September 04, 2010

Upcoming debates on Intelligence Squared

I don't really know if anyone else here is interested in these things, but Intelligence Squared has a number of interesting debates airing over the next couple months.

Sep 14 - Treat Terrorists Like Enemy Combatants, Not Criminals:

In 2009 the Justice Department announced that 9/11 plotter Khalid Shaikh Mohammed would be tried in New York City, setting off a firestorm of protests. Besides the cost and safety concerns, at issue are whether terrorists should be tried in criminal court or whether national security requires the use of military commissions. Likewise, issues like the closing of Guantanamo, the reading of Miranda rights, and enhanced interrogation all center on the same question: How should the U.S. treat captured alleged terrorists? In a war with no foreseeable end, whose actors are neither criminals nor soldiers; can we keep America safe and still bring terrorists to justice.

Oct 6 - Islam Is A Religion Of Peace

Is the rise of terrorism and violence justifiably traced to the teachings of Islam, or is this call to war a twisted interpretation of the true Muslim faith? Most of the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims are moderates who see Islamic terrorism as a violation of their sacred texts. Is it wrong to let a radical minority represent authentic Islam? Has fear blinded us to its lessons of tolerance and peace?

Ayaan Hirsi Ali will be arguing against the motion

Oct 26 - Big Government Is Stifling The American Spirit

Intellectuals, tea partiers and everyone in between are concerned about the size of our government and how it affects America’s financial and political future. Is government intervention in everything from economic policy to health care rewarding the “takers,” and not the “makers,” stifling innovators, entrepreneurs and business owners? Or has government done too little to support the growing poor and rapidly shrinking middle class?

Art Laffer will be arguing for the motion

Personally I find these debates kind of interesting.  The arguments aren't as in-depth as I would like, but it's an hour long show so that's to be expected, however a lot of times I think it points out weak areas in the arguments on both sides.  I find that useful in refining my own arguments for and against certain positions.

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