mediacrat complex goes after his own side, it is worth noting.

The Democrats still hold the presidency and large majorities in both houses of Congress. The idea that they are not spending every waking hour trying to fix the broken economic system and put suffering Americans back to work is beyond pathetic {UHHH...They tried "fixing" it with Porkulus. How did that turn out?-ed}. Deficit reduction is now the mantra in Washington, which means that new large-scale investments in infrastructure and other measures to ease the employment crisis and jump-start the most promising industries of the 21st century are highly unlikely {so Obamacare was a bad idea after all? Thanks for noticing-ed}.

What we’ll get instead is rhetoric. It’s cheap, so we can expect a lot of it. {no, it's not cheap, because it leads to bad and costly ideas, but who am I to stop you from hammering your own side?-ed}

Sheesh. Anyway, as I stated, this attack is coming from Obama's left flank, but I do find it interesting that a year on, even some of Captain Awesome's most vocal enablers now realize that he is an empty suit who has no idea what he is doing.

And to make matters worse for the left, the same crew that pulled the wool over the eyes of too many people two years ago now think they can save the day for the 2010 elections.

In addition to Mr. Plouffe, who will primarily work from the Democratic National Committee in consultation with the White House, several top operatives from the Obama campaign will be dispatched across the country to advise major races as part of the president’s attempt to take greater control over the midterm elections, aides said.

“We are turning the corner to a much more political season,” said David Axelrod, a senior adviser, who confirmed Mr. Plouffe’s role. “We are going to evaluate what we need to do to get timely intelligence and early warnings so we don’t face situations like we did in Massachusetts.”

Yeah. This oughta work. They sold a crap sandwich once. But in their arrogance, they think they can do it again? They think they can convince the American public to forget the last year? They think they can convince the unwashed masses that they should ignore their unemployment status, their dwindling bank and savings accounts, their past due mortgages, and give more power to those who made things worse than ever? Ha! We'll see about that, you anal bleachers of awfulness.

Posted by: eddiebear at 09:48 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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This Mutinous Cretin Does Not Speak For Conservatism

Usually, I blow off the "guilt by six degrees of separation" that the left loves to play against us, because I refuse to be cowed for the actions or people I do not know, nor have ever known. Besides, that tactic is disingenuous and lazy. But not this time. This asshole (warning: Lefty link) does not speak for me. This asshole does not speak for conservatism. This asshole needs to get HIS asshole forcibly widened for what he has done. And this asshole needs to be thrown down a hole and forgotten about. The fact that this guy is a child rapist is enough to convince me that he needs to be purged from humanity and civil society, and I would say nothing more about him. But, the fact that he is a member of a group that strikes me as mutinous is something that needs to be called out.

Mutinous? I think so. You see, the Oath Keepers, of which this Charles Dyer cat claims to be a member of, have this as their mission statement:

Below is our declaration of orders we will NOT obey because we will consider them unconstitutional (and thus unlawful) and immoral violations of the natural rights of the people. Such orders would be acts of war against the American people by their own government, and thus acts of treason. We will not make war against our own people. We will not commit treason. We will defend the Republic.

Umm...an organized and coordinated plan to refuse to follow orders? Last time I checked, this term came up in my UCMJ knowledge.

Mutiny? Yes. Mutiny.

Look pal, if you have issues about orders, there are avenues of redress. But an organized and coordinated plan based not on an abusive or insane Commanding Officer, but (apparently) solely on the fact you do not like who is in charge? NO. FUCKING. WAY. A long time ago, I took a fucking oath to serve the fucking Constitution, and this shit will not be tolerated. This shit will not be allowed anywhere near where I stand. And if I were still in the military, I would have pushed for any Oath Keeper to be arrested on the spot for being involved in an activity as such (besides, I would be arrested if I knew of such a plot and did nothing. But that's another issue for another time).

No. I will not tolerate mutiny or sedition. This Constitution and Republic have a way of cleansing itself without criminal fucking activity. Any asshole who takes the oath and then involves themselves in what appears to be a mutinous endeavor needs to be sent away, for they have violated their commitment and oath. They have violated the Republican (not the party, but the system of government) process, the process that can and will fix itself.  And they are of no use to those of us who wish to save this country by legal and electoral means.

Get the fuck out of my sight, Charles Dyer and the rest of you folks associated with him. And stay away from my military.

Posted by: eddiebear at 01:00 AM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
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January 23, 2010

It's official

California is now the most retarded state in the nation. How did I come to this conclusion?

1. The people of Massachusetts, known for sending tax-and spend liberal douchebags to Washington, elected Scott Brown, who explicitly pledged to vote against government-run health insurance and...

2. AFTER that happened, the Dems in our State Senate decided that NOW would be a good time to resurrect a plan for a single-payer health insurance plan that would cost TWICE the state's current budget in its first year alone. Really?

Yes, really...

The Senate Appropriations Committee released the bill for a vote by the full Senate next week. The legislation had been held over from last year because of the state's ongoing budget crisis.

Creating a single-payer system would cost California an estimated $210 billion in its first year. That's roughly double the size of the total state budget, but about what the state and federal government and residents cumulatively spend now on California health care, said Sen. Mark Leno.

Leno, D-San Francisco, introduced the bill after Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger twice vetoed similar legislation. The Republican governor negotiated his own $14.7 billion health care reform bill with Democratic leaders two years ago, only to see the measure fail in a Senate committee amid concerns over paying for the measure.

Leno's bill would create a commission to decide how to pay for the system, at a cost this year of more than $1 million.

We've got a $20 billion deficit, some of the highest tax rates, and one of the biggest unemployment clusterfucks in the country, and how do these assholes plan to pay for all of this?

Leno said the system could be funded with a payroll tax along with existing state and federal money and increased efficiencies from a state-managed system that eliminates the insurance middleman. Voters would have to approve the commission's funding plan, he said.
Hey, new taxes! Great fucking idea, genius. Oh, and what "existing" state money? We're fucking broke, in case you hadn't noticed.

I really used to love this place. Now, if I had enough money, I'd leave in a fucking heartbeat.

Update: I forgot to add a hat tip to Darleen over at protein wisdom.

Posted by: Sean M. at 09:49 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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What's Boeing up to

That they need UCLA to offer a special restricted class in Spacecraft Structure Design and Analysis.

Permission to enroll required. Further information will be displayed in the Shopping Cart. (Restricted to Boeing employees only) This course is intended for engineers and students with an interest in the various aspects of spacecraft structural design and configuration development. The concepts and techniques presented are drawn from practical hands-on experiences in both aerospace structural design and analysis as well as general engineering theory. Topics include structural design drivers; design considerations for typical structural components; dynamics and loads analysis; review of mechanics of materials; stress analysis and failure theories; finite element analysis in structural analysis; composite material selection, design, and analysis; aerospace fastener selection; structural test verification; and quality assurance. Students become familiar with computer software commonly used to enhance structural design and analysis, thus minimizing the amount of required structural testing and producing more cost-effective spacecraft designs. Prerequisite: Undergraduate course in Strength of Materials or consent of instructor.Elective course in Certificate in Astronautical Engineering.Enrollment limited to Boeing employees only. Restricted course; call (310) 825-4100 for permission to enroll. Web enrollments automatically generate a "Permission to Enroll" request. Internet access required to retrieve course materials. Visitors not permitted.

No location for the course is given but I bet it's Area 51.  Somebody get Jesse Ventura on this fast.

Posted by: chad98036 at 09:45 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Ellie's been Outed

The elusive, ubiquitous Ellie Light.
I'm usually against outings, I think they're lower than low.
But this time it's deserved.
We've seen the links at Instapundit, and elsewhere.
She's sent letters saying we're jerks for bad-mouthing the God-President from dozens of addresses to dozens of newspapers around the world (Insty claimed Thailand I think), so who is she?
I put this in a comment, but  I think about it I think it's pretty important so it deserves a post. If nobody reads the posts, how can I expect anybody to read the freaking comments?

If it's some loser Obama fan, that's one thing, but if it's the gov't, well, that's a whole nother bag of pernicious crap.
As Eric at Classical Values (where I saw the above pic and link to facebook) says, that's Nixon going after his opponents in sneaky, slimy ways.

And if it is someone in the gov't, they need to be found out and slapped down. There's room under the bus.
It might not be illegal (It might be, I am not a lawyer), but it's about as "transparent" and ethical as everything else Obama's admin does and they need to be called on it and smacked down, or at least everybody needs to know what dirtbags they are.

Posted by: Veeshir at 08:13 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
Post contains 216 words, total size 2 kb.

Sometimes the simple truths

are the most profound...

Posted by: chad98036 at 05:15 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Kind of like President's Day but more Boomy

That American Saint, John Moses Browning, was born on this date in 1855.

In a just world, today would be one of America's biggest holidays with Saint Browning giving all the good boys and girls .45ACP and .50 BMG rounds with the day's festivities ending with the Shooting of the BAR.

I'm off to send some 235 grain projectiles down-range at high velocity using two of the finest slayers of enemies of America, the 1911 and .45 ACP, that he invented.

Via the Texas Scribbler

Posted by: Veeshir at 03:48 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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