February 11, 2010
EJ Dionne gets in on the snarkfest attacking the Tea Party and various other Not Obama types with this gem. It is as misguided and foolish as you would expect from EJ, but one thing caught my attention:
So, yes, parts of this movement do seem to be motivated by a new nativism, and by racism. But it would be a mistake to see the hostility to Obama only in terms of race.
Ahh..so racism is no longer reason numero uno for the left's understanding of why we oppose Obama. At least that's some progress. But then, EJ goes into the swamp of stupid without his lifevest:
Something else is going on in the Tea Party movement, and it has deep roots in our history {so you are conceding you are going against tradition? So who is the radical then?-ed}. Anti-statism, a profound mistrust of power in Washington, goes all the way back to the Anti-Federalists who opposed the Constitution {when the only Washington was named George-ed} itself because they saw it concentrating too much authority in the central government {and that only happened becasue people in power didn't follow the Constitution, which if followed correctly, tells the government what we allow it to do, not what the munificent Big Brother deigns to let us have. So while the Anti Feds were wrong on what would fuck things up, they were correct that letting government have power would be a really fucking bad idea-ed} . At any given time, perhaps 20 percent to 25 percent of Americans can be counted on to denounce anything Washington does {that low? fucking welfare mindset!-ed} as a threat to "our traditional liberties." {that, and Government fucks up everything it touches worse than a hooker with your wallet-ed}
This suspicion of government is not amenable to "facts" -- not because it is irrational, but because the facts are beside the point {thus irrational. Oh preach on, Wordsmith!-ed}. For the anti-statists, opposing government power is a matter of principle {yeah, and a really fucking good principle. I fail to see the problem with your assertion, given that people without fucking principles will sway around to the latest fad. See Obama Republicans in 2008-ed}.
If those who think this way are asked whether an economic collapse would have been better than passing a stimulus and bailing out the banks, the anti-statists typically say "yes," even if they might also challenge the premise of the question. {hindsight is proving that TARP was a bigger dmistake than leaving me alone with a booze truck and a pile of pr0n-ed}
The purest expression of this disposition has come from Rep. Ron Paul {ugh. Here we go. Tying your opponents to the kookiest fuckbag out there? Nice logical progression there, pal-ed}, the libertarian Republican antisemitic loon {fixed!-ed}from Texas. In 2008, Paul strenuously criticized President Bush's proposed bank bailout for "propping up a failed system so the agony lasts longer." Without a bailout, Paul conceded, "It would be a bad year. But, this way, it's going to be a bad decade {thanks to Obama, who took the balout and fucked the carcass even after it had assumed rigor mortis-ed}."
So, basically, you are saying that those of us who oppose Obama are just irrational cranks bitterly clinging to quaint traditions such as liberty and distrust of Government's attempts to force us into the fuckden of fury, pain, and FAIL without our consent? You are shocked that people beyond those who believe in the Wekkly World News as a legitimate source of news are opposed to the shit coming from Washington? You are shocked that people who believe that a fucking nation that was founded on the mistrust of government, and took written and codified steps limiting the Leviathan, thus fostering the greatest fucking country to ever exist, should avoid chaining its people is a bad thing? So you think those of us who are trying to stop measures that will hold back, limit, and retard the potential still teeming in this country with more legislative prison rape are fools and irrational? Well, I have a word for you, EJ:
Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you fuuuuck yooooou! Fuck you with a snowplow's motor, you fucking elitist, out of touch, condescending, and plain fucking ignorant dipfuck of fucking futility and stupidity. Fuck you for not undersatanding that people opposed to Obama have the fucking sledgehammer of history and precedent on their side to claim that statism is a bad fucking idea. Fuck you for trying to link those of us who oppose Obama with a lunatic like luaP noR. And fuck you just because your smug, lisping face is about 30 years and 100 lbs detached from history, reality, and common fucking sense.
You know what, EJ? I fucking am as proud to be opposed to the growth of government as a pr0n star is proud of his "gifts of glory". I am fucking proud to have the fucking principles of less government is better imbued into my hardwiring. And I am fucking proud to be labeled "irrational" if "rational" means being superglued to the shriveled sack of bureaucracy and government backed servitude.
In a way, EJ, I am fucking glad as fuck that you don't really understand me. I am fucking without lotion glad that you seek to dismiss and marginalize my views. And I am fucking glad that you are so clueless as to think your miserable ideology and recent electoral failures are not the result of leftist statism and its overreach. I am fucking glad because when the next wave hits, it'll wipe your side out to sea, and leave you wondering where that asskicking came from.
So fuck off, EJ. Fuck off, you fucking fucklocker of fucking fuckity fuckstick of government fuckheadedness. Fuck off, and take your sheer stupidity with you.
Posted by: eddiebear at
01:58 PM
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