July 31, 2008

Liquid Nitrogen+Swimming Pool=Awesomely Awesomeness To Eleventy!

Posted by: eddiebear at 10:17 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Sweet! Congress to act in order to bring DC into compliance with the Heller decision

Good news for the residents of DC, and this is probably a politically smart move for the Democrats.  I say smart move on the Democrats part (assuming they pass it) because they know that the last thing they need is Second Amendment activists riled up for November. 

The Democrats know how disastrous that can be, and they're on the wrong side on Second Amendment issues when it comes to public opinion, and they know it.  There's a reason you're seeing Blue Dogs Democrats popping up in places, they're almost all pro-2nd (or at least vote that way thus far) and know if the Democrats don't start trying to impose abusive bans and regulations, they can compete in centrist, rural and some right leaning districts and maintain a majority.  Any effort to impose abusive federal gun bans or regulations could end all that.

If they were truly wise, they'd just make this a national policy to avoid the inevitable lawsuits in Chicago, NY, Mass., California and other places the Marxists have an iron grip in.

That'll be the next big fight, I dunno if the Democrats are hoping to have a more liberal SCOTUS for the next round, or that Justice Kennedy will flip his Shiny Nickel of Arbitrary Decisionmaking (+3 against rational arguments, +2 resistance to Constitutional Law) in their favor. 

I think it'd be much easier for the Democrats to just let pro-2nd forces have this win and others, and just take their losses over the past ten years for now.  They're going to want to focus on getting socialist medicine, greenie boondoggles, moar entitlements, gutting the military and raising taxes, not on futile demagoguery against gun owners that'd just burn political capital with nothing to show for it (possibly less than nothing if it caused Blue Dog losses in later elections). 

Okay, so, what will the bill do?  The NRA had a hand in brokering this, and this is what they're saying you'll see,

  • Repeal the District's ban on semi-automatic handguns.  Semi-automatic pistols have been the most commonly purchased handguns in the United States over the last 20 years, and therefore a ban on those firearms is unconstitutional as decided by Heller;


  • Restore the right of self-defense by repealing the requirement that firearms be disassembled or secured with a trigger lock in the home;


  • Repeal the current D.C. registration system that requires multiple visits to police headquarters; ballistics testing; passing a written test on D.C. gun laws; fingerprinting; and limiting registration to one handgun per 90 days.  The current system is unduly burdensome and serves as a vehicle for even more onerous restrictions; and


  • Create a limited exemption to the federal ban on interstate handgun sales by allowing D.C. residents to purchase handguns in Virginia and Maryland.  Currently there are no firearms dealers in the District of Columbia, and the federal ban prohibits residents from purchasing handguns outside of the District; therefore, District residents have no means of purchasing handguns.

Now, I notice it doesn't say no registration, it says the cumbersome registration that exists now is a no-go, so I wonder if you may still have to register.  Hope I'm wrong, and that there'll be no registration, guess we'll see. 

Guess if you're living in DC, having a registered pistol beats being dead because you couldn't legally defend yourself.  I wonder what, if any restrictions will be placed on semi-autos, if they'll put a limit on capacity, or allow DC to.  The rest is all self explanatory and good, and I'm glad they're addressing the whole "no dealers in DC" issue too.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 08:06 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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July 29, 2008

Olympic Committee lifts ban on Iraqi athletes

I'm glad to hear it, there are only two going, hopefully Iraq will stabilize and be able to send more in the future.  The problems came from allegations that Prime Minister Maliki was politically involved with people in Iraq's Olympic Committee, which would compromise it's neutrality.  The problem is that the Iraqi Olympic Committee was kind of a thrown together affair, after four members of the Iraqi Olympic Committee were kidnapped and vanished without a trace two years ago.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 10:29 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Saving Senator Obama Kogelo Secondary School

You may have read the story about the Senator Obama Kogelo Secondary School, where Senator Obama promised the school that he'd deliver aid to them and never followed through?  Well, Juliette Ochieng at Baldilocks is from the same Kenyan tribe as Obama, and is working to set up a non-profit to help the Senator Obama Kogelo Secondary School the funding they need.  The school set up an upgrade plan that would cost 8.2 million Kenyan Shillings, which amounts to about $130,000. 

The upgrades would include tapping a well for the school, installing latrines, modernizing the building, adding classrooms, finishing an basic science lab, and putting up a perimeter fence.  These are all basic needs for any school, and $130,000 is not that much money to raise with enough help.

It costs $500 to set up a non-profit in California, and unless Juliette can find someone to donate time and energy to put together her non-profit site, she'll also need to hire someone to build the site for her.  Thus far she's raised a bit less than $100 for the effort.  The effort has only just begun, but let's see what we can do to help Senator Obama Kogelo Secondary School.

I'll be doing what I can to promote the Save the Senator Obama Kogelo Secondary School campaign, and I'd ask anyone reading to do what you can to help out, whether that's writing a post and giving some PR to the cause(and you're free to use this post as a template), donating, or if you can volunteer tech services or fundraising expertise, those would all be welcome and appreciated, just drop by here and leave a comment or email if you're able to help or are interested in helping Senator Obama Kogelo Secondary School.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 12:54 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 28, 2008

Wonderful bacon-y WIN


Posted by: doubleplusundead at 06:22 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Remember Pat Buchanan's "Hitler wasn't all that bad" book?

Well, if you were wanting to see Victor Davis Hanson and Christopher Hitchens rip it a new one, look no further

Posted by: It's Vintage, Duh at 12:20 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 26, 2008

This is pure WIN

Via Hotair, Gerard Baker narrates his column,

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 10:32 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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July 25, 2008

And You Thought Your 21st Birthday Was Awesome

Ah, the 21st Birthday. The time when young lads and lasses can *ahem* legally purchase alcohol for the first time. Most normal 21st Birthdays end some time late the next morning with vomit, unconsciousness, strange bite and burn marks, and a shitload of $1 bills. But enough about me.

What little I recall of my 21st obviously doesn't top what this student at Penn State did to ring in legal drunkenness. He wound up breaking into the PSU football complex and having a good time.

Police said they arrived at the building because of a call about a fight at the indoor training facility next door, and later found out later the call was actually made by Costenbader. He was found alone in a first-floor bathroom in the football building, which is home to the offices of Paterno and his staff as well as the team locker room.

An extensive collection of bowl game trophies, awards and other memorabilia are also on display, though there was no apparent damage to those items. The trophy awarded to Penn State after its Alamo Bowl victory last year had apparently been handled but was not damaged, team spokesman Jeff Nelson said.

Well played, young man. Well played.

Posted by: eddiebear at 09:51 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 23, 2008

Statler and Waldorf have a youtube channel!

Statler and Waldorf rule so much, here's their channel, and here's a clip,

Pure. Friggin'. Win.

And for you Scandis, here's the Swedish Chef's channel.  Also, Beaker and Gonzo.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 09:06 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Royal Marine rewarded George Cross for throwing self on explosive to save comrades

He survived the blast too!  One of the men in his group stepped on a tripwire during a raid on a Taliban camp, this Royal Marine saw the device, and managed to throw himself on it, twisting himself so that his rucksack took the brunt of the blast.  There's a great pic of the guy, he's holding the rucksack that took the explosion...what's left of it, anyway.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 01:54 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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July 21, 2008

NYT editor David Shipley's notes on McCain response column leaked

Our friends at TNOYF have the exclusive.  (h/t)

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 08:09 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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July 19, 2008

More good news out of Alaska

Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell bested Rep. Don Young in second quarter fund-raising. 

Oh, and Don Young had to spend nearly half of his campaign contributions on lawyers for himself and for his staffers.

Looks like that endorsement from Huck hasn't paid off for Rep. Young. 

Posted by: It's Vintage, Duh at 02:08 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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July 18, 2008

Photo of the Day: Kentucky Falafeled Chicken?

It's nice to know that if I ever find myself in Fallujah, there will be some fried chicken waiting on me. 


The story is here.

But let's all keep in mind that this is just another abuse of AmeriKKKan capitalistic imperialism.  It's nothing to celebrate.

Posted by: It's Vintage, Duh at 02:04 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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July 17, 2008

V-I Day Coming Soon

This is what victory looks like:

Senior U.S. military officials are developing plans to speed the deployment of thousands of additional troops to Afghanistan, including possibly pulling the next brigade scheduled to go to Iraq this fall and sending it to Afghanistan instead.

President Bush has already committed to beefing up the U.S. presence in Afghanistan next year. But Defense Department officials said the recent efforts of military planners would accelerate the process and could allow the new brigade of 3,500 soldiers to deploy there before the end of this year.

When the American forces in Europe finished mopping up the crushed Nazi war machine, they started getting on ships bound for Japan. We haven't started directly redeploying soldiers from Iraq to Afghanistan yet but look for that as a final indication that we've completed our task in Iraq.

You know how you can tell things are going really well in Iraq? The Marines are asking to be redeployed to where some real action is.

Posted by: Moron Pundit at 08:06 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Paul Hornung Just Proved How Awesome He Was, Is, And Always Will Be.

Legendary Green Bay Packer Paul Hornung had a reputation as a bit of a rounder back when he played. He was a boozer, ladies man, and a nightclub fixture. He even served a one year suspension for gambling. But he also kicked ass while on the field.

And to make things even better, he seems unrepentant about his glory days and life off the field.  Here is what he said recently on a radio interview that just proved how awesome he really is:

Q:“You guys had a great life, but I don’t think you could live that lifestyle today.”

Hornung: “Oh hell you could. You’re in such good shape, are you crazy? When you’re 24-years-old, you weigh 215 pounds, you can work out every day of your life, you could make love to five girls a week and play 44 games of football. Hell.”

Pure Win right there.

Posted by: eddiebear at 06:33 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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July 14, 2008

Donuts Help Make Health Kicks Seem Less Gay

Unlike the killjoys in the Soviet of California that Sean mentioned earlier, us hardy (and fat) folks in the Midwest enjoy wallowing in our deep fried happiness. Any attempt to regulate food in St. Louis and Southwestern Illinois will be met with a caloric "fuck you". And that is a good thing.

Well, we even have been able to combine that pussy-ass health shit with something delicious: donuts. Yep, the Tour de Donut was held this past weekend in Southwestern Illinois.

Apparently, the goals were a might different than what those blood-doping fools in France are doing right now.

Prizes were awarded to those who finished with the fastest time, the fastest adjusted time (depending on number of doghnuts eaten) and for most doughnuts eaten.

For every donut eaten, five minutes is taken off a cyclist's time. Pit stop volunteers were scrambling to mark those who had eaten doughnuts so cyclists could hop back on their bikes and pedal away.

And, it seems, only the hearty would be able to survive this grueling test.


Steve Striker of Edwardsville planned to eat at least 24 doughnuts. He was working on 20 doughnuts when he reached the Worden pit stop.

"I don't think I'll make my goal. It's tough to hold it back now," Striker said as he was shoving five doughnuts into his mouth.

First-time participant Blake Stevens of Edwardsville said the ride was fun.

"I got to see some guy puke after eating 25 doughnuts, so that was interesting," Stevens said.

Bill Schmaltz of St. Louis joked about the cyclists from Illinois lagging behind the rest. He said his goal is to eat seven doughnuts and finish the race under one hour and 35 minutes.

"This is fun, in a gluttonous kind of way," Schmaltz said.

Amen, brother. Amen. Now, douse yourself with gravy, and enjoy a Menthol lung dart to make the evening perfect.

Posted by: eddiebear at 09:56 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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University of Utah's virtual lab

Weasel finds the best stuff ever.  The one on addiction really is excellent, in particular, the Mouse Party, where you can see a series of strung out mice and what a particular substance does to the brain.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 02:37 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 12, 2008

On a somewhat lighter note

See-Dub is finally making his way out of the Soviet of California.  Hopefully California doesn't follow him wherever he goes.  Leftists have a tendency to migrate places that they haven't destroyed with their policies yet.

Stashiu is back, so be sure to drop by and say hi and give him some kind words.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 08:15 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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July 11, 2008

My No Good Reason Other Than It's Awesome Post For Tonight

Bruce Lee + Kareem Abdul-Jabbar=WIN!

Posted by: eddiebear at 10:26 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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July 07, 2008

The Las Vegas City Council sticks up for the Ace-of-Spades Lifestyle

Las Vegas "accidentally" passed a law making it a crime to feed the homeless.

(h/t, and yes, I know it's old.)

Posted by: It's Vintage, Duh at 05:42 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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