July 02, 2010
and this time he is trying to extort $1,000 from a 19 year old girl.
If you don't remember Mr. Page (hereafter "douche") he made the news in 2007 when Gawker.com dubbed him the world's worst person after an e-mail exchange he had with a potential match on match.com went viral. Douche apparently couldn't handle being rejected after laying out his numerous charms for the lady and responded to her "no thanks" thusly:
I think you forgot how this works. You hit on me, and therefore have to impress ME and pass MY criteria and standards - not vice versa. 6 pictures of just your head and your inability to answer a simple question lets me know one thing. You are not in shape. I am a trainer on the side, in fact, I am heading to the gym in 26 minutes!So next time you meet a guy of my caliber, instead of trying to turn it around, just get to the gym! I will even give you one free training session, so you don't blow it with the next 8.9 on Hot or Not, Ivy League grad, Mensa member, can bench/squat/leg press over 1200 lbs., has had lunch with the secretary of defense, has an MBA from the top school in the country, lives in a Buckhead high rise, drives a Beemer convertible, has been in 14 major motion pictures, was in Jezebel's Best dressed, etc. Oh, that is right, there aren't any more of those!
John Douche
To fully understand what a prize Douche is you need to watch this interview he gave to CBS News:
OK, so now you have the background and we can move on to today's story. Apparently since the last time we met him Douche has started a talent agency in Atlanta in which he sends the models on publicly advertised casting calls and then collects (according to gawker) large commissions. A 19 year old girl figured out what he was doing and via a reply all to an email let everyone else know. Douche then tried to wring a little money out of her:
Subject: "Your options: APOLOGIZE/SETTLE/GET SUED" He tells the girls "I am going to educate you to a bit and then give you your options."
1) APOLOGIZE. I need a full, heartfelt, detailed apology, which I will send to all affected talent. You had nothing to lose by working with me, and everything to gain. If I made you $100 this year, you were up $100!
2) Pay me $1000 settlement EACH by Sunday at midnight. This is to make up for commissions lost today and in the future, by you actively revealing my business sources to my talent. And your attempt to damage my reputation, question my intelligence and reduce my talent pool. Also, my name or my business name is never to cross your lips again.
3) On Monday, I will begin the legal process to sue you both for the sum of $100,000 for defamation of character, libel, slander, current and future loss of income & talent pool. I will probably win an out of court settlement from you for $10K each pretty easily, based on the emails you each wrote that I have forwarded to my counsel.After Rebecca called him and told him to fuck off, basically, Page Douche reiterated his accomplishments and demands in a new email. Adding, this time,
My legal team is prepared, I expect to hear from you ASAP about which option you want to explore. You stood your ground as tiny mouse against a cat, now that you recognize that cat is a mountain lion, maybe you will come to your senses.
Now personally I don't really have a problem with Douche's business model. If the girls aren't smart enough to check the papers themselves that's on them. I do have a problem with him threatening someone because they figured out what he was doing and warned others. Let's face it he knew he wasn't really providing a valuable service, when people contract with an agent they do so because they believe they are gaining access to people / events that they wouldn't ordinarily have, if you think you are smart enough to play off that belief without actually delivering you have no room for complaint when you are caught.
To really get a full view of Douche's douchieness check out his playlist and the underlying theme of the titles. (Normally I wouldn't point this out because God knows I make my share of spelling errors, and like everyone I make mistakes of fact, but I don't manage to work my MENSA membership into every conversation; that said song number 3 in his play list is Big Bad John and the artist is listed as Jonny Cash. First, Jimmy Dean sang "Big Bad John", second, it's Johnny Cash not Jonny. If I was MENSA I think I would be reviewing that membership. )
Posted by: chad98036 at
10:34 PM
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Metrolink, the commuter rail service that serves five Southern California counties, is raising fares an average of 6% to help cover a decline in ridership and revenue. The increase is expected to raise $3.3 million next year.This sort of thing happens out here (and I'm quite sure everywhere else elected or appointed government dumbasses are in charge) at least once every few years. The last instance I can remember off the top of my head was when the LAX parking garages decided that they would raise fees because cheaper surrounding private garages were luring away customers.
Stupid assholes.
Posted by: Sean M. at
12:51 AM
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July 01, 2010
700 pd Ninjitsu master shows how she rolls by calling out former guildies:
I don't whether [know] we should blame video games for violence, or Pillsbury for being so delicious.
Posted by: chad98036 at
08:38 PM
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June 22, 2010
1. That isn't the screen for an empty realm
2. Why is there a video? Do they just have 24 hour surveillance on the WoW login screen.
Posted by: chad98036 at
09:17 PM
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Doctor Funbags can stop selling her snake oil any time now.
Posted by: JoeCollins at
09:19 AM
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A French prisoner killed his cellmate then sliced open his chest to remove and eat his heart, a court has heard.Leaving aside the fact that the beating and stabbing might have been, I dunno, a little bit noisy, how do you miss a heat source in a prison cell? And how do you get onions in there? Oh, wait...
However, the man removed the wrong organ, and ate his lung by mistake.Nicolas Cocaign, 39, appeared in court in the northern city of Rouen for allegedly killing Thierry Baudry in January 2007 by punching and kicking him, stabbing him with a pair of scissors and suffocating him with a rubbish bag.
Mr Cocaign then allegedly sliced open Baudry's chest with a razor blade, removed a rib and pulled out an organ which he believed was the man's heart, but which in fact was a lung.
He is accused of eating part of the lung raw and then frying the rest of it with some onions on a makeshift cooker in the cell in the Rouen prison.
Well, at least Paul Sorvino never resorted to cannibalism.
Posted by: Sean M. at
02:06 AM
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June 21, 2010
Yes, this happens all the time.
In other news, how's that World Cup working out for you, North Korea?
Posted by: Moron Pundit at
08:32 AM
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June 18, 2010
Posted by: Sean M. at
01:55 AM
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June 17, 2010
And then Steyn makes Conor his bitch.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
02:17 PM
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June 15, 2010
You have to lift their skirts to find out if they are women.
A couple of things.
1) If there is any bias toward attractive females by party it would be entirely due to the fact that more young, stupid females associate themselves with the Democratic party. The Republican party, on the other hand, is populated by more mature, sexy women that can also talk their way out of a paper bag.
2) I would like my "Official Republican Gender Inspector" t-shirt in a large. I will expect full skirt-lifting cooperation until we can put this unpleasant mess behind us.
3) Janis Sontany calling out Republican woman is like the thing with stupid hair and indeterminate gender calling the thing with stupid hair and indeterminate gender a thing with stupid hair and indeterminate gender.
As they say, you can't put lipstick on a pig... unless the pig's name is Janis Sontany.
*- Changed a word to mean what I meant it to mean in my haste.
Posted by: Moron Pundit at
11:30 AM
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June 14, 2010
Dude, even my seriously hearing impaired friend was all "what the hell are the bees doing in the stadium?"
Posted by: alexthechick at
02:20 PM
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June 08, 2010
Her mother died of colon cancer about 10 years ago so, needless to say, she's completely terrified. Please pray or send good thoughts or evil thoughts towards cancer or what have you. I don't know if I'm going to be around more or less since visiting hours at the hospital are limited. I do have wifi at the hotel so I'm not totally out of the loop.
Motherfucking cancer needs to die in a motherfucking fire.
UPDATE: BFF (her name is Leslie for those praying) had the scope and a bonus laproscopy. There is a mass and now it's a matter of waiting for the biopsy to set up the treatment plan. The good news is that she was released from the hospital in the meantime so I get to play pack mule and take care of her. Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers, it means a lot.
Posted by: alexthechick at
03:52 PM
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June 03, 2010
No, I'm talking about the fact that the "Karate Kid" isn't learning Karate at all, but rather Kung-Fu, as his teacher explicitly states several times during the course of the trailer.
Karate is a Japanese martial art, while Kung-Fu is a Chinese martial art. The two countries, while both in East Asia, are very different.
This is why the terrorists hate us.
Posted by: Sean M. at
01:54 AM
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May 31, 2010
Bad for journalism? What journalism? The MSM let this farce of a politician go an entire campaign without a single real press conference...That's how you find out who this delusional phony truly is...I think the press should be right in front of powerful people's faces. Right there. Unblinking, so to speak.Hahahahahahahaha! Just kidding. You know who he's really talking about.
Posted by: Sean M. at
02:19 AM
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May 27, 2010
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
08:42 PM
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But in spite of this, his fishmonger father Mohammed, 30, said: 'He looks pretty healthy to me. I don't see the problem.'Something tells me that Dr. Phil isn't syndicated in this part of the world.
Posted by: Sean M. at
02:03 AM
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May 26, 2010
Rescue crews were using fire hoses to douse an angry swarm of bees after a fatal crash that involved a semitrailer carrying about 17 million of the insects.Authorities say a truck hauling 7,000 bee hives was involved in the four-vehicle crash Monday on Interstate 35 near Lakeville, about 35 miles south of Minneapolis.
Posted by: Moron Pundit at
07:48 PM
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May 25, 2010
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
01:42 PM
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May 24, 2010
Now, I have to wait until ABC decides to put the episode up on their website to see what I missed.
And pardon me for wanting to enjoy the first hour of the most watched series finale in A FUCKING DECADE without buffering.
Fuck you, DVR. Fuck. You.
Posted by: Sean M. at
02:04 AM
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Post contains 90 words, total size 1 kb.
May 21, 2010
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
08:17 PM
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Post contains 47 words, total size 1 kb.
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