July 31, 2008
We believe that Mort Klein was put in an untenable position by Ron Klein or his supporters. Alan Bergstein was given the choice of resigning from either the ZOA or from his volunteer support for Allen West. We are not aware of any Ron Klein supporters who received a similar phone call.
Mr. Bergstein resigned under protest from the ZOA. To our knowledge, no mention was made of tax status concerns but even if the question had been raised, the remedy was an over-reaction.
Mr. Bergstein honored the group's rules when he set up the candidate forum that started this ball rolling. Allen West appreciated the hospitality extended to him by the local ZOA and also honored their rules in his comments to them.
This argument is not--and should not be--between Allen West and the ZOA. It is more properly directed at Ron Klein, without whose inappropriate pressure this would not have occurred.
Donna Brosemer
You can donate to Lt. Col. Allen West here.
***Cross-posted at Down the Ticket***
Posted by: It's Vintage, Duh at
04:03 PM
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July 30, 2008
Today: Obama 46, McCain 42.
Nice. Apparently 54% of Americans don't want America to "return to our best traditions."
Posted by: It's Vintage, Duh at
02:31 PM
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July 29, 2008
The New York Times' Caucus blog has dug up some of the final exams from Barack Obama's law class at the University of Chicago, in case you're interested. Or need something to put you to sleep.
Posted by: It's Vintage, Duh at
07:27 PM
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Update: There doesn't seem to be any significant damage throughout the region, though it was felt from Ventura to the Mexican border, and as far east as Las Vegas. Phone service seems to be spotty, though, as people are trying to get through to loved ones.
I just talked to my mom, who was in the pool at a physical therapy session while it happened, and that apparently wasn't a fun experience.
All in all, a lot of shaking and rumbling, but not a catastrophe.
Posted by: Sean M. at
02:01 PM
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July 28, 2008
It appears as though a really awful smogstorm has decided to settle in on Beijing just in time for the Summer Games.
The grayish haze was one of the worst seen in Beijing in the past month despite tough traffic restrictions imposed a week ago to help reduce pollution.
The city's notoriously polluted air remains one of the biggest question marks hanging over the games, which begin on August 8.
'The air quality in August will be good,' Du Shaozhong, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, told reporters on Sunday. He did not explain the reasons for his optimism.
Du blamed the thick haze on a combination of fog and light wind unable to blow away the pollution, but he said pollution levels now are 20 per cent lower than one year ago in similar weather conditions. He did not provide any details.
'Our job is to decrease the pollution as much as possible, but sometimes it is very common to have fog in Beijing at this time,' Du said.

You know, I am not a scientist, but that smog looks bad.
Posted by: eddiebear at
10:28 PM
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July 27, 2008
Anyway, here is the sublime:

This is Lake Michigan from Tunnel Park.
To the ridiculous:

Here we are at the petting zoo portion of the Dutch Village. They gave my daughter the biggest goat to walk. So, I had to take over. STupid thing just wanted to eat from the food dispenser.
To the awesome (Warning: Excessive Orange Crocs alert!)

Here I am at Holland State Park, exuding Orange Awesomeness.
One bit of advice:
If your daughter needs you to go back out to the car to get her pink My Little Pony purse, just try not to run into some drunken rednecks. Just sayin'
Posted by: eddiebear at
11:33 PM
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July 25, 2008
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
12:20 PM
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July 24, 2008
It appears as though a five-year-old in Dallas snuck out of his day care and crossed I-35E (which I have been told is an extremely busy stretch of Interstate) and wound up in a Hooters Parking Lot.
Employees of Hooters found the child safe about 5:20 p.m. He left the child care center in the 2300 block of San Jacinto Boulevard, crossed the Interstate 35E northbound service road and Dallas Drive, bought a soft drink at a service station and walked to Hooters, where an employee found him in the parking lot and called police.
Deborah Pugh, who owns the child care business, said Wednesday that the boy asked to go to the bathroom and then slipped out a fire exit door, which must, by law, remain unlocked.
“It was just really fast,†Pugh said. “When the parent came for him we said he was in the bathroom. But we looked and realized he wasn’t, and we called police.â€
And yet this daycare center is still allowed to operate.
Posted by: eddiebear at
09:57 PM
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July 21, 2008
...the aircraft under consideration were Tu-160 and Tu-95 MC bombers. Russia gave up in 2001 a base in Lourdes, Cuba, which had been set up during the Soviet era.
The former commander of this base, Lieutenant-General Mikhail Oparin, was quoted as welcoming the idea. 'Russia's air fleet must work towards a presence in every corner of the world,' he told Interfax news agency. The US, after all, had bases worldwide.
'An extended radius of action for our air force could be a response to the one-sided action of the USA in setting up a strategic system on Russia's borders,' he added.
The newspaper said that from a technical point of view there would be no problem basing Russian bombers on Cuba for a limited period. However, Moscow's view on doing this was unclear.
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, while he was still president, had threatened 'reprisal measures' if the US went ahead with basing its missile defence shield in Poland and the Czech Republic. He warned that Russia was able to target central Europe with its own missiles.
Russia views the planned deployment of ten US missiles in Poland and a radar facility the Czech Republic as a threat. However, the presence of Russian bombers on Cuba would provoke an international conflict, the Izvestiya report said.
Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.
Posted by: eddiebear at
11:17 PM
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Yes he will, according to Bob Novak:
Sources close to Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign are suggesting he will reveal the name of his vice presidential selection this week while Sen. Barack Obama is getting the headlines on his foreign trip. The name of McCain's running mate has not been disclosed, but Mitt Romney has led the speculation recently.
I'm excited, even though my gut is telling me this is going to be a huge disappointment.
Update: In case you were interested, here are my favorite potential VPs: Gov. Sarah Palin (Ak.), Gov. Mark Sanford (S.C.) if he cleans up his act, Sen. Jim DeMint (S.C.), Rep. Eric Cantor (Va.), and (shrug) Gov. Mitt Romney.
While trying to make that list, I found it was hard to find any VP I would fully and enthusiastically support apart from Palin. That's depressing.
If McCain chooses a mavericky VP, I'm going to spend the next four years or so doing everything I can to get Gov. Palin to run in 2012.
***Thanks for the link, Gabe! Everyone make sure to check out the rest of doubleplusundead!
***Also, thanks to Stop the ACLU for the link!
Posted by: It's Vintage, Duh at
05:01 PM
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I hate soccer. I especially hate how these grass diving Euroweenies somehow seem to snag hot pieces of ass despite their douchebaggery. But one thing I always love about "The Beautiful Game" is how the hooligans usually wind up rioting at the various events.
Well, it turns out that "friendly" matches end up in the same fashion as the various club matches in Europe. That is to say, in riotous fashion.
The fights, which overshadowed West Ham United's 3-1 win, began when a handful of West Ham supporters, some wearing the team's claret and blue colors, entered the northeast corner of the stadium where the Crew's most boisterous supporters typically gather.
Crew supporters began directing chants toward the rival fans, and fights quickly broke out between more than 100 Crew fans and at least 30 West Ham fans. Columbus police officers and Crew Stadium security staff eventually separated the groups.
Highway Patrol officers arrested one fan outside the stadium for disorderly conduct, Patrol spokeswoman Anne Ralston said. A dispatcher didn't know whether Columbus police had made any arrests inside the stadium.
This is the second incident Crew fans have been involved in this season
And to make all this even better, it involved Ohio.
Posted by: eddiebear at
01:14 PM
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While Mitt Romney's set of paid PR minions are busy pushing out Mitt for Vice President spin, McCain campaign insiders say that while it's true they have polled Romney on the bottom of the ticket, the data confirms that such a move would be a political disaster for the party.Reached for comment, Sean Hannity said he would continue promoting Romney on his radio show as the best choice for vice president, because he knows the economy and "might" win Michigan.
"Mitt tanks the ticket," says a McCain insider. "We lose fiscal conservatives. We lose social conservatives. We lose Catholics. We lose evangelicals. All the groups were spending time and money on bringing into the camp would be lost. He just doesn't help us enough to do something like this, as much as Mitt might think we should. He doesn't even win us Massachusetts."
All kidding aside, my first reaction to this was very foolish. I got excited. Then I stepped into McCainWorld. In McCainWorld, staffers see this polling info and say "See, a conservative like Romney sinks the ticket. We need a moderate. A maverick." So instead of going for someone like Gov. Sarah Palin, they'll go for someone like Gov. Charlie Crist.
Posted by: It's Vintage, Duh at
11:57 AM
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July 19, 2008
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
10:58 AM
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He said it is so shitty on base, the dust is the least offensive thing there.

I bet in Arabic, that says, "DPUD kicks Ass!"
Funniest thing is, He called on the 4th around 8PM STL Time and could hear the bottle rockets and shit going off back here in the background. He said it was what he heard when he first arrived there every night. Now, it's quiet. Except for when some hajji (the derisive term they use for the locals) has a "workplace accident" in his house.
I guess it must be safe enough for them to wear their standard covers on base. But they still have to have their M-4s (I think) at all times.
Posted by: eddiebear at
12:11 AM
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July 14, 2008
Take me pointing to this article as proof that we don't need universal healthcare and the less-well-known fact that I do, indeed, have a heart.
Don't worry, it has a happy ending.When she was just 2 weeks old, Emma Grace lay on an operating table, scrawny arms and legs spread out, tiny body dwarfed by the giant room full of steel and high-tech gadgetry. Her chest was raised so a surgeon could get to her faulty heart.
No feet were pacing outside on her account, no eyes darting for updates.
Before she learned how to smile or hold a gaze, Emma was given up twice — by her 23-year-old birth mother, a drug-user, smoker and drinker who knew she could never care for the baby, and by a 48-year-old adoptive mother who backed out when she learned of Emma's heart condition and of her own pregnancy by in-vitro fertilization.
Posted by: Moron Pundit at
04:08 PM
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Posted by: doubleplusundead at
03:35 PM
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Via Coyote Blog (I love this place, especially the environmental stuff) I find a fascinating article on just how great our economy is and has been through the years.
Most impressive is just how much leisure time the average American has now. Too bad it seems that most of us spend that time whining and bitching about how hard we have it.
I'd suggest reading the whole thing.
Posted by: Moron Pundit at
11:38 AM
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Come on, we can do better than this!
Posted by: Sean M. at
02:21 AM
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July 13, 2008
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
10:41 PM
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July 12, 2008
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
07:28 AM
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