September 30, 2009

Once Again, Proof That A Disarmed Populace Is A Vulnerable Populace

Folks, this story right here is one of the reasons why I am armed.

As his pregnant girlfriend was dragged upstairs, he begged them not to harm her, but one of the men hit him with the butt of the gun.

He told Crimewatch: 'I pleaded, I was shouting, "She's pregnant, she's pregnant, leave off her, tell me what you want".'

The three men left in the Audi after grabbing property including a mobile phone, iPod, cash, debit cards and a laptop.

Police decided to offer the reward after failing to trace the gang. They have released images of three men caught on CCTV at a nearby shop a few minutes before the attack, whom they wish to question. 

Sadly, why is it I have the feeling that if the victims had fought back, they would be the ones arrested?

Posted by: eddiebear at 12:07 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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September 25, 2009

Members of elite British army regiment - Coldstream Guards - get their asses handed to them by a 5'3" Canadian woman in a red satin dress

VANCOUVER — A petite Vancouver woman is being sought by an English court after she wiped the floor with a collection of Britain’s premier soldiers — the Coldstream Guards — during a brawl at a Christmas party in the guardsmen’s barracks last December.

Ashley Wolfe, 24, was tried in absentia this week at Woolwich Magistrates Court in London after failing to appear on two charges of assault — one involving a soldier’s wife, the other a sergeant she knocked cold with one punch.



Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. I can't really think of anyway this could be funnier. Well maybe if they were wearing the big furry hats when she punched them out, or if the Queen was watching. Other than that nope this is just about perfect. Someone please have a youtube video of this.

picture of the vicious little minx below the fold.


Posted by: chad98036 at 10:00 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Dummy Harry

Some idjit police officer holding a UK "gun awareness" class for emergency workers, decided to load up a .44 magnum revolver the police keep as an example (they kept blanks and real cartridges in the same box, unmarked of course) and then fired it at one of the emergency workers...

Uh, yeah, not a blank,

The bullet hit Keith Tilbury, 51, causing devastating injuries, Southwark Crown Court in London was told.

Mr Tilbury underwent five hours of life-saving surgery for an “exploded” bowel and kidney, as well as lung and liver damage. He was unconscious for 12 days and has not returned to work.

Hadn't returned to work, you say?  Please tell me that's dry British humor that's passing over my ignorant 'murican head, dude is damn lucky to even be alive at this point.  And I'm not gonna fault the idjits who had the blanks and live ammunition mixed together either, though they're stupid too, the officer shouldn't have pointed the revolver at someone, even if it was loaded with blanks, or completely unloaded for that matter.


Posted by: doubleplusundead at 02:55 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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September 21, 2009

I will say the same thing, just with added profanity

The Anchoress has an excellent point about how demeaning the whole "oh don't eat in front of the poor wee Muslims during Ramadan" is to Muslims.

Look, I work with a bunch of really, really, really, REALLY Catholic people and I joke every year that I want a list of what they give up for Lent so I can eat it in front of them.  Yes, it's a joke (even though I totally do it) because the entire point of fasting is to resist temptation and to give things up.  I've done religious fasts in the past and, for one of them, one of the tests was to go to dinner with others and still maintain the fast.  It's a sign of devotion to be able to do so in the face of direct temptation.

So this ever so helpful advice is actually an insult because it implies that a person of faith is so weakwilled as to need a pat on the head and help from others.  Yeah.  No.

Or, to include the profanity, stop being fucktards.  Not only does this piss of others for treating Islamic faith differently, it should piss off those who practice that faith by pretty much blatantly stating that they're too weak to actually abide by their faith.  That's not insulting at all.

Posted by: alexthechick at 11:44 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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September 18, 2009

Gotta love that socialized medicine!

Government-run health care, the Democrats tell us, will eliminate inefficiency. Sally Thompson would beg to differ. If she hadn't bled to death in a British hospital, that is...

A young woman died in hospital after waiting almost two hours for a blood transfusion that could have saved her.

Sally Thompson, 20, bled to death after a doctor accidentally punctured her jugular vein during a bungled procedure.

Despite an urgent request to the blood bank at Manchester Royal Infirmary, she died one hour and 45 minutes later, before any arrived.

Speaking after her inquest, her father John, 62, said she would still be alive if the blood had been available sooner.

The retired farmer said: 'This hospital is supposed to be the cornerstone of the NHS in Manchester, but they couldn't get any blood for two hours.

'We have never had any answers about why it took so long. I feel very let down by the hospital.'

Coroner Nigel Meadows said the inability to supply the blood was a 'significant failure' and he would write to hospital bosses.

Well, I'm sure that's a comfort to her family.

Oh, and that "bungled procedure" might not have happened if the NHS doctor had followed hospital procedures and used ultrasound equipment to find the vein. The thing is, there was no ultrasound equipment available. Yeah.

By the way, I'd like to apologize for my RAAAAACISM, which is the only explanation for why I would ever possibly link this article.

Posted by: Sean M. at 09:00 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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What's after "fail"?

Via Say Uncle we find another example of Britain circling the bowl.

So some thugs invade a family's home and said they were going to kill them all.

One of the kids in the family escaped so two of the thugs ran away.
The father and some other family members grabbed the remaining thug and beat the shit out of him.
Yay! right?
Judge John Reddihough freed the brothers on bail until October 9, but warned them that this did not mean they would not be jailed. The maximum sentence for GBH with intent is life.

And the thug can sue them.
And check out the players in this little drama.
The thug
The court heard that Salem, from Borehamwood, had a long criminal record, with over 50 convictions.

The homeowner who's been convicted of defending his home.
In contrast, Munir Hussain, an engineer by training, had an impeccable character. He came to Britain in 1964 and founded a company which employs nine people and had a £2.4million turnover last year.
In 2004 he won the Business Link small business of the year award. He is a former chairman of the Wycombe Race Equality Council and chairman of the Asian Business Council, which he helped found.

So contributing members of society are punished while thugs are rewarded.
That's not exactly a formula for societal advance.
But leftist do-gooders get to feel better about themselves, so that's something.

Posted by: Veeshir at 08:04 AM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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September 08, 2009

What could possibly go wrong?

Gee, I'm sure that under ObamaCare, nothing like this could ever happen...

Rosemary Munkenbeck says her father Eric Troake, who entered hospital after suffering a stroke, had fluid and drugs withdrawn and she claims doctors wanted to put him on morphine until he passed away under a scheme for dying patients called the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP).

Mrs Munkenbeck, 56, from Bracknell, said her father, who previously said he wanted to live until he was 100, has now said he wants to die after being deprived of fluids for five days.

Well, good for you, Mr. Troake. That will certainly help to keep that pesky "cost curve" down.

Along with her sister Jocelyn Troake, 60, who lived in Bermuda until recently moving to Frimley, Surrey, to care full time for her father and her mother Edna, 93, they are convinced their father is a victim of the system.

Last week The Daily Telegraph reported a warning from experts that some patients with terminal illnesses were being wrongly put on the NHS scheme and allowed to die prematurely if they ticked “the right boxes".

The pathway scheme was developed to improve the care of patients in their dying hours and ensure that they were not being "overmedicalised".

In other words, if you've got a loved one who goes into the hospital with a serious medical condition (a real no-stress situation right there) and they fill out a form incorrectly (I'm sorry, if they "ticked 'the right boxes'"), the staff of the government-run establishment can just let them die. You know, so they aren't "overmedicalised."

While that may seem a bit callous, on the other hand, just think of the savings!

Posted by: Sean M. at 11:46 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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September 03, 2009

All that talk about "Death Panels"

Why, that was just a bunch of nonsense which was cooked up by Sarah Palin to scare people away from Obama's "Public Option," right? Right?

In a letter to The Daily Telegraph, a group of experts who care for the terminally ill claim that some patients are being wrongly judged as close to death.

Under NHS guidance introduced across England to help doctors and medical staff deal with dying patients, they can then have fluid and drugs withdrawn and many are put on continuous sedation until they pass away.

But this approach can also mask the signs that their condition is improving, the experts warn.

As a result the scheme is causing a “national crisis” in patient care, the letter states. It has been signed palliative care experts including Professor Peter Millard, Emeritus Professor of Geriatrics, University of London, Dr Peter Hargreaves, a consultant in Palliative Medicine at St Luke’s cancer centre in Guildford, and four others.

“Forecasting death is an inexact science,”they say. Patients are being diagnosed as being close to death “without regard to the fact that the diagnosis could be wrong.

“As a result a national wave of discontent is building up, as family and friends witness the denial of fluids and food to patients."

The warning comes just a week after a report by the Patients Association estimated that up to one million patients had received poor or cruel care on the NHS.

Now, to be fair, the article goes on to say that the decisions are made by the medical team treating the patient, including a "senior doctor," not some group of far-away faceless bureaucrats, but, really, what's the difference when it's one of your loved ones? You've got people working within the constraints of the government's health care system deciding that someone you care about isn't worth the resources.

Oh, and the next time someone you know brings up Britain's NHS as something we ought to emulate, remember to bring up that "national wave of discontent" about their friends and family being killed off. You know, to bend that cost curve. Yeah.

Posted by: Sean M. at 04:37 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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