January 07, 2008

So, Where Did The Original American Gladiators go?

Since the show is getting revived to fill in the new time slots caused by the writer strike....

Seems most of them have done small parts in movies, one or two are doing endorsements for fitness stuff, and one seems to have disappeared.  One seems to do a good bit of volunteering for youth literacy.  Kinda interesting.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 04:06 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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How 'bout Washing That Down With a Nice Cold Chelada?

***Welcome, whoever from wherever I got linked, feel free to look around and comment.***

What is a chelada you ask?  Its a new Budweiser product, so its not like I'd be drinking this nasty swill anyway, but still, if I was to set about thinking of the precious few ways I could make Budweiser even crappier, this concoction certainly would qualify.

Chelada is a mixture of Budweiser's patented pisswater and Clamato, which is, for those unfamiliar, a mixture of tomato juice and clam juice.


I imagine with the first sip of this crap you'd make a similar facial expression as McCain's making here,


Posted by: doubleplusundead at 02:33 PM | Comments (205) | Add Comment
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Not Good, Parade, Not Good

As Reason points out, this is indeed the one of the pitfalls of having a long time between the time you produce a news article and the time it takes to hit the newstands, click over and look at the cover of Parade. 

Nothing like Parade asking rhetorical questions about what Benazir Bhutto's prospects against al-Qaeda are when she was likely killed by al-Qaeda over a week ago.  Isn't Bill O'Reilly a contributing editor for Parade?  I don't even know why I have to make that distinction, Bill O'Reilly is a lot of things, libertarian ain't one of them.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 02:08 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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January 06, 2008

The Drummond Affair

I've decided, for reasons inexplicable, given my love of a good scrap, particularly when I win on the merit, and I do in this argument, to de-escalate this and try and resolve this privately out of respect for the other members of Wizbang! crew, who overall are decent folks, as long as I'm not antagonized in my emails or on the Wizbang! site.

That said, I'll make a note to the rest of the Wizbang! crew, this sort of thing does can and sometimes does damage you too, and does negatively impact you whether or not you're involved, as it can and does sour people to your site. 

And don't assume that because its someone you've never seen or heard of that significant PR damage can't be done by them.  I could have escalated this much, much further, and in fact, I still could, but I'm choosing not to.  I'd ask that you respect that.

I still expect an apology from or reprimand to DJ Drummond, who from what I can tell is a detriment to the Wizbang! site anyway, so even if it never comes to fruition, I can assume its punishment enough that they keep that twat on board.  However, I'll leave that to Kevin to decide.

I'd lastly like to apologize to Bill Jempty, whose post I and others took to in order to snipe at Drummond for being a syphilitic dick.  That was unfair to Bill, and again, my apologies for the disrespect.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 07:35 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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January 04, 2008

Solved Mysteries

You know, I've noticed over the past year or two that there has been a change in the dextrosphere.  I remember just a year or two ago, going to this site and enjoying the posts there, I remember the site getting linked regularly.  But honestly, I can't remember the last time I've actually seen someone link Wizbang! 

I know Kevin doesn't post there as much, but I've always thought many of the writers were good, and Jay Tea in particular I like (particularly when he skewered our MN GOP plagiarist Michael Barrett, heh).  But unless you count the Blog Awards, I can't really think of the last time I've seen Wizbang! linked, with the exception of Ace's fight with Paul a year or so ago. 

I put Wizbang! on my blogroll after my after my run-in with Michael Barrett of the Minnesota GOP.  Jay Tea butchered the guy pretty badly, I liked Jay Tea before, but I felt like that piece was a confirmation of what I liked about the guy.  I like to go through all the sites on my blogroll on occasion to see what's up, and to see what's going on there.  Sometimes I drop a comment or two. 

Which is what I did at Wizbang.  Didn't go over so well, what I've learned is that at Wizbang!, a conservative who disagrees with the contributors there will be treated significantly worse than the lefty trolls who inhabit their comments.  I've learned why people quit going to Wizbang!  Below the jump!

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 09:39 PM | Comments (28) | Add Comment
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Buffalo Hill

Reeling from her loss in the Iowa primary, Hillary begins a new effort to influence voters...

Hey!  Let me out of here! C'mon, let me go!


Please Mrs. Clinton, let me out of here, I don't want to vote for you!

It votes Team Clinton for the win, it does this whenever its told.

Look, I just don't think you'd make a good president, now please, let me out of this stupid pit!

It votes Team Clinton for the win, or else it gets the hose again!

Alright, its Bubba's time to shine! *ZIIIPP!!*

Not *that* hose, idiot!

Aww, Why not?

Because the last thing I need right now is to wake up and see
"Bill Shows Skin to Fifth" plastered all over my morning paper!

Hmph...I didn't have to put anyone in a pit to make them vote for me...

Get the fuck out of here!


Are you two done yet?  This is getting ridiculous...

Oh, right...dammit, I lost my place, where was I?

I dunno, this is getting really tedious...

Oh, right!  Now I remember!  Hold on a sec, lemme get into character...which you know is a monumental task for me...any minute now...ready!

It places the ballot in the basket...

Look, I told you, I'm not voting for you, I just don't think you're the right person for the job!

It places the ballot in the basket...

I'm not voting for you!  Why can't you leave me the hell alone and let me out of this hole!


Let me goooooooo-

Put the fucking ballot in the basket!

Okay, okay, jeeez, is it really that important to you? Here!

AAAAAAAAAARRRRGH!!!!  I can't believe you're making me vote for you, you rotten bitch!  AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!




Can you let me the hell out of here now? You got your stupid vote already!

The sound of Q. Lazzarus' "Goodbye Horses" is heard through Clinton HQ*

Would you tax them?

I'd tax them.

I'd tax them...hard!


Oh what the hell is it now?


Uh, hi, I'm Jodie Foster, I'm here to provide an awkward jump off point for this lame attempt at Wuzzadem-style humor? I guess?

Oh, okay...well, thanks.

Umm...no problem, I guess...


Posted by: doubleplusundead at 12:35 PM | Comments (21) | Add Comment
Post contains 413 words, total size 8 kb.

Always Bet on Fred!

Is my motto for the rest of the campaign.  Fred is the only GOP candidate I'll accept a win for.  I know many feel the same, I have no idea how we'll make it happen, but we have to do it.  I'm resolved.  He did well enough to keep going, and he's gonna hang in there.  Its time to stomp some Hucktards.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 12:57 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 66 words, total size 1 kb.

January 03, 2008

Guy Who is Suing 8 Year Old For Skiing Accident Getting Internet Lynching

He's suing the kid for $75,000, claiming an assortment of grievous injuries.  Dude, he's eight, there is no way he caused you that much damage.  He's received a flood of angry emails and phone calls. 

It got so bad that he left his home during Christmas to avoid the phone calls (couldn't you just unplug the phone, chump?).  His lawyer whines that he's receiving an "electronic tar and feathering." Even Reader's Digest is getting calls demanding they fire the wanker. 

I hope that none of these calls or emails are threats, but this dickhead is up there with Judge Fancypants in the frivolous lawsuit department, and deserves a good bit of the abuse he's receiving.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 03:52 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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Fred Thompson for President

Its Iowa, and we need to support the true conservative.  People say they want substance, Fred is all substance.  He's the only candidate that is a true conservative, the only one who can prevent further fracturing of the conservative coalition. 

Fred offers us a good record on taxes, small government, gun rights, life, liberty, a free market, sovereignty, a secure nation inside and out, decentralization of government power, and continue to enhance our military.  He will bring a a quiet dignity and strength that is badly needed in the White House, sadly, many have misread his quiet low-key demeanor as laziness, by no means is Fred the first candidate to experience it.

In many ways, this election has become a contest as to who can shout that they are the heir to the Reagan legacy, most Republicans wax nostalgic about the Reagan years, but I have to ask, if Reagan were running today, would voters recognize him?  I hope they will.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 01:41 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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January 02, 2008

Dude, Sick!

Conservative Belle has a post up updating us on that scuzzy lawyer guy who keyed a soldier's car as he was about to be deployed.  With a creepy, creepy nasty shirtless pic from a dating site, you aren't gonna believe it...

Oh, and may I add?


Posted by: doubleplusundead at 06:34 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Stupid Hucktards

I can't decide if I'm disgusted, horrified or amused by this yet.  In any case, Cuffy brings us the choicest cuts of crazy.

Unrelated but still good:  Geoff's takedown of the Brits NHS system.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 04:14 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 36 words, total size 1 kb.

Mitt & Huck Engage in Class Warfare Rhetoric

Am I the only one who noticed this?  I watched both the Dunce & Eyebrow interview with Mike Huckabee, and the Greta interview with Mitt Romney last night, something didn't sit right.  It took till this morning for it to completely connect.  Both of them engaged in a similar type of class warfare.  Here's Mike Huckabee, try and ignore his slimy defense of his running his attack ad for the press and skip ahead to the last minute,

So...tell me, how is the GOP not listening to small business owners and the middle class Mike?  I'm not seeing it, is it because our GOP elite support illegal immigration, which undermines people's ability to get decent jobs?  Because you're Mr. Open Borders, don't think we've forgotten that, so it must not be that. 

Do you mean not doing things like raise taxes, which we know squeezes the working and middle class, because you're pretty well known for raising taxes too.  Or is it because the GOP isn't willing to give out the big shiny goodie bags like Comrade Clinton is?  Which is it Mike?

And Mitt returns to the "I'm not worried about the rich" rhetoric that he engaged in during the Iowa debate with Nurse Ratched during an interview with Greta Van Susteren.  I don't have video, but here's a transcript of his interview with Greta.  The relevant quotes,

VAN SUSTEREN: I don't begrudge you all your great success. You've been enormously successful. But in, you know, looking on the outside, and I know it's hard work, but it looks like you've lived a charmed life. And when someone is someone is middle-class, how can they be certain that you'll get them, that you'll understand?

M. ROMNEY: You know, I think as people look at my record, they'll see that I've been able to do things that affect and that touch the lives of middle income and moderate income Americans. I'm not running to help rich people. I don't stay up at night worrying about rich people and how much money they have, I'm worried...

VAN SUSTEREN: Do they need help? Do rich people need help?

M. ROMNEY: Rich people are doing just fine, thank you very much. What — the people who need help are middle income Americans and moderate income Americans.

Mitt of all people should know better than to do this crap, this is a guy who has earned a massive fortune through a free market.  Mitt knows that its wealthy individuals who invest in and purchase goods and services from those Americans of more modest means, the wealthy invest in and buy from small businesses and individuals.  Its basic economics.

He better than any knows that  "soaking the rich" almost always does the opposite.  This kind of irresponsible rhetoric gives clearance for the left to play their class warfare games.  A classic example of the poisonous effect of soaking the rich is the luxury tax on items like yachts during the first Bush administration, they decided to "soak the rich".  Which in turn, caused the US yacht industry to...er, capsize, and thousands of American workers lost their jobs.  I'm guessing those weren't rich guys, Mitt. 

Now, I admit Greta sets him up, and its easy to indulge and go along with that rhetoric, but Mitt should be above indulging in that kind of rhetoric.  Huckabee is a populist demagogue, so I'm not going to bother claiming he should know better.

If nothing else, I'll note something that Rush Limbaugh has warned the GOP about for years, if you try and out-Democrat the Democrats, you will inevitably get your ass handed to you, and Huck and Mitt sound like Democrats here.   I'll just quietly note that you don't hear this kind of demagoguery and rhetoric from Fred Thompson.

Aren't you glad Huck and Mitt are our frontrunners?

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 03:17 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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January 01, 2008

Reading Assignment

We've all heard about the guy who asked Fred if he wanted to be president and the reaction to his answer, so here's a letter that the guy wrote to NRO.  Read the whole thing.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 05:02 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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