August 04, 2009

The White House is concerned enough about the dissent over health care reform that they have decided they need to start keeping track of people who oppose it.
There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to
Since everything the democrats spew out of their mouths in regards to health care is disinformation and lies a cynical person would suggest that they should all be reported to The White House. Maybe even multiple times by multiple people just to make sure they get the point, but I am not a cynical person so I won't suggest that.
This tracking effort by the administration does make me wonder though - How is it that when, in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, the Bush administration suggested that truckers, mailmen, delivery drivers etc. be on the lookout for suspicious activity and report it to the government that that was an infringement on civil liberty on par with the holocaust but liberals / democrats seem perfectly OK with monitoring a private citizens freely expressed opinions.
Posted by: chad98036 at
02:02 PM
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August 02, 2009
Now, I can't get to the page where he says he saw this disclaimer but I have no doubt that he saw what he says he saw (they probably have removed it... down the memory hole) and it is very disturbing but I think it speaks to the completely fucked up nature of EULAs everywhere. As this post I found explains, this isn't REMOTELY the first time someone claimed something as absurd as this in a EULA and I bet its just about as enforcable:
In case you didn’t know already, EULAs are always ridiculous. The Chrome EULA originally listed everything you did on the Internet as property of Google. Everything you post on Facebook is property of Facebook. Everything you do anywhere is property of Company X. It’s in nearly every piece of software you’ve ever used.Emphasis mine.On the technical end, this specific instance is meaningless. It states that they have full access, but no, they do not have full access. Despite fear-monger central [How can Fox News be fear monger central when the left's news agencies are all saying that global warming is going to END THE FUCKING WORLD? Oh well, nobody said liberals were logical -MP], there isn’t a secret backdoor that lets the evil computer people monitor everything you ever do and all of your files. While there are a disconcertingly high number of unpatched and improperly secured Windows machines out there, it’s not a simply just going through the list of logged in users and taking a peek at their harddrives.
And guess what, no, in general, it’s not really considered legal. The general agreement is that the nature of EULAs are unenforceable and would not stand up in court, though precedence is lacking.
He is correct to state that just because you click "Accept" on that EULA, it doesn't physically create a method by which the government can actually DO the things they say they have a right to do any more than Google saying they own your soul in the Chrome EULA makes it so. The woman in the clip above has clearly talked to someone that knows about computers as she drops the term "tracking cookie" but I can assure you that there is no physical means for a fucking tracking cookie to compromise your security in the way she describes.
Frankly, it would have to install some pretty intense software to even begin to have the ability to do what they say they can do and that would be pretty clearly unconstitutional.
So, is this a big deal? This particularly: no. Its about par for the course for these types of things and I'm pretty sure no EULA of this nature has every stood up in court and never would. The problem is if the government were to actually believe their bullshit, which they are starting to do more and more under Obama, who knows what ridiculous demands they could make of these dealers in the future.
Again, I really doubt any of this would stand up to real judicial review and I REPEAT, AGREEING TO THE EULA WILL NOT GIVE THEM ACCESS TO ALL OF YOUR DATA PHYSICALLY but the idea that the government could use it to intimidate private citizens and businesses who are ignorant about their legal rights is a bit disturbing.
For example, everyone knows that signing a waiver of your rights to sue before undertaking some dangerous activity is less valuable than the paper its printed on. The only reason haunted houses and bungee jumping companies make a grand show of having you sign it is that it makes you think you can't sue so many people just don't.
Similarly, if you think the government has the right to all the data on your computer, you may not make a stink when they come for it.
So my message to you is, make a fucking stink if the government comes for anything that belongs to you. Just because you agree to something doesn't make it binding because, as is the case here, you can't agree to a contract that is illegal. You know, if I sign a document saying I promise to kill myself for 50 dollars I don't really have to kill myself. Same thing.
PS - Any lawyers out there want to agree/disagree because I'm just a moron who's had some experiences with EULA and waivers and sees how it works in practice.
* - Not because Allah dismissed it but because it just sounded too ridiculous to be true.
Posted by: Moron Pundit at
06:29 PM
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August 01, 2009
They called it Action Park.
It was kind of like Disney World. If Disney World had been built by the criminally insane for the terminally stupid and/or hopelessly suicidal.
Or maybe it was what happened when you took a bunch of moonshine crazed rednecks and gave them enough money to buy a theme park and a bunch of NJ politicians. Most of the rides had to have started with a slurred "Let's see what happens".
Being a red-blooded, American male, 20 years old+/-, I loved it.
Posted by: Veeshir at
03:57 PM
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July 24, 2009
( – Vice President Joe Biden told people attending an AARP town hall meeting that unless the Democrat-supported health care plan becomes law the nation will go bankrupt and that the only way to avoid that fate is for the government to spend more money.Everyone pretty roundly ridiculed him for the remark but this evening I realized he is teeling the truth. Here's the realization I came to - Health care reform isn't really about health care at all, it's about reducing the entitlement burden from an aging US population. By rationing care to older people they will die off sooner reducing the long term costs to Social Security and Medicare. It's a short term investment for a long term payoff. Sneaky 'lil batards huh?
Posted by: chad98036 at
10:01 PM
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July 22, 2009
In this post he links to an American Thinker article that points out something that should be hit hard, hit often and shouted from the rooftops, considering the current health care "debate". I am a little upset I didn't think about it.
Ted Kennedy is 76 and has brain cancer, life expectancy is around 78.
Quote from the American Thinker article
Is Senator Kennedy's life valuable enough to dedicate millions of dollars to extending it another month, another day, another year?
We've been told that there must be some realistic valuation. Remember the article from last week about how if you only have 6 months to live the gov't should let you die instead of spending money to keep you alive for only a short time?
Let's introduce this into the health care "debate" and demand that, since Teddy is all in favor of the gov't being in charge and therefore de facto in favor of rationing, he should set an example for all of us and just die.
That way he wouldn't be "wasting" valuable health care resources that could be used for a woman who's buying food for her kids instead of health care.
Posted by: Veeshir at
01:10 PM
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July 11, 2009
Posted by: Sean M. at
11:36 PM
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June 25, 2009
He let me take a look at it when he got back, and it had some pretty damn intrusive questions. They ask for the income of everyone in the household, where they work and how long it takes them to get there, and the race of everyone in the home, including the primary countries of origin of their ancestors. And I got the impression that writing in "Fuck off, that's none of your goddamn business" was not an option.
That's our federal government at work, threatening people and demanding to know what their skin tone looks like. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm moving to a cabin in the woods.
Posted by: Sean M. at
11:30 PM
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June 19, 2009
According to the city officials, employee applicants must sign a waiver giving the city permission to conduct an investigation into the person's background, which includes handing over social networking login credentials to city administrators.The application form requests that prospective employees submit information on current personal or business Web sites, Web pages or memberships in chat rooms and social networking sites, including Facebook, Google, Yahoo, and MySpace, among others, according to a report on the Web site of CBS affiliate KZBK in Bozeman.
Posted by: Alice H at
08:42 PM
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June 05, 2009
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
09:37 AM
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June 04, 2009
Biggest threats?
Terror? No.
Nukes? No.
Zombie/Robot Alliance? Nope.
In addition to increased inspections, the Swedish Board of Agriculture (Jordbruksverket) also plans on utilizing isotope analysis to expose suspected cases of strawberry fraud.
In recent years, there have been an increasing number of reports in the Swedish press about imported strawberries being packaged and sold as authentic Swedish strawberries.
While the Board of Agriculture has never come across a confirmed case of the alleged strawberry fraud, the agency is taking no chances in its efforts to protect Swedish consumers.
The agriculture board announced on Tuesday it plans to dispatch more than 20 inspectors tasked with taking a closer look at the strawberries lining the shelves in stores, street markets, and roadside stands all across the country.
After inspecting the berries’ packaging and invoices, inspectors then call up growers to confirm that appropriate prices are being charged.
Suspicious strawberries are confiscated, then sent to a lab in Germany which in turn performs an isotope analysis to determine the origins of the berries by cross-referencing them with samples of guaranteed Swedish strawberries.
“Customers are faithful in their purchases and buy Swedish. The consumer has the right to make an informed choice,†said Susanne Görsberg from the Agriculture Board’s trade and marketing division, to the TT news agency.
Posted by: eddiebear at
11:18 AM
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May 18, 2009
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
10:07 PM
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May 14, 2009
Yeah, the race hustlers, grievance mongers and stupid people are going to screech, they always do, because that's how they get shakedown money. The production team needs to stand firm, and tell those bitching that history is history, and all the whiners and screeching retards fuck themselves sideways. The dog's name was Nigger, quit being pussies, man up, and deal with it.
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
10:31 PM
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May 13, 2009
Mood: Stern and Disapproving
Looks like the Wisconsin Supreme Court has ruled it is legal for Wisconsin law enforcement to track citizens with GPS without obtaining a warrant.
I have a multi-part response*:
- Go fuck yourself.
- Eat my shit.
I also have a follow up question: Would it then be legal for me to track government officials using GPS without their knowledge? Think how many abuses of power, sex scandals and bribes could be avoided if we could just watch our 'leaders' at all times without them knowing.
It is time to start retaliating to this stupid nanny bullshit once and for all. They want to take our liberty and make our lives beaurocratic nightmares, its time to pay the piper. It is time to make these elitist, meddling pricks as miserable as they are trying to make us**.
* - I apologize for all the legal jargon.
** - Moron Pundit does not condone the use of violence. He would suggest other forms of civil disobedience like ordering 40 pizzas to your Senator's office from 20 different restaurants at the same time.
Update: I'd assume this is going to eventually make it to the SCOTUS since there are differing opinions on the matter.
(h/t: Ace and Resident BDSM Expert - Alice H.)
Posted by: Moron Pundit at
08:47 AM
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According to a letter from the FDA General Mills' advertising violates the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. The agency said claims that Cheerios ingredients can lower cholesterol within a certain amount of time, all while providing cancer-fighting and heart-healthy benefits, essentially makes Cheerios "a drug" by their definition. And no drug in this country can be legally marketed without an approved new drug application.If anybody needs me, I'll be...well, I'm not really sure, to be perfectly honest.
I'm still waiting to find out what kind of transportation I can use to get to my new destination, which kind of fuel I can power said transportation with, where I can build a new place without endangering any fur-bearing spotted gnats, northwest medium-horn sheep, or striped desert trout*, what kind of water and power sources I can use, when I can use them, and what kind of food and drink I'm allowed to take with me. I don't currently own any firearms, so at least I don't have to worry about that issue.
Yeah, I guess I'll still be here. Eating Cheerios.
*May not be actual species
Posted by: Sean M. at
04:38 AM
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Kerry’s tap room has been turned into a “Smoking Research Centre†after pal James Martin studied the law and discovered a get-out clause.
It means the nationwide smoking ban could be reduced to ashes if other pubs and clubs cash in on the idea.
James, a printer, found under Section 9 of The 2007 Smoking Act (Exemptions) that smoking “research†can be carried out in a separate room as long as there is no through bar.
The vault at Kerry’s pub, The Cutting Edge, fits the bill. It is separate from the main boozer, has its own bar, and now sports signs on the doors boasting “Designated Smoking Roomâ€.
All Kerry’s punters have to do is fill in a questionnaire asking how many cigarettes they smoke and if they like a smoky atmosphere. Then they can sit back and enjoy a fag with their pint.
Posted by: eddiebear at
01:05 AM
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May 07, 2009
Inspecting brothels? Count me in.
Judges visited the Salon Prestige club, just off the city's main shopping street Kurfürstendamm, and said its existence was only noticeable by an inconspicuous name plate.
Its opening hours - 11:00 am to 11:00 pm on weekdays and 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm on weekends and public holidays according to its website - should also be acceptable for neighbours, the court said. The establishment also does not serve alcohol, it emphasised.
Posted by: eddiebear at
12:23 PM
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May 05, 2009
Be sure to check out Free the Hops!, which is trying to roll back the various Nanny beer laws. Cheers guys!
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
12:22 PM
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April 29, 2009
The tax would entail equipping vehicles with GPS technology to determine how many miles a car has been driven and whether on interstate highways or secondary roads. The devices would also calculate the amount of tax owed.Who's going to start organizing the efforts to get 48% of Americans to break their mandatory car-nannies? I think it's time to keep an eye on who's running against James Oberstar and start doing everything we can to make sure Oberstar loses his seat in 2010. It's a shame, because he's generally against gun control and abortion, but this sort of nanny-stating can't be allowed to get a foothold.
Posted by: Alice H at
07:09 PM
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April 28, 2009
Posted by: doubleplusundead at
12:48 PM
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April 24, 2009
So Alex, is this one time you approve of Nanny Statism?
When he returned to the circus he was told by management he could no longer wear the size-18 shoes because they compromised his health and safety.
Mr Kashkin features in the circus' reworking of the Rasputin tale, The Monk's Dream.
His routine includes dressing himself whilst walking on a wire, dress himself within a hoop of fire, and playing a drum-kit, trumpet and double-bass all at the same time.
But he is now worried performing in his regular sized footwear will lose impact on the audience.
Mr Kashkin, 40, from Temruk, Russia, said: "The shoes are an important part of my costume, and I was disappointed to be told I couldn't do this part of my act.
"I feel fine, and think I could do it in the shoes – the impact might be lost on the audience now."
Rejecting that it was a case of health and safety gone mad, Larry Dewitt, Health and Safety adviser to the circus said: "I'm not a believer in political correctness, or doing things for the sake of doing it however.
"You have to take a common-sense approach with these things – if it's stupid, don't do it."
Paul Archer, General Manager for the Moscow State Circus, said: "I think it will definitely detract from the visual aspect of the performance.
"It's very important because there's a language barrier to the whole performance, as it's in Russian."
Posted by: eddiebear at
09:11 AM
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