October 31, 2009

In honor of our spambot...

And yes, I know that it's so old that even Ace thinks it's old. Just celebrating my love of shoes in the only way I know how.

Posted by: It's Vintage, Duh at 09:27 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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Jackie O she ain't


Notice the belt. She wears a belt really high all the time. I've even seen her wearing two belts, one where it's supposed to be and one really high.
I think, like her husband, she believes her pet media so she thinks she's a fashion icon.
Jackie O had pillbox hats, Michele O has high belts. She's trying to make the look "fashionable".

That makes me laugh but we'll have to wait until next season to see if Milan is following suit.
Image from Wyatt Earp's caption contest.

Posted by: Veeshir at 08:39 AM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
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October 30, 2009

I can't really blame Ah-nuld...

...for sending "Fuck you" letters to Califorina's legislators when they're wasting everyone's time with bullshit like this:

Piles of unwanted phone books littered throughout the Bay Area and the state could soon be reduced under legislation announced today by state Sen. Leland Yee, D-San Francisco/San Mateo.

At a news conference on the steps of Millbrae City Hall this morning, Yee announced legislation that would allow California residents to request a copy of the phone book each year instead of automatically receiving them from phone companies.
Yeah, because there's no more pressing issue facing the people of California than fucking phone books. It's like you can't walk down the street without tripping over piles and piles of them. Our massive budget deficit, overcrowded prison system and failing public schools can wait.

Posted by: Sean M. at 02:05 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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October 28, 2009

Gee, I didn't see this coming

Guess which part of the federal government is facing "painful adjustments" to its budget?

Posted by: Sean M. at 08:46 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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October 18, 2009

Reason 617,213,123,129,100,100 To Hate RINOS

Thanks to Nice Deb, we learn that the head of the ACU has been playing the wrong side of the fence. And when John Ziegler tries to get a word with the guy, Ziegler gets removed from the interview.

Yeah, Mr. Head of the ACU, I have one response to you:


Posted by: eddiebear at 12:45 AM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
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October 17, 2009

My Tribute To Anita Dunn

As much as I want to get worked up about the stupid comments Anita Dunn made, I really can't. Unlike Van Jones, this probably will just be a "he said/she said" and "I was just joking" deal, and she will not go away or get fired for this.

That said, that doesn't mean I can't pay homage to her hero in my own fashion.

Posted by: eddiebear at 10:26 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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October 16, 2009

If there was one athlete on the planet who you could punch in the dick, who would it be?

If it doesn't have to be one of the Boston Red Sox, LeBron James.  I would dick-punch his ass and then do a victory dance.


Posted by: Sean M. at 11:04 PM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
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October 13, 2009

I guess I didn't get the memo

When did people decide that booze wasn't supposed to taste like booze anymore? Sure, bacon-infused vodka is kind of a cool idea, but this crap sounds more like something you serve out of the back of your windowless van near the local playground...


Don't drink the "funny candy water," kids! Run! Run for your lives, and don't look back!

Posted by: Sean M. at 11:50 PM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
Post contains 67 words, total size 1 kb.

October 09, 2009

But of fucking course

There are no words. Seriously, since I'm a racist if I say anything negative about this, there really are no words. I mean, what could I possibly say?

I guess *sigh* is more of a sound than a word.

Posted by: Sean M. at 05:18 AM | Comments (38) | Add Comment
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October 08, 2009

Behold The Majesty Of Our Elected Leaders

Ike Skelton, D-MO.

Posted by: eddiebear at 11:20 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 10 words, total size 1 kb.

Government by Publicity Stunt

There is no word as to whether or not Al Gore will be renting scuba gear and a XXXL wetsuit to attend the meeting.

Posted by: Sean M. at 12:37 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 28 words, total size 1 kb.

October 07, 2009

Get that man a vagina

Saith Excitable Andy (no link per DPUD policy):
Make your own mind up.(with link removed V) As I've said for ever, I have no idea.

The link I removed from the quote was to some site dedicated to proving that Sarah Palin is not Todd's mother or something.
That freak has a bunch of pics with different celebs at "X" months pregnant and next to one of Sarah Palin at the same time in hers proving that she wasn't pregnant and Todd gave birth to Ronald Reagan I think.

If Palin has a sense of humor, next April Fool's Day she'll write him a letter saying she's coming out for gay marriage, gays in the military and a Constitutional amendment making it illegal to discriminate against gays.
If that doesn't make his head explode nothing will.
Via Althouse

Posted by: Veeshir at 08:37 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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October 06, 2009

On such an Autumn day

If you've never lived in California, you might not get this, but it's one of the most divided states in the country. It's really like a bunch of small states shoehorned into a mega-state, where, for a variety of reasons, those of us who live in SoCal hate the people of the Bay Area (and vice-versa), the rural communities in the interior dislike the Pacific coastal communities, the weirdos and misfits in the far north toward Oregon may as well live on a different planet, everyone mistrusts Sacramento, and nobody likes Bakersfield. Srsly, fuck you, Bakersfield. Oh, and STFU, Fresno.

All that said, when Bubba came here to endorse San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom's campaign for Governor, he might have picked a different city in which to deliver this line:

"San Francisco may be the greatest city in the entire country" on issues of environment and energy conservation, "and it may be because of (Newsom's) leadership," Clinton told a crowd of students at Los Angeles City College.
Jeezus, as far as I'm concerned, he may as well have shown up in a Giants jersey and chanted "Beat LA! Beat LA!"

I know that all of you hate this whole state anyway, so I'd like to thank anybody who made it through to the end of this post. Really, we're not all a bunch of hippies and commies. I live in a city that's managed to stay in the black throughout its entire history, and my district elects real conservatives to the House of Representatives, the Assembly, and the state Senate. It's those fucking NorCal assholes and Hollywood douchebags who always fuck things up for the rest of us.

See what I mean?

Posted by: Sean M. at 12:47 AM | Comments (20) | Add Comment
Post contains 287 words, total size 2 kb.

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