June 25, 2009

Soviet of California to issue IOUs to creditors

No, seriously, they're really going to issue IOUs.  California's bond ratings are likely to drop as a result of their inability to get their spending and debt under control.  And yet, Sacramento refuses to do anything to get CA's spending under control.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 07:44 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Moral Equivalence Evil

I'll quote St. Andrew of the Blessed Heart-Ache and his dictator-fellating buddy Juan without linking either:

Juan Cole makes a sharp point. The mass protests in Iran would not be allowed in the US either. And they weren't allowed in the US under Bush-Cheney:
The number of demonstrators arrested in Tehran on Saturday is estimated at 550 or so, which is less than those arrested by the NYPD for protesting Bush policies in 2004.
And how many of them were shot dead in the streets during those protests? How many of their families were charged for the bullets that wiped them out? How can you continue to be a fucking human being when your hatred for one man who you once supported now leads you to compare the arrests of 2004 RNC protesters to what is happening in Iran today?

You are a fake man. You are a lie. I would cast you out from humanity. I would call you a fraud, were there not historical frauds better than you. You have never believed in anything. Your supposed outrage at what is going on has nothing to do with what is going on in Iran. It has everything to do with you, Andrew. You feel like your politics and your political issues du jour should be addressed, and when they aren't, you fuss like a little baby.

To quote a gay man with much more integrity than you've ever had, "You go to hell and you die!"

Posted by: Sean M. at 05:15 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Well, I'll be damned

Sure, it takes them ten paragraphs to do it, but the NYT actually mentions the party affiliation of a Democrat politician who pleaded guilty in an influence-peddling case! The weather in hell must be pretty mild today.

Posted by: Sean M. at 02:17 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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June 24, 2009

Hey, Warren Buffett!

Smooth move, ex-lax, you're the genius who used your fame and fortune to boost Obama and the Democrats, and now you're shocked that the Marxists you helped put in power are fucking up the capitalist system we once had in place?  Really?  Oracle of Omaha my ass.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 11:28 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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A bit of non-important fluff

So.  I just got back from Transformers 2.   Let me put it this way, it's Michael Bay directing a movie about robots smashing into each other.  The odds I wouldn't like it are, pretty much, non-existent.

Not too spoilery but I'll put below the fold.

Posted by: alexthechick at 08:26 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Another reason why teh intarwebs are awesome

If there were no intarwebs, this awesome note couldn't be seen by the entire world.

Posted by: Alice H at 03:24 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Hezbollah fighters in Iran

Via ColorMeRed, an Israeli blogger is reporting that there are multiple confirmations of 5,000 Hezbollah fighters in Iran.  There's a letter at the link from an Iranian citizen, asking the Lebanese people to contact their Parliament and demand the recall of the troops. 

I have to reiterate, anyone who thinks that the liberation of Iraq was a bad idea should take a moment to consider what Saddam Hussein would be plotting right now.

Posted by: Alice H at 02:24 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Hey Gov. Sanford?

A truly honorable person wouldn't have freaking cheated on his wife and ran out of the country YOU UTTER JACKASS!

I hope she divorces you and takes you for every penny you have or will have.  It's bad enough you cheated, now public humiliation as well?  Good job!  (and I apologize to jackasses for the comparison)

I would stompyboot you but your ick is too horrible to get on the boots. 

Posted by: alexthechick at 01:45 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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2012 prediction! Read it here first!

The 2012 race will be between Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin, as they will be the only potential nominees who haven't had (or admitted to) affairs.

Posted by: It's Vintage, Duh at 01:42 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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Banned for life from soccer

I know some of you will regard this as a bonus to the players rather than a punishment, but let's just pretend for a few moments that the rest of you regard soccer as a real sport and not something that only six-year-olds should play.

Four of the six Iranian soccer players who were brave enough to wear green armbands during the World Cup qualifier in Seoul a week ago have been forcibly retired from playing soccer. When they returned to Iran after the game, their passports were taken from them, and they have been banned from media interviews.

One of the players, Ali Karimi, is widely regarded as Iran's best footballer. Karimi refused to take off his green armband through the entire game, despite being ordered to do so. Karimi joined Persepolis FC in 2008 because of his love for Iran, despite international attempts to recruit him to more prestigious teams. Karimi previously played for Bayern Munich. He is an amazingly fast midfielder with a lightning foot.

Two of the other banned players currently play for other Bundesliga teams. The fourth plays for Leicester City, an English FC.

Bundesliga and The Football League should step up immediately and demand the release of these fine players. I normally wouldn't encourage sports leagues to get involved in government, but the government had to go and stick their noses into soccer. 

Posted by: Alice H at 12:47 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Time To Return A Favor

I don't have a video but if you've been watching CNN you know that the Iranian government has started "beating women until their husbands faint" and "chopping people with axes like animals" and shooting into crowds.

I think it is time for the United States to return the favor the Iranians did us in Iraq.  Certainly we could find a bunch of Iranian hardware in Iraq and return it to the people of Iran.

Also, if anyone living in any oppressive regime can read this, know that the PEOPLE of the United States stand with your attempts at freedom.  If you push hard enough you will eventually find us pushing at your back no matter how feckless our government is.

Update: This is a link at HotAir.  I wish I could find the video they played on CNN.  It was so disturbing they went to commercial immediately.  Still, their top video is some inane bullshit about fucking Jon and Kate.  Fox News is not any better.

Our media is ridiculously useless.

Posted by: Moron Pundit at 10:51 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Chicago police officer gets light sentence for beating bartender

Officer was blitzed, she refused to serve him any more drinks, he went around the bar and beat her badly.  No prison time, two years probation, anger management classes and community service.  What bullshit.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 10:46 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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A little frivolous news update

That girl with the star tattoos all over her face?  The one who said she wanted three stars tattooed near her eye, but fell asleep and woke up covered with 50+ stars?  Yeah, bullshit, she wanted exactly what the tattoo artist did, she panicked when her father lost his shit and her boyfriend dumped her, some news station set up a hidden camera and caught her confession. 

You know, I feel bad for the tattoo artist on some level.  If she would have kept up with the lie and dragged him into court, it could have destroyed him financially, that's a lot of stress he didn't deserve.  I'm sure he's probably been taking a bunch of shit over this whole thing too.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 09:58 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Sully destroyed

I hate to say it, but I think even the Moron-in-Chief's been bested here as far as Sully takedowns go.  It's a bit tl;dr, but seriously, stay with it.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 09:44 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Everything has an expiration date. Everything.

Oh, look there, Pres. Obama is finally telling the truth about mandating health insurance.  Well.  Maybe.  Who knows what the position is going to be tomorrow?

Obama in the debate with then Sen. Clinton:  Mr. Obama said "the only difference between Senator Clinton's health care plan and mine is that she thinks the problem for people without health care is that nobody has mandated -- forced -- them to get health care. That's not what I'm seeing around Nevada. What I see are people who would love to have health care. They -- they desperately want it. But the problem is they can't afford it."

He underlined again during the debate: "I don't think that the problem with the American people is that they are not being forced to get health care."

Pres. Obama now:

The president said that "any program that we put in place, I think there will be some phase-in period.  So that we can calibrate and adjust to make sure that there really is affordability there before we start trying to penalize people.  But I think my thinking on the issue of mandates has evolved.  And I think that that is typical of most people who study this problem deeper."

Yes, yes, I headlined this that everything Pres. Obama says has an expiration date.  But this time I don't think that's the case.  I think that he was flat out lying in the Nevada debate.  He knew damn well there would have to be mandates but he wanted to score some cheap easy points.  See, it's either that or he is point blank admitting that he and his advisors did not deeply study this problem during his interminable Presidential campaign.  Then there is option three which is the everything has an expiration date theory.  None of these are particularly flattering to the Obama Administration.

You know, one of the reasons I detested former Pres. Clinton so much was because he had no core values.  However, he at least appeared to know about the issues he was attempting to triangulate.  Pres. Obama?  The constant and immediate position shifts are bordering on the pathological. 
I mean, who can say that this position is now going to be the true one?  It's been a few hours, it probably something else now.

Mandates are coming though, of that I have no doubt. I, for one, can't wait until I am able to claim with a straight face that my being fat is a political statement of resistance towards the concept that the government has a right to tell me what to do with my body.  Chocolate cake as speaking truth to power ftw!

Posted by: alexthechick at 09:10 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Somehow, The Left No Longer Cares About "No Blood For Oil"

I guess since it's not one of those evil Amerikkkan corporations making money off of this deal, it's cool, right?

There has been a scramble for oil assets in Iraq's Kurdish region, which is more open to foreign investment than Baghdad. Heritage Oil, also a London listed explorer, agreed to buy Addax's partner in Kurdistan, Turkey's Genel Energy, for £1.5bn earlier this month.

Addax and Genel both produce oil at Taq Taq, with the intention of increasing its production from 40,000 barrels a day to a peak production of 180,000 barrels a day.

Sinopec's offer represents a 47pc premium to the closing price on June 5, the day before Addax announced it was in preliminary discussions with Sinopec and others about a potential deal. Its shares rose 282, or 12pc, to £26.50 in London

The offer from the cash-rich Sinopec, an abbreviation of the China Petrochemical Corporation, does not rely on outside financing. It will have to pay a termination fee of C$300m if it withdraws from the acquisition, which needs the approval of the Chinese government by the end of August.

Jean Claude Gandur, chief executive of Addax, said he hoped Sinopec would increase investment in the business and accelerate exploration plans.

"We are pleased that Sinopec has recognised the highly attractive asset portfolio and exceptional team that we have assembled at Addax Petroleum," he said.


Posted by: eddiebear at 08:54 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Anybody Up For A Hobo Hunt?

If so, we may have found a superbunker where they are congregating en masse.

Housing Massachusetts’ homeless is costing tax payers around $2 million per month. It costs an average of $85 per night to have families...


Posted by: eddiebear at 08:39 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Cue The Imperial March Theme

Guess who is getting a book deal?


Posted by: eddiebear at 08:09 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Once In A Blue Moon Show Of Testicular Fortitude By The RNC

I know, it's still not the slash and burn of the other side, but baby steps are required.

Let's just hope the RINOs don't kill this nascent aggressivenes in the crib.

Posted by: eddiebear at 08:00 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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