September 28, 2010

Kazoo transmitted disease

I hope ya'all are practicing your Rapture repentance speeches.
I know I've been harping on this a long time, but Rome didn't fall in a day.

Update, changed "deathbed" to "Rapture" because that made sense.

Posted by: Veeshir at 01:52 PM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
Post contains 38 words, total size 1 kb.

September 23, 2010

Karnak Says

The Amazing Karnak says there will be far more outrage over this from "rights" groups than we'll ever see over this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or thi......ahhh, it gets too depressingly unfunny when you look too closely.

First link to a festival in Spain where they put burning sticks on a bull's horns and it runs around trying to kill something. Not really sure of the point, but eh, it's their culture right?
Just like the rest of the links are to the peculiar culture that endorses killing women for the sin of not wanting to live in a sack or for accepting a note from a fifth grade classmate (a boy! gasp! obviously thinking of... uhhh... kill her!) or be treated worse than a goat or for people to do on and be done on by the gender of their choice.

Not really funny except in the full on black humor irony department that finds it funny when western female activists get raped and are forced to shut up at least and sometimes they end up converting and having to marry their Palestinian "brothers". Which will also garner far less outrage than pissing off a bull that you then allow to try to kill you.
None of which I really find that funny, except for some reason I do.
Willful ignorance is far worse than stupidity and it's far more dangerous. Just ask the people who go to the North Pole and nearly freeze to death because it's not really warming or the folks who believed in Obama.
Hoist on your own retard is kinda funny.

Posted by: Veeshir at 10:52 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 273 words, total size 2 kb.

September 14, 2010

I Loooooove New York...

NY has the most hilarious politics I've seen anywhere. I love watching them.
The disconnect between NY politicians and accountability, honesty or decency is as jaw-droppingly vast as their contempt for their voters.
So in today's laugh-inducing episode (laugh track not needed), we see everybody's favorite law-breaking mayor of NYC wanting to go all cowboys and Indians on... wait for it..... the Seneca tribe in NY.
NYS, and NYC in particular, have ridiculous taxes on cigs. They're at least $10/pack in NYC and $7+ upstate. So the Indian tribes sell tax-free cigs cuz they're a separate nation and make probably more money than from gambling.
said ... that Gov. David Paterson -- who's trying to rustle up millions in cigarette taxes from the tribes -- should grab "a cowboy hat and a shotgun"

Okay, that's funny. And a good window into why he wants to disarm everybody but the gov't.
What makes it funnier?
Pataki tried this in the 90s. It didn't go so well. 
The Senecas had set a number of bonfires earlier Wednesday night near and on the Thruway, holding off an earlier assault by state police.

They've also been threatening to start charging tolls on the Thruway (that's 90 going from Albany from Buffalo and 87 from Albany to NYC. They're near the Buffalo end on 90.) since Patterson started making noises and going after them for that sweet, sweet tax money.
The best part? The last time no news services really covered it very much. I was in DC at the time and I saw very little of it on CNN.
Now? Foxnews will be all over it.
The worst part? It'll probably be Geraldo and Shep Smith on location.
 Eh, maybe the Indians will take them hostage, cover them in honey, put them in a hole and cover them in fire ants.
I would predict best ratings ever if that happened.
H/T SondraK

Posted by: Veeshir at 12:34 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 324 words, total size 3 kb.

September 06, 2010

I Like Art. Yes I Do

And this is art.

Jane said: “It is a bit like when children use their hands and feet to create individual pieces of pottery, but instead, women can use the shape of their breasts to make a unique ceramic piece.

“Women can then paint a plate, mug or other item of their choice, either with paint brushes or using their breasts.

“It is a tongue-in-cheek fun event, but it will all be done very tastefully and screening will be provided so women can create their breast 
artwork in privacy.

“If some women don’t fancy taking part in breast art, they can just do ordinary pottery and painting.

“Painted ceramics make ideal presents and I’m sure husbands and boyfriends will welcome painted breasts on their work mug!”

Posted by: eddiebear at 10:57 PM | Comments (20) | Add Comment
Post contains 132 words, total size 1 kb.

September 04, 2010

A plastic ball pit too far?

Okay, that's funny.
The FTC sent out a bunch of subpoenas to companies to defend their actions in marketing to kids.
So who did they subpoena? Camel? Parrot Bay Rum? The makers of pink AR-15s?
Chuck-e-Cheese, Yum brands and the marketers of Air Heads and Baby Bottle Pops (candy for those without kids or who never go to a supermarket).
So a restaurant designed for kids can't advertise to kids?

I mean, I understand, Parenting is hard, and when your kids see a commercial for something they want it's hard to say, "No".
So the only answer is to make children's lives so incredibly bleak that they can't whine about all the nice stuff they're not seeing.

Quote of the article.
"We are not proposing any regulation" she said

"Yet" she subvocalized as a "bwa-ahahahahhahaha" escaped her lips.

I may have made up that last part.
Via Cold Fury, dude always harshes my mellow and has for nearly 9 years.

Posted by: Veeshir at 09:56 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 167 words, total size 1 kb.

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