March 28, 2010
Constitutionelle toilet paper:
Get that special "Member of Congress" feeling.
Posted by: Veeshir at
05:08 PM
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March 23, 2010
I'm on her mailing list because I sent money when she stepped down to help pay her legal fees for fighting the BS "ethics" complaints our fine, tolerant, totally into Democracy, leftist friends kept filing.
I'm not going to send her money, but I am going to send money to the opponents of the congress-critters she identified as being Dems in a district she won in 2008.
They are
Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ-1), Harry E. Mitchell (AZ-5), Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-

And then I'll send my receipt to them to let them know why their opponent is getting money from someone in Virginia.
As soon as Nevada is settled, Reid's opponent will be getting a bunch from me too, with my receipt being forwarded to Reid of course.
My vote and donation to the GOP candidate here are most likely useless, I'm in that scourge of Democracy, a "safe" district.
Even worse, it's Jim Moran's safe district.
Posted by: Veeshir at
04:22 PM
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March 22, 2010
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, I have an announcement to make.
I want the government to supply me with all of my rights. See, I have this theory that if the government has decided that we must be insured, since we all have a right to health care, that it's neglecting other rights that are actually guaranteed to us by a little piece of paper that no one's ever heard of called the Constitution.
As such, I propose the following new law. This will guarantee that everyone is taking full advantage of their rights.
Posted by: Ember at
07:03 PM
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March 17, 2010
With all the talk of how the Democrats are going to rape us up the ass with no lube, a rusted chainsaw dipped in the clap, and nary an after-rape cuddle or thank you card to show for it, I'm happy seeing anybody saying anything about it. Regardless of what the House and the Senate think, no does mean no, and yelling "surprise" does not make it surprise sex - it makes you an asshole who yelled "surprise" at a bitch before you raped her.
There are quite a few states (and the majority of the American population) saying fuck this loudly and clearly by sponsoring or passing legislation that would require the state to sue the feds for forcing insurance on citizens. Today, we can congratulate Idaho for being the first to sign it into law. Now, I know that this is totally frivolous, doubtlessly a waste of time, and impossible to win - since federal law supercedes state law.
But, damnit, someone's got to make it loud and fucking clear that we don't want this reform. We don't want you to deem it so (who the fuck deems shit to be so in a democracy? isn't that what kings and queens say before the angry mob at their castle gates drop the guillotine?); we don't want you to force it through with the nuclear option, we want you to think about what's really, honestly, genuinely going to help America. And Americans.
But, no. You've hung your fucking hat on this one, and you are standing by the Titanic while it sinks. You called it unsinkable - and if you have to tie the fucking thing to a million blimps to airlift it out of the motherfucking ocean, you're going to do it.
Fuck you. Fuck you, your fucking agenda, your fucking arrogance, and fuck your fucking delusions of grandeur. Fuck you for being cowards who can't accept that you have failed, and, instead of being man enough to say, "Well, we failed; let's focus on what Americans want!" deciding to force something that no one wants on us.
In November, when I vote against every fucker who dared to support health care in any way, shape, or form, I will be saying fuck you under my breath. And loving every damn minute of it.
Posted by: Ember at
05:41 PM
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March 06, 2010
I live in Northern VA, my Representative is Jim Moran (Hates-Veeshir, VA).
I used to live in Maurice Hinchey's district, the 4th craziest congress-critter, Moran is probably 3rd craziest. (no plans on moving to either Ohio or Texas so 1 and 2 are unlikely).
But this year, in keeping with this homo-friendly site, I get to vote for a homo!
Matthew lives in Arlington with his partner Josh and two dogs.
And the best part? He's not just "better than Moran"(a very, very, very, low bar), his "issues" pages give me a chubby.
Except for "transportation", it is generally thought that better roads will help NoVa's traffic.
My solution involves shooting rockets at every third vehicle.
That's the only way.
But everything else involves limited gov't and more freedom for me.
Gooooooo Homo!
h/t Volokh via the Puppy Blender.
As the PB says, check out the homo love from the nice, tolerant lefties in the comments.
I meant to say, I'm mostly happy someone is contesting this race. His conservatism and lefty-head-popping-homoness are just the icing on the sundae.
I usually just write in Meryl Yourish because there's nobody running against Moran and Meryl campaigned to be written in for some other position right around when I moved here so it was her or Fred Flintstone and I had visions of nobody voting for Moran in protest and Meryl winning 1-0.
Posted by: Veeshir at
08:47 AM
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Post contains 238 words, total size 2 kb.
March 03, 2010
To reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the transportation sector 14 percent from 2005 levels by 2020, the cost of driving must simply increase,
It usually has to do with making energy use more expensive so I'll use less so my standard of living will decrease and the gov't gets another tax to take my money.
Of course, the rich and political won't have to worry about it because the first can afford it while the second just take my money to pay for it.
This particular one probably won't happen, but look at every "greenhouse gas reduction" plan, they always involve making energy more expensive.
Which facet screws the little man and gives gov't more of my money while giving eco-wackos a chance for smug self-satisfaction.
That's lose, lose, lose to me.
Blame Tom at Just One Minute for pissing you off, I know I do.
I always shoot the messenger, that'll learn him to keep his mouth shut next time.
Posted by: Veeshir at
05:52 PM
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Long frustrated by Washington's control over much of their state, Utah legislators are proposing a novel way to deal with federal land -- seize it and develop it.
Can I get a few "ha"s for my Bwa?
For the first time, I might get to see Kelo cited and laugh, laugh, laugh without the concomitant feeling of despair that usually goes with The Funniest End of Civilization Ever.
Via Say Uncle who you should be reading so I wouldn't have to steal his stuff so much.
Posted by: Veeshir at
05:13 PM
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March 01, 2010
I think it's an interesting thing that so many people see tattoos and piercings on a young person and immediately assume liberal. I think to some of my friends from my especially punk rock days, and I smile to myself a little, since probably seven in ten of those friends "grew up" to be conservatives. After all, the punk movement is about anarchy - about damn the man and fuck the government and all that shit, so it's only a natural evolution for those people to gravitate to the small government conservative movement.
Where people like that (and in that, I include myself) get ostracized from the conservative movement are the socially conservative issues, if you will. Gay marraige, religion, maybe abortion.
I consider myself a conservative because I believe in small government, fewer entitlements, market-based initiatives, free enterprise and markets, legal immigration, and gun rights. I may have missed a few, but when it really comes down to it, that's what separates me from your average liberal.
But conservatism doesn't always welcome a social liberal into their ranks. I haven't always been accepted by a lot of the conservatives I know, because I don't care who you fuck, or what you believe in, or whether you smoke pot. And, because of those kinds of issues, my support on gun rights, my support of the free market, my support of small government has often been swept to the side.
I found this piece on one of the "founders" of the Tea Party movement, and I thought it was interesting that the immediate spin of the article is that she isn't "your average conservative". Why? Well, she has a piercing. In her nose. She's an actress! So, when her voice wasn't being heard, she did what she thought was right, and held a protest against the stimulus bill.
Keli Carender has a pierced nose, performs improv on weekends and lives here in a neighborhood with more Mexican grocers than coffeehouses. You might mistake her for the kind of young person whose vote powered President Obama to the White House. You probably would not think of her as a Tea Party type.
But leaders of the Tea Party movement credit her with being the first.
A year ago, frustrated that every time she called her senators to urge them to vote against the $787 billion stimulus bill their mailboxes were full, and tired of wearing out the ear of her Obama-voting fiancé, Ms. Carender decided to hold a protest against what she called the “porkulus.â€
There's been a lot of talk on how the Tea Party could cost us Republican seats by throwing up candidates against a RINO. And it's an absolute truth. But maybe, just maybe, that's not the Tea Party's fault. Maybe it's the fault of the Republicans for failing to see, as Ronald Reagan said, that someone who agrees with you 80% of the time should be considered a good friend. If we can't work out these differences within our own party, then that's what's giving the Tea Party this strength and momentum.
I'll vote for a RINO over a democrat, because I know what happens when you vote 3rd party. But can you blame other people for choosing to use their vote to make a statement? Can you blame another party for capitalizing on the weaknesses within our own party?
I think I may be starting a blog war. GO!
Posted by: Ember at
11:53 PM
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So lately the Virginia legislature, with their fine, new, GOP, gun-friendly, governor, has been trying to pass some gun-friendly laws.
Like the one where you can't buy more than one handgun a month unless you have a concealed carry permit.
So the Gun Fearing Wussies need to stop that. Only the fine gov't is allowed to have guns and they can't have gun laws relaxed, they must always be strengthened.
Courts of Justice Committee Chairman Henry Marsh on Monday announced the creation of a subcommittee to handle bills concerning guns and other issues. The subcommittee is stacked with four anti-gun Democrats and one Republican.
So nothing gun related and likely to pass will not leave this fine oubliett... err... committee.
On the one hand, that's really pissing me off.
On the other hand, this might mean an extra impetus for an electoral bloodbath of gun grabbers.
On the first hand (all balled up), this pisses me off. I really want this little ploy to fail.
Why are they afraid of a vote? Because they'd lose it.
I hate Virginia Nazis.
Forgot the h/t:
H/T Some guy I know. You wouldn't know him.
Posted by: Veeshir at
05:53 PM
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