January 25, 2009

Jon Stewart's Stay At The Obama Re-Education Camps Must Have Been Short

Yup. He's back to being the same old Stewart.

Two things: One, is Rush Limbaugh molting? (Laughter) Two: Does Bill O'Reilly think Rush Limbaugh hates America? And in case you think Limbaugh's arguably treasonous talk couldn't get any grosser, enjoy.

I think we have seen the "satire" facing us the next four years: not attacking Obama. No. No. No. That must not happen. Instead, we will be fed a daily diet of a live air version of MediaMatters/Kos/Huffpo, where Stewart, Colbert, et al. will merely savage every word out of a conservative mouth.

But I do find it amazing how unified the O-bots are in this attack on Rush. It seems as though they are picking a target, freezing it, personalizing it, and  polarizing it.

Gee. I swear I heard that before. Where? Oh yeah. Here.

Posted by: eddiebear at 10:56 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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You Mean I Can't Molest Squirrels While In Minnesota?


It is also illegal to sleep naked, tease a skunk or cross state lines with a duck on your head.
They may sound absurd, but these are actual laws on the books in Minnesota. Well, mostly.

Strange laws like these are widely circulated around the Internet, said Michelle Timmons, state revisor of statutes, and each must be taken with a grain of salt. Especially the duck one.

“We researched and researched on that one,” Timmons said. “That must be an odd interpretation of (a law) on the books.”

Some antiquated laws claimed to have been found by people simply don’t exist, she said. Others are legitimate, including these from the Winona city code:

- Any cottonwood tree which “sheds its seeds profusely” is a public nuisance.

- It is illegal to trap, kill or molest squirrels in any way.

- No one shall allow the mating of cattle or horses within the city except in a properly enclosed building and out of the public view.

Most of the wackier laws aren’t enforced, of course. In fact, Timmons’ office is responsible for eradicating antiquated laws. The revisor’s office has the power to edit some laws out of existence that require minimal revision, but if a law needs to be repealed, it requires legislative approval, Timmons said. Every year a Revisor’s Bill of miscellaneous statute fixes is submitted to legislators in an omnibus bill.

Posted by: eddiebear at 10:46 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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January 18, 2009

Things just keep getting better

From Obamajugend to Obamabteilung.  Ah, and good to see someone is also trying to repeal the 22nd Amendment for Chancellor Obama.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 11:35 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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January 15, 2009

Surely nothing bad will come from this

A map showing Prop 8 donors, where they live, their occupation and in some cases where they work, and how much they donated.  I'm certain this will only be used to send people bouquets of roses.

Posted by: Alice H at 04:22 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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Shock! Google/YouTube Helps Shut Down Channel Mocking Keith Olbermann

I guess this is what they mean by "do no harm".

A short time later the entire Olbermann Watch channel was permanently deleted.

We have not seen the DMCA filing from NBC Universal but the only complaint we received from them was regarding an old interview of Keith Olbermann by Caron Daly. These videos have been online for years now, the Olbermann Watch channel had well over 1 million views and over 1,000 subscribers. It is also worth noting that some nearly identical videos of Keith Olbermann are still online now; a quick search shows over 11,000 videos when you search for "Olbermann" on YouTube.

We have responded to YouTube's Copyright department asking to see a copy of the DMCA complaint and contacted our lawyer.

Consider this Round One.

Posted by: eddiebear at 12:35 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 138 words, total size 1 kb.

January 12, 2009

Pat Buchanan spotted at pro-Palestinian rally in San Francisco

It sounds like him, at least.


More here.

Posted by: It's Vintage, Duh at 07:25 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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January 04, 2009

But I thought Chicago's gun bans were supposed to stop this madness?

508 murders in Chicago in 2008.  Sad part?  This,

That was a significant drop since 2003, when 601 people were killed.

Sadder still?  The paper quotes that twat Michael Pfleger.

Posted by: doubleplusundead at 09:04 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 42 words, total size 1 kb.

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