February 25, 2010
“The problem with quotes on the internet is that it is difficult to verify their authenticityâ€
—-President Abraham Lincoln
Posted by: Alice H at
10:54 AM
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February 23, 2010
What a fucking twat Deutsch is. I don't know how a TV show with fewer watchers than this crapblog has readers manages to stay on the air, but there it is.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
03:29 PM
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February 20, 2010
Update: Yes, hell *has* frozen over. For some reason, Alexa and Lucianne.com have decided our little slice of intarweb bacon is one of the top 100 conservative blogs. I seriously have no idea how these rankings are determined.
Posted by: Alice H at
10:00 PM
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February 18, 2010
Anyway, St. Louis Reporter Charles Jaco is not fond of those who are not supporters of Obama. And he lets his bias show in this clip.
Real professionalism on display there, asshole.
Posted by: eddiebear at
12:11 AM
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February 17, 2010
But I guess lifting damn near whole articles from other publications is also par for the course at the Old Gray Lazy now.
Within a day, they found half a dozen examples of passages lifted from other news sources. On Sunday night, an editors’ note was published on the Times Web site admitting that Mr. Kouwe had indeed lifted lines from a variety of sources, including The Journal and Reuters.By Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Kouwe had resigned.
“We have a zero tolerance policy for unethical journalism,†wrote Mr. Keller in an e-mail to The Observer. “Plagiarism is unethical journalism.â€
“I was as surprised as anyone that this was occurring,†said Mr. Kouwe, referring to the revelation that he had plagiarized. “I write essentially 7,000 words every week for the blog and for the paper and all that stuff. As soon as I saw, I guess, like six examples, I said to myself, ‘Man what an idiot. What I was thinking?’â€
Mr. Kouwe says he has never fabricated a story, nor has he knowingly plagiarized. “Basically, there was a minor news story and I thought we needed to have a presence for it on the blog,†he said, referring to DealBook. “In the essence of speed, I’ll look at various wire services and throw it into our back-end publishing system, which is WordPress, and then I’ll go and report it out and make sure all the facts are correct. It’s not like an investigative piece. It’s usually something that comes off a press release, an earnings report, it’s court documents.â€
“I’ll go back and rewrite everything,†he continued. “I was stupid and careless and fucked up and thought it was my own stuff, or it somehow slipped in there. I think that’s what probably happened.â€
Yeah. Just an accident. It's not as though the NY Times has made mistakes before, right? Ok, so how is management responding?
A Times spokeswoman said, “Our journalistic standards are the same online as they are in print.â€
Look, I know things happen, and that shitbags wind up in every line of work. But why is it so many of these guys end up at the NY Times, especially after the Jayson Blair fiasco?
Posted by: eddiebear at
12:24 PM
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February 15, 2010
For pity's sake, I knew who Terry Fox was before I became BFF with a Canadian. He's rather super famous.
I know there's the whole Canada! It's like a whole other country! thing but this is rather rude. Is this super important? Of course not. But I'm not about to miss a chance to kick NBC about something this obvious.
Posted by: alexthechick at
02:20 PM
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February 10, 2010
Before I go further, let me issue my standard quotation of Jim Geraghty that he wrote after the Vanity Fair hit piece: "There’s room in this world for a profile that is critical of Palin, but that preferably didn’t begin with the supposition that she is the root of all evil in the political world."
Chris Matthews does not seem to read Geraghty's stuff.
Please read a substantial portion of the transcript at NewsBusters, but brace yourself for some weapons-grade radioactive hating before reading or watching.
Of course, there's some jibing about her writing on her hand:
MATTHEWS: Well, I don`t know. I just don`t know what to make of this, Richard Wolffe. This is like something that every kid in school can understand, crib notes.
RICHARD WOLFFE, MSNBC POLITICAL ANALYST: Crib notes. Teleprompter no good, but crib notes OK.
WOLFFE: And there were only six words on it.
Ok, I still don't get it. Out of six cribbed words she pulled a passable speech and Q&A session. Obama needs a full prompter set-up to speak to school students. How does this make her stupid?
MATTHEWS: Well, so you`re not saying there`s -- well, let me go to you, Mark. It seems to me the issue here isn't that she took notes. I`m looking at notes now. We all look at notes. It`s when you sneak them on your hand! She could have put that on an index card and nobody would have made a big issue, but she had to look like she was just pulling it out of the air, so she pulled it off her hand like a palm reader!
Ok, so it's the physical act of writing on her hand that has their panties in a knot, no?. Notecards = good, hand = bad. Mmmkay.
Even more stoopid under the fold...
Posted by: JoeCollins at
10:50 PM
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February 09, 2010
(Well, that, or the fact that he's always been a fucking douche.)
Posted by: Sean M. at
10:52 PM
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Oh yeah, and then some.
I've got one word for you, Joe..."November."
Posted by: Sean M. at
09:08 AM
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February 08, 2010
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
10:57 AM
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February 04, 2010
Okay, so James O'Keefe, the Pimp of Pimp n' Ho, is doing real journalism and exposing lies and other dishonesties on lefties and for that he can never be forgiven.
So I saw this article and it looked weird to me, I could see the left was in full "vicious attack mode".
Now an activist organization that monitors hate groups has produced a photo of O'Keefe at a 2006 conference on "Race and Conservatism" that featured leading white nationalists.
OMG!!!! A racist!!!!! He was manning a table at a white supremacist event. With Literature!!!! Connect the dots folks!
First, look at the pic.
It's blatantly obvious the head is Pshopped into everything else. The jacket looks like a cartoon drawing for instance.
So I knew it was bullshit, but I didn't have enough info and I wanted to see what O'Keefe said because, well, he knows what happened.
Of course, the fine, tolerant, totally honest journalists at the Village Voice had an even better "scoop"
It is telling that O'Keefe would organize an event...
So now, not only was he at the event, he organized it!!!!! White supremacists!!! Why, I bet CJ has a pic of him next to Stacy McCain just to complete the white supremacist circle (note: I'm making fun of people who call Stacy a racist).
So Big Gov't decided to call him and ask him (which, for obvious reasons, none of our leftist media betters did, after all, they never let facts get in the way of a good, vicious attack on their political opponents)
James O’Keefe attended a forum years ago that dealt with race and politics. The forum was located at a Georgetown University building (that’s right, a 21-year-old man attended an event on a college campus). The forum had as one of its three speakers a controversial figure, Jared Taylor, with a track record of making racist statements. He was being debated by two other people including Mr. Martin (taking issue with the racist figure).
Vicious, lying children. At least they've learned one thing, "Racist" is too over-used, so now they're going to use "White Supremacist".
I figure it went out in their townhouse memos. "Look you retards, we can't use racist anymore. Now use "white supremacist"."
Look for that meme among our fine, tolerant, loving, totally free-minded and non-top-down leftist brethren.
Oh, and laugh at the fail.
We also spoke with Daryle Jenkins of One People’s Project, the man who started this entire legend. ...His claim ... is based on eye-witnesses who were at the event.
Mr. Jenkins only produced the name of one witness: Dave Weigel...
We called Mr. Weigel and he denied ever telling Mr. Jenkins that Mr. O’Keefe was “manning the table.â€
Heh, so their "proof" called them liars. On the record.
I can personally confirm that he was there, but not that he was manning the table — nor that O’Keefe “planned†the event (as Blumenthal put it) with Marcus Epstein, who was president of the Robert Taft Club.
Fucking vicious, lying children who have to viciously attack anyone who threatens their ignorant, hate-filled agenda.
Fuck them all.
I anxiously await the day the NY Times, the Wash Post, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, Reuters, AP and the rest of the vicious, lying sacks of shit are out of business and out of jobs.
Fuck them all.
Via eddiebear in the comments (yes, this blog has comments) we see Retracto the Correction Alpaca is on the job!
Apparently, the only thing they didn't get wrong was that they spelled his name right.
Posted by: Veeshir at
04:59 PM
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January 29, 2010
It appears that a. there was no wiretapping and b. he was not trying to bug Sen. Landrieu's office.
He claims that he was simply trying to confirm whether the phones were acting up (my paraphrase) as Landrieu's office was claiming. I concur in his opinion that the way he did it was less than optimal. Any business would have security concerns about access to parts of the office, let alone a Senator's office.
His points about the media reporting on this are well put as well.
I still think what he did was stupid but apparently it was less dumb than previously reported. Why do I think it was stupid? Because it should have been obvious that someone was going to call the cops on their asses. Look, I have as little sympathy for him as I do for any journalist who is breaking the law to get an undercover story and then gets caught. Hey, you take the risk, you pay the price.
Posted by: alexthechick at
11:40 AM
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January 20, 2010

As much as I'm in favor of blaming Rahm Emanuel for, well, everything, the far left is making my jaw drop.
I say that Coakley faced her difficult situation because the leadership of the Demcratic party decided to forget who elected them...I've written before about how the Democratic leadership has betrayed its constituents. This has happened at many levels. Senate leaders and Rahm Emanuel have hand-picked blue-dog, conservative Democratic candidates to run against solid progressives. The DSCC and DCCC have funded conservative Democrats IN PRIMARIES, helping them to oppose progressives.Just so I'm sure I'm understanding this...
- Rahm Emanuel is too conservative.
- Martha Coakley's failures had nothing to do with the fact that she's an awful human being. And stupid to boot.
- Martha Coakley is too conservative.
- Progressive is no longer a deeply coded term for socialism, it's flat-out in-your-face socialism.
- The reason Air America failed is because of a vast right-wing conspiracy, and not because progressive radio hosts have gone completely outside the realm of common sense and rational thought.
Update: @jtLOL points out that the reason Martha Coakley lost is because Massachusetts hates women.
Update 2: Teh crayzee, it is spreading.
Posted by: Alice H at
09:32 AM
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January 19, 2010
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
01:26 PM
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January 13, 2010
Once in a while I like to play a game with my conservative email buddies. I'll quote something and ask them, "Real or Satire".
So in today's exciting episode we have:
White House Gets 'A' For Openness
In the body we read
Under fire for backing away from a campaign promise to open up health care negotiations to C-SPAN cameras, the White House on Monday highlighted a report from a coalition of watchdog groups awarding the Obama administration an “A†for its openness.
The report... gave the administration high marks across the board for its various initiatives to increase transparency and reduce the power of lobbyists
So what do you think, Politico or Scrappleface?
Click "more' to see if you're right.
Posted by: Veeshir at
05:38 PM
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January 11, 2010

This and more at Climategate.
Posted by: Alice H at
03:19 PM
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From the article (yes yes NY Times but it's a pretty straightforward piece), it sounds like she'll be doing special report type stuff not a show like the Huckster.
Cue exploding heads . . . . NOW.
Posted by: alexthechick at
01:38 PM
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January 05, 2010
Even though it was called a vacation, the trip to Obama's childhood home was hardly the holiday most people seek. Between golf outings, he phoned his homeland security secretary and counterterrorism adviser for regular updates. Rather than restaurant recommendations, the president was handed thrice-daily updates from the White House Situation Room. And an attack that killed seven U.S. intelligence officers put him on the phone with the CIA director before heading to the island's North Shore for a party with high school friends.I don't know where exactly to start.
Well, how about here: All you MSM fucksticks who bitched about President Bush spending time at his ranch down in Texas? Yeah, you think there weren't any phones or computers down there? You think that maybe, just maybe, he was getting thrice (or more) daily updates from advisers in Washington? Instead of "restaurant recommendations"? Yeah, you know the answer to that. You've known it since your fawning forbears were taking pictures of JFK boating and playing touch football, but there's a different standard for people with that (R) behind their name, huh?
Secondly, look at the tone here. "Between golf outings" he had to do the most important motherfucking job in the Goddamned free world, huh? I'm guessing we'll be seeing the "Watch this drive" clip castigating him for playing golf during a time of crisis, oh, on about the twelfth of Never-fucking-EVAR. What liberal bias, huh?
And how about this?
And an attack that killed seven U.S. intelligence officers put him on the phone with the CIA director before heading to the island's North Shore for a party with high school friends.Boo. Fucking. Hoo. Apparently, the BMOC POTUS was inconvenienced by the fact that several people who were serving their fucking country in some of the most dangerous fucking territory on the fucking planet got killed, subsequently harshing his fucking mellow for a few minutes. For God's sake, he was late to a party with some high school friends! The horror. The horror. They might have gotten the impression that he hadn't stayed sweet!
You know what, Phil, I'm never surprised anymore about the fact that Americans don't trust people who do the job that you and I draw a paycheck from, seeing as how people like you are such obvious fucking one-party-friendly suck-ups.
Keep fucking that chicken.
Posted by: Sean M. at
01:35 AM
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January 04, 2010
Heckuva job, American MSM! At least you still get called on first during those press conferences, huh?
Posted by: Sean M. at
05:29 AM
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January 03, 2010
No, really? I mean, really?
You're talking about Barack H. Obama?
Posted by: Sean M. at
06:51 AM
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